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View Full Version : Where can i buy it!??

Dec 9, 2002, 01:47 PM
I have looked all over the play online and offline and every site says it is discontinued, out of stock, etc.. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

If ANYONE knows of a place in which it IS in stock please let me know!!!

- J

Dec 9, 2002, 02:18 PM
If you're asking about Gamecube Episode 1&2, I got mine from Amazon via UPS ground in 2 or 3 days, I think.

Dec 9, 2002, 03:10 PM
Broadband Adapters can be found at local stores such as Wal-mart. Atleast thats where alot were being found after the initial supply of them from online stores ran out.

GC PSO Episode 1 & 2 can be found in local stores and most likely online stores.


Dec 9, 2002, 03:35 PM
Doesn't anybody know about amazon.com?! They have it in stock.

Dec 9, 2002, 04:21 PM
Ok, I'm sorry if i'm misleading anyone...

1st: I'm looking for the GAME PSO for the GameCube http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif
2nd: I'm aware of Amazon.com and pretty much every other online site that exists that sells it.

If anyone finds a site in which they have them in stock please let me know http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif


Dec 11, 2002, 03:40 AM
Well CostCo has tem in stock BUT they can get it to you about the same time Amazon (7-10 days) can so, good luck.

Does anyone know the reason for this, I've been told this game has been Discontinued till may for the keyboard, BBA shortage troubles and myriad of other reasons. Is it simply a popular game and tis the holiday season?

Note that I too am having problems getting this game...
I have 2 on order, 1 from Amazon and 1 from CostCo...though Amazon should be cancelled... >_< I'd be willing to sell the game when I get it...

Dec 11, 2002, 02:22 PM
try www.ebgames.com

Dec 11, 2002, 02:56 PM
On 2002-12-11 11:22, harmfulcow wrote:
try www.ebgames.com

It's on back order there.

Here are the sites that I have looked for it, only to either find it not in stock, back ordered, or not there at all.

mysimon.com (and all the subsequent sites it gave me)

Keep in mind, all of those sites do not have it in stock. If you see any sites that were missed that might have PSO in stock, list them.

Dec 11, 2002, 03:24 PM
PSO has been discontinued for a while now. And no one truly knows why. There's a lot of specualtion out there, but for now PS 1&2 (GC) has been recalled. When it is brought back out the websites will tell you. Most likely cube.ign.com and http://www.gamespot.com will report it in their news section. You just gotta have patience. I'm waiting 2 months or more for my Xbox version.

Dec 11, 2002, 03:29 PM
Wow, I did'nt know it this far. All those sites and stores, ugh.

I'll have to look around the local stores here, not many people game here but the stores tend to get alot of stuff in that only gets bought by a minority of people.

Dec 11, 2002, 03:36 PM

PSO Recall Rumors

Hey IGN! My mom recently called up this store (Gamesstop)to see if they had Phantasy Star Online for the Gamecube. He said it was short lived and that it was pulled off the production line. That there not making anymore. Is it true? This is impossible right? I haven't heard a THING about this.

Fran responds: As we addressed in a news story a while back, this is all bogus. There is simply a shortage. Sega didn't develop the game for years to have it sell for only a few weeks and recall it. It's just in demand and Sega apparently hasn't shipped enough. Just keep looking, and when you finally get online look for Matt and I on server Daneb 9. I imagine we'll be hanging out there a lot more in 2003.

Dec 11, 2002, 03:41 PM
If you're in California a lot of the probelm is due to the dock strikes that happened a while ago. The products are backed up still. I guarantee that SEGA is doing all that they can to get more available and in your hot little hands before Christmas.

I mean you have $50... SEGA wants your $50. I think it's pretty much a done deal!

Dec 11, 2002, 04:44 PM
Game stops there the best oh yes its true thats where i got mine

Dec 11, 2002, 05:50 PM
I ordered the US verison of PSO Gamecube from a UK importer, and they cant get hold of stock either, the PAL release is rumoured to be around march time, and im anout to cancell muy order and get an X-box, then the gamecube later ( instead of the other way round)

Dec 11, 2002, 06:17 PM
Problem: I want to play PSO online now.

Solution 1: GC. GC version is in short supply. BBA is in very short supply. Good luck finding both PSO and a BBA.

Solution 2: Xbox. Xbox version isn't out, and they do not want to tell anybody when it WILL be out in the U.S. Sit and wait.

Solution 3: DC. I cannot get online with my Dreamcast, and the DC servers are going down soon anyway.

Solution 4: Go cry in a corner.

Dec 11, 2002, 07:22 PM
Ya, PSO is hella hard to find, i check Wal-Mart for a good month along with all the other stores around town. I finally got a chance to go to Little Rock and Electronic Boutique had it. And from what i hear the DC PSO servers arent going down, its just the other DC servers that are.

Dec 11, 2002, 08:37 PM
Well, I have the modem...I'll have to buy the BBA whenI go back to school... and NO game *hugs around to peeps who can't get the game??* Misery loves company..

I too want to be online right now...because being LVL 1 isn't fun...

Note: CostCo too is out of stock...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Maverynthia on 2002-12-11 17:45 ]</font>

Dec 12, 2002, 05:19 PM
On 2002-12-11 14:50, Rich_T wrote:
I ordered the US verison of PSO Gamecube from a UK importer, and they cant get hold of stock either, the PAL release is rumoured to be around march time, and im anout to cancell muy order and get an X-box, then the gamecube later ( instead of the other way round)

i ordered my import PSO a week or so ago and the mail order company were more then happy to credit my credit card and then have the nerve to tell me i'd have to wait, and that an order cancellation would result in me still having to pay for the "messing them about" costs. so i'm stuck playing the waiting game...