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Apr 17, 2007, 11:20 PM

1. a widely known person; "he was a baseball celebrity"
2. the state or quality of being widely honored and acclaimed

in other words...what i said holds true and all your banter thus far outside of a few post are all rather idiotic and show the lack of your knowledge of words.

widely ambiguous term as some may consider 50 widely known while others may consider 2billion the minimum. You have to argue that while local bands are celebrities they aren't known by say the entire state or the entire country or world and thus rank lower on the celebrity hierarchy.

You also must realize that there are certain things that can only measured against and within the specific community or communities. If you look at competitive gaming there are known people could be considered celebrities, but if you go outside the competitive gaming scene noone knows who they are.

Of course those rank on the order slightly less than most, but you can gather those together to heighten the rank of celebrity status. Such as myself who could be considered decently known on a number of games and scenes which automatically would put me higher than most people on a single game.

Celebrity status has nothing to do with how exactly you became known...

There are people that aren't accomplished in any way shape or form, but are simply known...such as Parn and Ryu20...

while then there are those are known by what they do for the communities they are involved in... such as ryna, barbrubary (or whatever his name is), jonathanF, itsuki, and espiokaos.

Then there are people like me who are known through being around a long time more so than what they have done.

There are also people that are celebrities based completely on what they have or do do...such as mitsunari ryuki and myself

Like i said though not every single one of those names, including mine, can be classed a higher ranking celebrities they are still considered celebrities based on the definition and the size ratio of people who know of them.

as far as orders of celebrity

I'd place barbruary at the top as the #1 celebrity of PSU, though he is forgotten more so now adays he has influenced and changed the course of this game forever as well as several others.

JonF if I remember right would prolly be second to him as if i remember right he's involved with other games and such and has been a source of info for a very long time on PSO, but less so on PSU ^.^

I'd prolly rate myself next on this list not so much because I've achieved any great deal of fame in general per scene i'm in, but merely the number of scenes i am in and where i see i rank in all of them... it adds up and makes a lot more people actually know who i am which would raise my overall status >.> Myself and the 2 above will prolly continue to gather higher statuses over longer periods of time... this being the case more than likely they will continue gaining until they leave all the scenes they are in, and even not then will all of it go away ^.^

Next would prolly be Ryna cuz of PSO-W...unfortunately the other mods are fairly unknown ^.^

next would be Itsuki, EspioKaos, and a few others i can't remember because of pure contributions to the overall community, known or otherwise which actually runs most of them.

Mewn, Shimarisu, and those involved with PSUpedia as most of them are unknown (outside of people that are hated for whatever reason) but PSUpedia is known and so it gives them fame. This one and the 2 paragraphs above will retain their celebrity status until PSU/PSO dies.

Next would be Parn and those like him that aren't known in any other scene (at least to my knowledge) but are cross-platform known in and out of forums. He'll prolyl be pretty well known for a bit of time but but for the entire course of the game.

Then there are those who are known for being good players, being bad players, staying in one location all day, finding something first, or having something or other. More or less these people are those who will be forgotten over the long term while most of the above will be remembered for much longer periods of time as people change and so do trends.

Everyone else in celebrity status is not celebrity in any way...and all the stupid shyt said about "we're all famous to someone" is idiotic and comes from the "everyone is special" crap that is fucking up our world. Fame is gained by knowing people that are famous, doing something notable, or just being known by a number of people that could be considered a relatively large amount for the context to which it is being used in to a reasonably thinking person...

ok i just wasted too much time typing that to let it go to waste...you can lock now http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Apr 17, 2007, 11:28 PM
Said it before and I'll say it again, the entire IG clan (mainly Nugz) and Ryu20 are pretty much the only "celebrities". Some Infamous players were banned from BB before doing anything simply because of their name being associated with past occurrences/hackings.

Apr 17, 2007, 11:33 PM
Wow That Was A Long Post That I Started To Take Interest & Subsiquently Scrolled Through...

