View Full Version : Curse of The SKYLY...

Dec 10, 2002, 01:06 PM
WARNING: The following story may not be suitable for pregnant women, children, and people with heart conditions.

Okay, so, I was doing a tun through the Temple on Very Hard the other day, and I was thinking to myself, "Ya know, I've seen about a million rare Lillies, but not one rare Rappy." Then, next room, I find a Love Rappy! I was so excited. I set the room up so that a Lilly and the Rappy were the only enemies left. Then, I kill the Rappy. 700+ exp. Wow. Now thouroughly excited, I wait anxiously for the little bugger to get back up. After what seemed like five hours, he finally stirs, and I smack him one. He drops a red box. Breathing heavily, I run over to it. A rare weapon. Quickly, i pick it up and equip my newest treasure! It's...a Dragon Slayer... A DRAGON SLAYER!?! Not only did I already have a Dragon Slayer, I just got one off a Hildabear two rooms ago! Now thouroughly disgusted, I press on, feeling all bummed out. Toward the end of Temple 2, I find another one! Oh my god! Again, I kill him and wait, and I get, another red box. I run over, and pick up my shiny, new...Dragon Slayer! Son of a @#$%^! Two Love Rappies in one run, and both drop 0% Dragon Slayers. Then, just to make the perfect cap to the perfect game, Barba Ray drops a sol atomizer. I haven't played the Temple since.

On a side note, I've been doing Ultimate Forest runs lately, hoping for a Dragon Claw, and my Dragon Slayer total is up to nine now.

Dec 10, 2002, 01:15 PM
poor bastard.... thats gotta suck, i'm just getting on hard with my 3 chars and i find a lot of good things.

Dec 10, 2002, 01:19 PM
Every Section ID's got their crappy common rares. Try being an Oran sometime, you'll be up to your neck in Cross Scars and Bloody Arts by the time you get to Ultimate. At least you can pawn off your Slayers for PDrops. The daggers... well... no.

It could always be worse. You could be Redria and be plagued by the Diska of Braveman and Slicer of Assassin. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Dec 10, 2002, 01:21 PM
Keep doing those Ulti runs, they pay off sooner or later. *found Dragon Claw the other night* XD


Dec 10, 2002, 01:32 PM
Try being an Oran sometime, you'll be up to your neck in Cross Scars and Bloody Arts

Ain't that the truth...last three Rares I've found were Bloody Arts (now I'm up to a total of 7)

Well...I guess not the last three...but the three before this last one (Hildebears Head) were Bloody Arts... stupid Daggers X_x

Dec 10, 2002, 01:33 PM
My Viridia RAmarl keeps finding Meteor Smashes and Final Impacts. It's really beginning to frustrate me. I got three Meteor Smashes within half an hour, at one point. It's really frustrating for me since I can't get online, and won't be able to until at least the summer, at the very earliest, so I have to find anything I want to have on my own. Can't trade with anyone but my own characters (well, one of my friends plays, too, and visits sometimes, but I won't see him until after Christmas...)

Dec 10, 2002, 01:43 PM
Every Section ID's got their crappy common rares. Try being an Oran sometime, you'll be up to your neck in Cross Scars and Bloody Arts by the time you get to Ultimate. At least you can pawn off your Slayers for PDrops. The daggers... well... no.

It could always be worse. You could be Redria and be plagued by the Diska of Braveman and Slicer of Assassin.

I was fighting through VHard Ruins. Got to a Chaos Bringer. I cut him down with my Gae Bolg and he dropped a red item. I was like "OMG a C-Bringer's Arm!". I ran over, grabbed it and equipped it.



Just a few days ago...fighting the Sil Dragon. Beat him like a drum. He drops a red item. Run over to pick it up.



At least Dragon Slayers can be traded for something useful...Diskas are worthless because nobody will give you anything for them! I just dumped 3 Diska of Liberator, 1 Slicer of Assassin and a bunch of Laconium Clubs in a newb game because they were taking up valuable space in my bank.

