View Full Version : What's this? I have yet another problem?!

Apr 17, 2007, 07:24 PM
Here we go, another problem I can't resolve on my own. And yet again, it has something to deal with school.

I've no clue how this happened, but it did. After a certain point into the fourth grading period, the motivation I once boasted that kept me afloat in school has completely dissolved.

Instead of doing the work ASAP, I now tend to question the assignment. "Is it necessary to copy down a section from the book, only to turn it in and never get it back?" And if it isn't questionable, just long, there's a 50% chance I'll just say, "Screw it," and take a nap.

I was a dedicated worker. Now the laziness within my personal life has permeated into my work ethics. Is it just me, or is there something wrong?

To me, it just seems like, after 11 years, I was robbed of my optimism and motivation.

Apr 17, 2007, 07:36 PM
Well, if you're just coping information down, and not understanding the concept of it, then you're not learning anything.

All your work will not be true, even if you get it back and it doens't look bad, you should do the work and only copy to check if you have the right answers.

Apr 17, 2007, 07:40 PM
Allot of people get tired of school and get distanced from it.

However if you want to live on your own someday, you'll get your motivation back.

Apr 17, 2007, 08:10 PM
On 2007-04-17 17:40, Nani-chan wrote:
However if you want to live on your own someday, you'll get your motivation back.

I honestly don't think so. In fact, I've recently started to rethink my plans for the future. Instead of going to college, I'm gonna go live with my dad for a year or two (three at most, but that's pushing it), get a shit-job and save money, whilst investing in stocks and putting the rest of my money in a savings account.

Afterwards, I attempt to get a job as a postal worker (minimum of $20 an hour as starting pay) and move into a studio apartment with the money I made with the stocks and savings (I realise I may not make anything with the stocks). If my personal life continues as it does, I won't have to worry about spending anything else for dates and such, so that's a load off of my mind.

Assuming studio apartments go from $500 to $1000 a month, I'll have $2200 to $2700 (I know, taxes will subtract from this, as well) leftover, more than enough for me to survive on my own.

The only reason I wish not to go to college is one simple fact: I've looked at several people with degrees of all sorts, and a good majority of them either loathe their jobs, make about the same money that other, "no-degree-necessary" jobs, make, or they simply end up with a job that doesn't require the use of their degree. I am NOT gonna waste four years of my life studying for a crap-job with low pay and no benefits.

Am I pessimistic? Yes. Is this a lifestyle to be proud of? No. But, goddammit, kids like me shouldn't have to worry about shit like this. I was exposed to too much shit, and I just wanna avoid all the trouble and hassle. I've gone through enough shit in my life, why try to make it any more troublesome?

Apr 19, 2007, 07:50 PM
I'm not going to college for the money.

Apr 19, 2007, 07:59 PM
On 2007-04-19 17:50, Solstis wrote:
I'm not going to college for the money.

I have to ask the retarded question: so then, why are you going to college?

Apr 19, 2007, 08:04 PM
On 2007-04-19 17:59, Ma_Navu wrote:

On 2007-04-19 17:50, Solstis wrote:
I'm not going to college for the money.

I have to ask the retarded question: so then, why are you going to college?

To learn. Odd, eh? Too bad that my university is dedicated to profit.

Really wish that I had gone to New College, now.

Apr 19, 2007, 08:04 PM
Yeah, I got that mindstate when my grade 8 teacher showed me that school is a big waste of personal time. >.>

Apr 19, 2007, 08:22 PM
On 2007-04-19 18:04, Solstis wrote:
To learn. Odd, eh? Too bad that my university is dedicated to profit.

Really wish that I had gone to New College, now.

Learnin', eh? Well, I could sorta understand that. If I actually knew what I really, truly wanted to do for a living, I'd probably go to college for the same reason. But, I honestly don't want to spend money that my family doesn't have just so I can screw around, trying to "figure myself out".

If I end up changing my mind about college later, I'll just go to a community college like I had originally planned. I mean, you can apply for those colleges at any time right?

Apr 20, 2007, 11:34 AM
Just don't wait too long, or you'll go into super-apathy mode. I do know a few transfer students, so it can't be too bad of a plan.

Apr 20, 2007, 12:13 PM
Wow, after a full day of free time (AKA staring at the clear sky for an hour or so), I feel refreshed and invigorated. Due to this, I was able to work out a few kinks from my plan. It's basically this:

1. Finish high school.

2. Move into my dad's apartment, and get a job in the postal service.

3. Work for about a year to a year and a half, earning enough to properly pay for college (Total amount saved should be more or less $57,000, excluding the taxes and such-- so,
probably $30,000 - $40,000?)

4. Go to a community college (if money's needed, keep working in the postal service).

5. If allowed to, spend about 1 or 2 months at my father's after college, to find and save up enough money for a studio apartment. If the money's already at hand, then the problem only lies in finding one, most likely reducing the time needed in half.

6. Find a proper job (preferably one that I won't loathe, and my degree can allow me to obtain).

I hope that all goes according to plan, because if it doesn't, I can expect things to go awry, like it did for my father when he was my age. He was doing everything right, except for college, as he had no money for it, but he got married. His finances were flushed down the drain since my mom at the time was an impulse buyer, and her parents and brother lived with them. And my uncle was a dumbass, spending my father's money to try building shit outside the house. After the divorce 13 years later, it took my father til the age of 47 to actually get back to the point in his life where he can actually afford to do things. That is the main reason why I have a fear of being in financial debt and being committed to a relationship-- if she ducks out on me, taking my money with her, I'll be fucked for about twenty years.

By the way, thanks for the help, Solstis. If it weren't for that last comment, I'd probably still be unsure if my plan was feasible.

Apr 20, 2007, 03:55 PM
My thing is though, I have no idea what the Postal Service is looking for in an employee. I would definitely have a back-up job dealie.

Apr 20, 2007, 04:20 PM
Eh, you're right. I gotta find a back-up. I just hope I could find a job somewhere that isn't a convenience store (AKA Publix). From what I've seen, the pay is garbage and the benefits aren't that great. The only one worthwhile would be dental, but that's just a "once a year" dealie.