Apr 18, 2007, 12:57 AM
lol no nee d to point out things. I keep a very low profile and i know less than half the names you stated

Apr 18, 2007, 01:02 AM
Sounds like more e-peen-stroking propaganda to me son.

Apr 18, 2007, 01:03 AM
I know noone you just said. Don't really care to either I guess. My guild (organization) Lack of Respect had over 900 members on Anarchy Online does that make me a celebrity? Our guild on WoW has 550. Long live LoR!

Apr 18, 2007, 01:16 AM
On 2007-04-17 22:57, Mio wrote:
lol no nee d to point out things. I keep a very low profile and i know less than half the names you stated

that's impressive to say the least... considering most if not all of the names are where all your info comes from. You'd have to like totally ignore most of if not the entire history of PSO/PSU to not know most of those names.

Apr 18, 2007, 01:29 AM
On 2007-04-17 21:28, Umberger wrote:
Said it before and I'll say it again, the entire IG clan (mainly Nugz) and Ryu20 are pretty much the only "celebrities". Some Infamous players were banned from BB before doing anything simply because of their name being associated with past occurrences/hackings.

You forgot about... Broomop.

Apr 18, 2007, 01:37 AM
just to let you know I wasn't imitating Ethan Waber just liked the quote, sheesh Parn

Apr 18, 2007, 01:38 AM
On 2007-04-17 23:16, DurakkenX wrote:

On 2007-04-17 22:57, Mio wrote:
lol no nee d to point out things. I keep a very low profile and i know less than half the names you stated

that's impressive to say the least... considering most if not all of the names are where all your info comes from. You'd have to like totally ignore most of if not the entire history of PSO/PSU to not know most of those names.

But that's the truth. I know by names Itsuki, Shimarisu ( for the trolling ), Ryuki ( meet him in game ) and Rena ( PSOW moderator ). That's 4.

Apr 18, 2007, 01:40 AM
I would say my top PSU celebrity to be are Tomeeboy and Ryu20.

They've been known for both PSO DC- PSU. So props for them for being such
great contenders in the public through various means. ;D

Apr 18, 2007, 01:42 AM
This topic lacks me.

Apr 18, 2007, 01:51 AM
http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif coughselfproclaimedextramodekingwithunlimitedsuper powercoughcough http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Apr 18, 2007, 04:01 AM
The only celebrities in this game are..
Ethan Waber
Laia Martinez
Karen Erra
Hyuga Ryght
Maya Shidow

Also, if Ryu20 was on PSO DC he also was on PSO Xbox.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Raysa on 2007-04-18 02:03 ]</font>

Apr 18, 2007, 04:30 AM
I recognize Mewn and Ryu20. I met and play with the former (often recently) and just notice the later (check on him every now and then to make sure he's still there).

I haven't seen or heard any of the other names. Why? They're not full of themselves? They don't see themselves as celebreties? They don't need to stroke epeens?

Healthy people don't obsess over a video game, it's histories or it's mechanics. They play because they enjoy it in moderation. We call these gamers. These are what I'm guessing to be about half of the population of those that play games as a whole. There are those who put in more time than the average player, research strategies and look out for favorable conditions, research/keep-up with back-story, form organizations and strive for advantages. These gamers are 'hardcore'. These make up less than that other half. Then there are these twinked psychotics who're going to wind up cold and alone with arthritis when they're 25 because they're spending every free second on some computer game that has no real-world value. These gamers fall under the illusion that they are some 'elite' class to be respected and/or feared.

No more self-lovin' please. It's disgusting to watch.

Apr 18, 2007, 04:37 AM

Apr 18, 2007, 04:40 AM
Kerschweiser wins this thread.

Apr 18, 2007, 05:00 AM
Popularity is highly overrated.

Apr 18, 2007, 05:01 AM
paris hilton is a celebrity. david hasselhoff is, too.