Dec 10, 2002, 01:56 PM
I was fighting through VHard Ruins. Got to a Chaos Bringer. I cut him down with my Gae Bolg and he dropped a red item. I was like "OMG a C-Bringer's Arm!". I ran over, grabbed it and equipped it.



Just a few days ago...fighting the Sil Dragon. Beat him like a drum. He drops a red item. Run over to pick it up.



At least Dragon Slayers can be traded for something useful...Diskas are worthless because nobody will give you anything for them! I just dumped 3 Diska of Liberator, 1 Slicer of Assassin and a bunch of Laconium Clubs in a newb game because they were taking up valuable space in my bank.

Hahaha! My friend and I have this running gag where we drop untekked diskas and daggers in a crowded battle and pretend it was a monster drop so that someone else picks it up. We just laugh our asses off when we see the person get upset because a dagger or diska appeared in their hands.

My other favorite is to drop daggers all over the front of the checkroom counter. That way, my friend can't get to his Check Room inventory without picking up one of my daggers. Dropping them in telepipe portals works too hehe.

So you can't say they're all that useless. They're good for entertainment, if anything. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

BTW, a VHard Chaos Bringer dropped a Bloody Art for me. Go figure.

Dec 10, 2002, 02:55 PM
As much as I would like to trade these stupid buggers away, I don't have a modem yet. It's gotten to the point where I just drop Flowen's Swords and Last Survibors. I may start doing that with these Dragon Slayers too. I'm really starting to get frustrated. I just picked up my fifth Justy on Ultimate.

Dec 10, 2002, 03:02 PM
I did that once dropped a Imperial [ick on forest on dc m8 was like wow rare on forest hehehehehe.

Dec 10, 2002, 03:21 PM
I'd love to find DRAGON SLAYERs... At the least, assuming that you're a HUnter, you're finding something that you can use - The SLAYER is arguably the best 9* weapon you can find; I only have one, and it's my bread & butter weapon for the most part, even on Ultimate mode.

Dec 10, 2002, 04:23 PM
I know exactly what you guys are going through. I don't play online, but my multiplayer buddies are getting tired of me offering them Flowen's(the crap one) and Last Survivors. There was this one time I did a Vhard Ruins run and I found about 15-20 materials, but not one rare. Granted that the materials were cool and all, but you tend to appreciate a good rare more than a material(me anyway). Anyway, I got to Ruins 3 and I was fighting a Chaos Sorcerer. I slayed him with my Flowen's +12, and he drops a red box. Immediately I thought, "ALL RIGHT FINALLY!!!" I run up to the box only see that the box is a SPECIAL WEAPON with a cane icon in the front.................CRAP!!!! It turned out to be a frigg'n Talis that I had to give to my brother cause he's the only Force user amongst my friends(until recently). I was so pissed. THen he does a Ruins run and gets like 3 rares that are just for him. Crap like that is so aggrivating.

Dec 10, 2002, 04:24 PM
Phalanx, what ID are you?

I thought I'd NEVER EVER find Dragon Slayers because of my ID, but Ultimate mode has changed that. Dragon Slayers are almost as common to me as Cross Scars are now.

My theory is that once you get to Ultimate, most 9-star weapons become fair game for any ID. I've been finding a disgusting amount of Slayers, Survivors, Guilty Lights, Custom Rays, and Bravaces lately... which aren't exactly characteristic of my ID.

Any thoughts? Violent reactions?

Dec 10, 2002, 04:27 PM
I'm a HUcaseal, so I can use it. Only problem is, I can't always connect with it in Ultimate. If I could find one with %, that would be cool. For now, I'll stick with my Blizzard Calibur with 35% hit and my Photon Claw.

Dec 10, 2002, 04:31 PM
Dragon slayers, argh, I find those way to often. They aren't bad, but it gets old when you have about 10 of them in your bank. -_- Thats the way skyly is though eh? I started to give DS's away in games now, can't stand to have that many taking up valuable space in my bank.

