View Full Version : FSOD...when does it happen to you usually?

Dec 10, 2002, 04:07 AM
Alot of people have constantly talked about FSOD problems, My question is when are you usually FSOD'd?

Dec 10, 2002, 04:22 AM
its happened several time to me in the last few weeks.

once when trying to create/join a game (forget which).

but mostly when im flipping around in some menue screen and someone joins a game. thats what happened the last few times:/

(as i posted in the other FSOD topic): can your items be saved?

**will unplugging the cable from the modem d/c you from the server and auto-save your game?**

i havent tried this since someone reminded me of it a few days ago...i will try it next time i FSOD (hopefully NEVER AGIN!!!>:(

Dec 10, 2002, 09:58 AM
Will a soft reset work when FSOD happens.

As for the Poll, it only ever happens when changing lobbies or sometimes when joining a game-always accompanied with this annoying buzzing sound.

Dec 10, 2002, 11:27 AM
I've got it about five or six times while changing lobbies. It's not really that bad, just make sure you deposit all your important stuff into your bank and keep only one weapon or mag equipped. You'll only lose unequipped items, so you can always just repurchase fluids and what not.

Besides the lobby FSOD, I've only got one other FSOD and that was when taking a telepipe that I made back down to an area. Happened like immediately as soon as I hit the button to take the pipe back down. *shrug* It surprised the hell out of me, and I thought my character was going to be corrupted but it wasn't.

I'm not really scared of FSOD though, since only unequipped items are lost, but I think that the FSOD bug should have been fixed before the Gamecube version was released. I'm not sure what the issue is, PC PSO doesn't have the FSOD bug at all. I was scared when I got the FSOD after taking a telepipe, since it prepares to save your character at the end, but then again the FSOD happened even before the little animation for taking the pipe. Screen went black and then the little car horn sound happened.


Alena Zouryx
Dec 10, 2002, 12:31 PM
My FSOD's are usually caused by the stupid Photon Chair glitch.

C'mon Sonic Team!! Help us out here!!!! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

Dec 10, 2002, 12:45 PM
Alena, you might find this interesting


Dec 10, 2002, 01:03 PM
It only happened to me once so far, when I was switching lobbies.

Dec 10, 2002, 01:25 PM
Great...because of this, I'm now officially paranoid about playing online.

Looks like I'll be equipping only one weapon at a time. Everytime I go online, get into a lobby, switch lobbies, switch ships, telepipe up or down, I'll always have that Demo Comet equipped. If I have a second weapon, it'll be one that I won't mind losing, like a Rappy fan or something.

Hmm...was I supposed to have fun playing this game?

Dec 10, 2002, 06:35 PM
It happened to me when exiting a game and entering a lobby the first time I got online. I had just got a modem adapter and got online with my lv.32 charcter that I lved up while offline. I thought, "Oh great im going have to redo my whole character" So in panic, I got on my computer and researched the problems of this and what to do, the only thing I found was to just reset and lose unequped items. Now before I got on the computer I waited for around 15-20 minutes after pulling out my internet cable, it never did anything though, you may just have to wait longer to auto-save though, but I doubt it. As for me I lost all my good weps cept for my very best one which I had equiped, which is fine to me really.

So now, im only going to equip what I need and leave the rest in my bank, thats really all you can do so far...