Apr 18, 2007, 05:03 AM
I stopped reading when I came upon the line in which you referred to yourself as a celebrity. I almost got the feeling that the only purpose you had for writing this post was so you could post "I'm a PSU celebrity!" where everyone would see and to try and convince people that have no clue who you are that you're special. :/

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Kaloa on 2007-04-18 03:04 ]</font>

Apr 18, 2007, 05:04 AM
thought the same thing

also thought it was pretty lame to start off with a definition. should maybe look up 'people skills' or something.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: APEXi on 2007-04-18 03:06 ]</font>

Apr 18, 2007, 05:38 AM
On 2007-04-18 02:30, Kerschweiser wrote:
I haven't seen or heard any of the other names. Why?

I have a problem with people like this simply because you are in my opinion dis-respecting those who provide you with up to date information at least in the case of say EspioKaos who's name is on probably 1/2 the news on the front page... and Itsuki's name has been on nearly AoI topic with valid information for the last month. Not recognizing those names and not posting here would be understandable as the information is often disassociated with the people who have provided it, but when you are posting here I gotta say there has to be something wrong with you when you don't realize that a name continuously brings you reliable information that you would otherwise not have. It's like if you go to a job and you do much better quality over someone else, but never getting recognize for it. You'd be furious if it kept happening to you and not recognizing that type of thing is a sign of bad social skills.

You can take that as insulting as you wish.

Healthy people don't obsess over a video game, it's histories or it's mechanics. They play because they enjoy it in moderation.

It matters your definition of obsess. I love to learn just about everything I can about a game's history, science, and mechanics. And when creating stories and such I go deep into details to a degree that most just would consider odd. Just like everything though there is are various levels and some levels are just not as acceptable in certain circumstances as are others.

A good example of that would be if I'm playing a game and someone dies without a scape i may twitch a bit cuz i view that as just rude, BUT I'm not going to kick someone because of that even though that would be considered completely alright even though that's obsessive.

But then you throw out that those that play too much or know too much about a game designates them as a loser and obsessive, when in most cases this teaches a lot and lets you figure out things that you would otherwise not be able to.

A rational person would see that the first is over-obsessive, rude, and leads to hostility between the parties, while the latter could be a worthwhile pursuit that could lead to discussion of valid worth, but to the common person, against common sense, the former is consider the more healthy and the second the act of someone who is socially inept.

I dunno about you, but this seems strange...

Anyways, I've gone from the OT... The point I was making more so than anything is that there are celebrities, but they are of varying degrees of which are a bit harder to designate over a common player for the most part. And also "fleeting" celebrity status is very fast in games...Anyone remember the first lvl 200 on PSO or how bout the original anti-hacker hacker group in PSO DCv1? I highly doubt most if any will remember those.

Apr 18, 2007, 05:39 AM
On 2007-04-18 02:01, Raysa wrote:
The only celebrities in this game are..
Ethan Waber
Laia Martinez
Karen Erra
Hyuga Ryght
Maya Shidow

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Raysa on 2007-04-18 02:03 ]</font>


Apr 18, 2007, 05:42 AM
On 2007-04-18 03:03, Kaloa wrote:
I stopped reading when I came upon the line in which you referred to yourself as a celebrity. I almost got the feeling that the only purpose you had for writing this post was so you could post "I'm a PSU celebrity!" where everyone would see and to try and convince people that have no clue who you are that you're special. :/

I am special ^.^ I know the proper definition unlike most people apparently >.> If I was biased I wouldn't include shim, mewn, or rubyeclipse... all of which people know i don't like very much.

Apr 18, 2007, 05:45 AM
On 2007-04-18 03:40, DikkyRay wrote:
Oh, (double post olo!)
Who the hell cares who "Celebrities" Are?
Seriously Durak, that wa an opinion thread. No eed to show ofr anyones e-peen as someone stated before

I'm bored, I'm trying to fall asleep, and I don't like idiotic statements made that come from the poor parental skills and educational system v.v

The question was "what make a celebrity" it's not an opinion thread when there is a clear and distinct definition as to what it is that can be expounded upon.