Dec 10, 2002, 04:47 PM
Well, my level 90 HUcaseal Purple ID has a plethora of Justice x5, L&K x5 and M&A60 x 5. 15 mechs all with booty %'s http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif. SIL Dragons has drop nothing close to be red except 2 L&K's. I was able to find a HildeBear cane. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif ULT Forest

Dec 10, 2002, 06:01 PM
I have a HUmar at lv 45 with Skyly. I hope Skyly isn't that bad in ultimate, is it? So far I have found only flowens, survivors, DB's sabers, a musashi and g-assains blades.

Dec 10, 2002, 06:59 PM
Oh man, I'd have been so incredibly pissed if a Love Rappy gave me ANOTHER friggin' Dragon Slayer. I think I have about 15 frickin' DS in my bank, I'm seriously gonna start selling these 10 meseta pieces of junk if I get any more.
Other crap my poor Skyly has loads of: About 10 Angry Fists from all those El Rappies, about 6 Canes Of Adaman (club, staff, whatever it was), and generally a whole lot of Hunter stuff that my poor FO can't use.
I HAVE found two Dragon Claws however. Keep on fighting Sil Dragon, he'll give one up eventually.

All in all though, I'm really liking Skyly. Even though it's really a HU ID, I've been able to make some sweet trades, and support my HUcaseal a little.

Dec 11, 2002, 01:56 AM
*as spoken by a cranky old man to a youth*
you think thats bad? well in my days on DC PSO, going through ultimate ruins got you anywheres between 10 and 16 chainsawds! and...yeah thats about it. keep in mind chainsawds were completely and utterly useless in ultimate mode then too. the one and only really good item i found was a red sword with 50% dark with my level 127 HUcast.
needless to say when gc pso came 'round i made sure i didnt have skyly id...lol

Dec 11, 2002, 07:55 AM
Actually... A CHAIND SAWD with good % on either a RAcast or RAcaseal was as good as most v2 weapons.

Dec 11, 2002, 08:56 AM
How's this for a kicker, I was currently making a run offline Ultimate with my Purplenum HUmar in Caves 2, I run into a Pouilly Slime, I gapsed for air thinking im gonna get a rare off this red slime, when i finally single him out I kill him and "YES" he certainly does drop an item, but it isnt RED that's for certain. He drops a MIND MATERIAL.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: CorneliusPower on 2002-12-11 05:57 ]</font>

Dec 11, 2002, 10:00 AM
Not surprising. Ultimate enemies have a lower drop ratio than their counterparts in other modes... I believe some are lower than others if the item is more valuable (been hearing AGITO is not common for PINKAL, while almost everyone else usually gets a red box from a Pal Rappy)

Dec 11, 2002, 02:07 PM
I'm a Pinkal -

A Sinow on V Hard dropped me a fake Agito last week.

Dec 11, 2002, 03:05 PM
I guess I was lucky as all hell to have gotten my Demolition Comet the way I did.

I was in Ultimate Caves specifically looking for Mil Lillies. Everytime I found a pair of lillies, I'd ryuker up and down. If I didn't get a Mil by the fiftieth ryuker, I'd kill the bastards and move onto the next room. I did this for three sets of lillies and I was getting REAL tired of the whole thing.

I said to myself, "I'm going to walk into the next room and if I get any rares other than slicers, even if it's a stinking Varista, I'll keep playing. If I don't, I'm gonna ryuker back to Pioneer 2, sell my crap and quit for the night."

So I walked into the room...and what just happens to spawn but a Mil Lilly! Yeehaw lil' doggy! I let it have a few shots from my raygun then I cut it apart with my doublesaber. It dropped a red box. Not daring to believe, I grabbed it and saw it had a little sword icon. I said to myself "this had better not be a &#*@(*% Diska" and equipped it. The weapon appeared in my hand and I was like...what the heck is that? It looked so short, almost like a stick or something.

So I gave it an experimental swing.

