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View Full Version : The unification war...

Apr 13, 2007, 08:11 AM
and how deadly was it?

According to the story the parum humans were a thriving race before they started making other races and can be speculated they were still going the same until the war.

Now if we apply the fact that they also say that humans were going through the same stages as we have gone through... This implies their population was well over 10billion humans.

Now during the current age it is said that there is only 1.81 billion people, humans, newmans, beasts, and casts. So i have to ask...just how deadly really was the 500 year war...it seems to be downplayed immensely for how many people died during it.

Apr 13, 2007, 08:24 AM
I can only guess but a lot of times, after such a major event, sometimes the best thing can be to just forgive and forget. If everyone was still mad at eachother after the death of 8 billion or so I would imagine that the remaining 2 would realize what a big mistake this was. Resulting in all sorts of peace treaties, if not they just would have killed eachother to extinction. And probobly becoming just some sort of social taboo to bring up considering all that happened. Anyway thats my stab at it.

Apr 13, 2007, 08:40 AM
It didn't seem to me they regard it a small thing. It feels more like a fundamental change, which it was. They seem aware of it. Maybe humans are just tired of being the ones at fault http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Apr 13, 2007, 09:56 AM
Well, war does lead to a lot of deaths. That many though... who knows. There may have been other limiting factors, such as their culture six centuries ago more inclined towards smaller families leading to a limited birth rate in the first place, etc.

As to why it's not brought up a whole lot, remember that it was over 100 years ago. Many, basically, got over it in that amount of time. The ones that didn't? They've probably died off by now. CASTs, who live much longer, don't typically hold grudges, either.

Apr 13, 2007, 10:22 AM
On 2007-04-13 07:56, A2K wrote:
CASTs, who live much longer, don't typically hold grudges, either.

Speak for yourself....I was programmed to do so.

Friggin' Meatbags.


Apr 13, 2007, 02:40 PM
Well considering that the 10bil number is a number they would have reached by about 1300 BA and the war started in 500 BA... that's 800 more years for them to keep rising. Even if we don't count it exponentially and just say every 50years is 4bil more people that makes 74billion people... and that's not counting any other race... Who could simply not talk about 73billion+ people dying as a result of a war.

i mean WW1 was about 100 years ago and we still talk about it...sure it's a lot less severe, but it's still talked about.