Apr 18, 2007, 05:52 AM
having a widespread reputation, usually of a favorable nature; renowned. being famous, or of celebrity status would come from many people saying one person is a celebrity. not one person saying a few people are celebrities
greater than sign, period, greater than sign

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: APEXi on 2007-04-18 03:54 ]</font>

Apr 18, 2007, 06:07 AM
On 2007-04-18 03:52, APEXi wrote:
having a widespread reputation, usually of a favorable nature; renowned. being famous, or of celebrity status would come from many people saying one person is a celebrity. not one person saying a few people are celebrities
greater than sign, period, greater than sign

obviously if a large number of people can say you are a celebrity you must already be one because a large number of people know you. Knowing of the things you did also falls under that. Just because most people don't know who such and such a scientist is doesn't mean their not a celebrity scientist...it means that people are ignorant of the knowledge of who is responsible for that which you already accept as being something that would make them renown.

The number of people claiming someone is a celebrity and the actual celebrity status of a person is only a single correlation...not an absolute.

And your statement is also incorrect as "celebrity" status is often given... If I'm famous and I say someone else is worthy of fame implied by an action or a statement then that person will most likely be considered or become famous just by the fact that the famous person has said something about them. It's just how the human psychology works.

Apr 18, 2007, 06:15 AM
what'd you call my mother? anyway, i win, im going to sleep first

Apr 18, 2007, 06:18 AM
On 2007-04-18 04:15, APEXi wrote:
what'd you call my mother? anyway, i win, im going to sleep first

I called your momma a card board box...and we all know what snake likes to do with them.

Apr 18, 2007, 06:19 AM
ah, no fair i really was about to go to bed. im super cereal!

Apr 18, 2007, 06:22 AM
if they have a rappy suit.. coming sometime whenever. they should seriously consider having a cardboard box suit.

Apr 18, 2007, 06:37 AM
Just for the record you're all screenames with pictures on a forum, and I have no care for any of you. So yeah, try to be a celebrity with that. I'm sure most share my view http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif.

Apr 18, 2007, 06:39 AM
Durakken, seriously. Give it a rest. This topic is ridiculous. I'm surprised it hasn't been FKL'D yet cause it could sure use some awesomeness.

I feel embarresed for you just reading this topic. There was another topic like this that ended up being locked for good reasons. Yet you decided to re-make the topic under a more dubious premise. For real man, stop.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: AC9breaker on 2007-04-18 04:40 ]</font>

Apr 18, 2007, 06:51 AM
On 2007-04-18 04:39, AC9breaker wrote:
Durakken, seriously. Give it a rest. This topic is ridiculous. I'm surprised it hasn't been FKL'D yet cause it could sure use some awesomeness.

I feel embarresed for you just reading this topic. There was another topic like this that ended up being locked for good reasons. Yet you decided to re-make the topic under a more dubious premise. For real man, stop.

actually it was posted on that topic but it was locked before i hit submit ^.^ which took like way too long to type

but anyways reasons why i respond to this type of thing
#1) boredom
#2) slight insomnia
#3) annoyance with stupidity
#4) OCD for correcting stupidity ^.^

Seriously... I have perfectionist issues. It goes throughout my family. Lesson #1 when you are asked to help with something in my family you will most likely be waiting a very long time for the person who asked your help to explain it and when you do it they will redo it thus making your help completely pointless.

Also you assume I'm speaking rationally or that what I'm saying well stated or that I actually believe what I am typing.

Remember I'm the guy who believes Bananas are the greatest things in the universe!

Apr 18, 2007, 06:51 AM
On 2007-04-18 03:45, DurakkenX wrote:

On 2007-04-18 03:40, DikkyRay wrote:
Oh, (double post olo!)
Who the hell cares who "Celebrities" Are?
Seriously Durak, that wa an opinion thread. No eed to show ofr anyones e-peen as someone stated before

I'm bored, I'm trying to fall asleep, and I don't like idiotic statements made that come from the poor parental skills and educational system v.v

The question was "what make a celebrity" it's not an opinion thread when there is a clear and distinct definition as to what it is that can be expounded upon.