W to the 00t! The stick expanded on either side and those uber-cool purple shards appeared! And it even sounded like a doublesaber! I just love the way it looks so non-threatening (unlike, say, a Dragon Slayer) until you use it! I checked my ATP...sheeeit this thing gives +530ATP base! That completely owns the most powerful single-combat weapon I have, which is a Yamato +60, not to mention that the Demo Comet is a doublesaber-type weapon! Then I noticed it had a special attack...curious to find out, I tried it on a Pan Arms and I find out, to my pleasant surprise, that it either halves or quarters HP! Needless to say, the rest of the night was spent playing with it.

Dec 11, 2002, 03:11 PM
There is hope. It just takes patients. Got a yaskminkov 3000 in ulti mines offline with my greenhill, a frozen shooter offline ultimate with my purplenum which has since been converted into a snow queen. Found a Guardwave off a pal rappy doing the pipe trick in Fake in Yellow. Spy found a yaskminkov 3000 that droped in one of my games. He's also gotten a spread needle in the jungle.

Those rares are out there. It just takes some time...

Dec 11, 2002, 03:52 PM
I am so tired of discas of liberator with my redria that I just leave them when I find them. If I kept them I would have 30 in the bank. But at least my skyly found a graviton plate and a s-beats arms last night. I am playing multiple IDs to maximize my rare finds.

Dec 11, 2002, 04:45 PM
On 2002-12-10 10:43, Elusive_Llama wrote:

Every Section ID's got their crappy common rares. Try being an Oran sometime, you'll be up to your neck in Cross Scars and Bloody Arts by the time you get to Ultimate. At least you can pawn off your Slayers for PDrops. The daggers... well... no.

It could always be worse. You could be Redria and be plagued by the Diska of Braveman and Slicer of Assassin.

I was fighting through VHard Ruins. Got to a Chaos Bringer. I cut him down with my Gae Bolg and he dropped a red item. I was like "OMG a C-Bringer's Arm!". I ran over, grabbed it and equipped it.



Just a few days ago...fighting the Sil Dragon. Beat him like a drum. He drops a red item. Run over to pick it up.



At least Dragon Slayers can be traded for something useful...Diskas are worthless because nobody will give you anything for them! I just dumped 3 Diska of Liberator, 1 Slicer of Assassin and a bunch of Laconium Clubs in a newb game because they were taking up valuable space in my bank.

Diska's are my curse, they are my cross to bear.

I find LOTS of Hildeblues. I've seen maybe seven in my short time on PSO. Have they dropped ANYTHING but diskas? NO! I've gotten better stuff off of BOOMAS.

Oh well... S-ranks are coming... S-ranks are coming... S-ranks are coming...

Dec 12, 2002, 12:22 AM
I've gone from level 89 to level 97 looking for this stinking claw, and still nothing. I have plenty of Angry Fists, Justies, and Dragon Slayers now, though. I'm beginning to wonder if I shouldn't go on to caves, try Temple, or just level up my HUnewearl? Ah well, at least I've gotten to the point where I can kill the Sil Dragon with my Rappy Fan before he has a chance to tunnel under the ground.

Dec 12, 2002, 02:08 AM
i have that redria curse....damm i hate it...wish i could find dragon slayers ....lol....any one want a diska ?

Dec 12, 2002, 09:24 AM
I swear, as soon as I get a modem, I'm having a yard sale on Dragon Slayers. I will gladly releive some of you of your Disca of Braveman's and Cross Scars and such, seeing as how I can't find a single one.

Dec 12, 2002, 10:52 AM
That's odd ... Skyly love rappies drop heart of powm on ultimate. Was this on vhard?

Dec 12, 2002, 10:52 AM
I'd be happy to give you a Diska of Braveman in exchange for a Dragon Slayer. God knows I find these things when I least want them...

Dec 12, 2002, 12:20 PM
Yup. I'd like a Heart of Poumn for my HUnewearl, but I'm afraid if I ever see another Love Rappy, I'll grad it by the legs and bash it against the wall over and over and to hell with what it drops.

Dec 12, 2002, 12:52 PM
OMG i wish i was cursed like that