If you don't want to hear idiotic statements then don't start idiotic threads. Just a thought.

Apr 18, 2007, 06:53 AM
hey hey I didn't start it i just restarted it http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Apr 18, 2007, 06:53 AM

Apr 18, 2007, 11:14 AM
On 2007-04-18 02:30, Kerschweiser wrote:
I recognize Mewn and Ryu20. I met and play with the former (often recently) and just notice the later (check on him every now and then to make sure he's still there).

I haven't seen or heard any of the other names. Why? They're not full of themselves? They don't see themselves as celebreties? They don't need to stroke epeens?

Healthy people don't obsess over a video game, it's histories or it's mechanics. They play because they enjoy it in moderation. We call these gamers. These are what I'm guessing to be about half of the population of those that play games as a whole. There are those who put in more time than the average player, research strategies and look out for favorable conditions, research/keep-up with back-story, form organizations and strive for advantages. These gamers are 'hardcore'. These make up less than that other half. Then there are these twinked psychotics who're going to wind up cold and alone with arthritis when they're 25 because they're spending every free second on some computer game that has no real-world value. These gamers fall under the illusion that they are some 'elite' class to be respected and/or feared.

No more self-lovin' please. It's disgusting to watch.

Yeowch! Zing of the day!


Apr 18, 2007, 11:34 AM
A black hole of self-satisfaction appears!

Apr 18, 2007, 11:35 AM
I usually hate topics like this, but you make some good points, Its worth recognizing people who contribute so much to the game. For what ever its worth.

I try not to catagorize people in ways like "fame" tho. I more or less just recognize some forum names as being more or less knowlegeable about game info then others.

Apr 18, 2007, 11:40 AM
On 2007-04-18 09:34, Triela wrote:
A black hole of self-satisfaction appears!
FROM tblCelebrities
WHERE Popularity > 9000;

Apr 18, 2007, 12:08 PM
If you have to tell people you're a celebrity then you're probably not...

I have no problem with recognizing people that contribute info to this or any board but celebrity status takes on a life outside of a dictionary meaning... Most people would agree that a celebrity is not only well known but has a body of work that is studied, appreciated, and comparible to others in said field of study/medium, also the person is recognizable to the people involved in said field or a fan/student/member of said field.

An author could make 1000 good books with millions of readers and if nobody knows who they are because they are anonymous or take an assumed name then they cannot be famous, but their pesonna can assume some form of fame.

99% of gamers do not know each other faces/personal info/real names/etc. therefore any form of fame is virtual as is the world we play/escape to. Also celebrity in any field has a measuring stick, I.E. a local band doesn't get local celebrity for having 30 fans, but a bigger local band that tours or has promise would be considered local celebrities. Even then they do not get "Full" celebrity status, just like getting an honorary membership to the police....

There are real video game celebrities, they are on TV, have online and or G4 telvision shows and apearances, and video game mag interviews and are writers, they make video games and build video gameing sites and people aspire to be them and look up to them as a role model of their industry, even a local band has people that look up to them, but how far do we water down celebritie? A school celebrity? A church celebrity? (A singular community church) A neighborhood celebrity?

The people that contribute info and have made guilds and contributed to people having fun are good people and players, but I doubt there are large numbers of people wanting to imulate or idolize anyone on PSU..... No offense to anyone.

As for hackers, cheaters, and well know video game pirates, I would say there are more infamous then famous and not really "celebrities" as they are not generally respected or for the most part really identifiable as most assume anonymity to not have legal isssues or being shunned from the game they are currently playing...

There are good people and well known players/contributers, but unless I see a group of people posting on how great these people are, or even seeing a lot of people posting that they know/love/adore said people, they aren't even arguable celebrities, no offense to anyone. I respect anyone that gives info and people run into and have fun playing with, but I am not ready to roll out the fictional red carpet on a fictional fantasy environment...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: XDeviousX on 2007-04-18 10:10 ]</font>

Apr 18, 2007, 12:15 PM
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