View Full Version : best trap combos

Apr 22, 2007, 01:22 AM
What are the best trap combos? ones that work well together.

I like using Virus then Freeze afterwards. It is especailly effective on Jarbas.

Apr 22, 2007, 01:33 AM
i use the virus trap then switch to the explosive and start running around to explode the enemies...

Apr 22, 2007, 01:36 AM
Burn and Damage, on Gol Dolva.

Poison/Virus and Freeze, on groups of big enemies, like Tenghog and Jarba.

Silence and Shock, are fun on Gohmon. Alternatively, Confuse and Shock too. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Apr 22, 2007, 01:37 AM
Poison/virus+freeze always works great. Though shock/confuse can be a good replacement for freeze when you have a few melee characters that would shatter the ice too quick.

Apr 22, 2007, 11:36 AM
I carry Virus, freeze and Silence Gs with me. I wish Silence lasted longer than the five or six seconds that it does at Lv. 3 from G traps but these are the best traps I've found that suit my playstyle. I only trap things that are dangerous or will have a long, drawn out battle (Polhavras, Jarbas, Tengohgs, Jusnagens, Dilnazens, Bil De Vears, Kog Nadds and those weird fire breathing monsters with about seven hit points on them that are in Moatoob).

Virusing three Jarbas then freezing those three Jarbas have always felt like an accomplishment, morseo when I was told that it's quite hard to do on a PS2 WITH the music on in a full team. Silencing Olghomons or other casters are also satisfying when another Protranser shocks them in response to your silencing. If I had the money, I'd carry a full stack of Shock Traps as well but Barada Inga will have to do for now.

I like the odea of Shock and Confuse though... That sounds very interesting...

Apr 22, 2007, 12:02 PM
I personally prefer burn and sleep. Just have to make sure you burn them first then sleep.

Apr 22, 2007, 03:22 PM
does sleep work on Kamatoze? how long does sleep last from a regular sleep trap?

In a larger party, sleep sucks, as some a-hole always takes a swing.

At high level, regular damage traps don't totally suck.

Apr 24, 2007, 10:55 AM
On a similiar note:
Are non G traps any useful in S and S2 rooms? Being forced to carry only 5 of each trap at 500 each is annoying. But 100 for a trap sounds good to me. But are they worth it at high levels?
Normal burn traps on Gol Dolva worth it if I'm low on cash, rather than G versions?

Apr 24, 2007, 12:35 PM
If the stats are right on PSUpedia, normal traps have SE Lv. 1 whereas G traps have SE Lv. 3. If you use normal Viruses on things that didn't get hit by your G trap, I think you do comparable damage (Thinks of S2 labs where all the Jarbas are so many but so far apart) but that's with Virus. Burn Lv. 1 doesn't really deal a lot of damage (10% in 10 seconds I think) when you compare it to Virus Lv. 1 which deals 25% in 20 seconds.

Oops... Got sidetracked there, didn't see that you were asking for the Gol Dova which is IMMUNE to Virus. Grrr....

Erm... Normal Burn Trap costs 100 each, deals something like 400 damage for non-protransers when it explodes to one target then deals 10% health in 10 seconds. So theoretically, you could kill Gold Dova with a full stack of normal Burn traps for 1000 meseta in 100 seconds (two minutes if it teleports around the place).

Burn G traps cost 500 each, hit three targets for around 150-250 damage each for non-protransers when it explodes then deals 20% damage in 10 seconds so theoretically, you could kill Gold Dova with a full stack of Burn G traps for 2500 meseta in 50 seconds (or one minute something if it teleports around the place).


I'm going to carry around a stack of Burn Normals as well as my other traps from now on now that I said all of that.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: biggabertha on 2007-04-24 10:40 ]</font>

Apr 25, 2007, 12:55 AM
As I recall, sleep from traps is about 6 second duration. Burn from traps is 10 seconds. I'm not too sure if sleep works on Komatoze but my gut tells me they do. In fact thats one of my reasons for thinking so highly of sleep traps since just about every enemy is susceptible to them.

As for the question on regular traps, Thats the best way to go! like biggabertha pointed out, the big enemies tend to spawn far away from each other so its much more economical. Not only that but one stack of G traps usually runs out pretty fast where as regular traps will definetly last you and sometimes you wont even need to use you G's becuase of this. I find that carrying G traps for crowd control purposes and carrying regular traps for large enemy purposes is defiently the most economical and best way to play.

Virus, Burn, confuse, work very well as singles.

Damage, Silence, Poison, Shock, confuse, or Freeze work best in G's as crowd control purposes.

I list confuse traps for both since confuse traps have the effect to nullify the effect of spells and projectile of an enemy on you and your allies.

Example of a trap palette I would use.

1 Stack of Normal Virus
1 stack of Normal Burn
1 stack of Damage G. or Silence G.

You have enough DOT damage there to surely get you through a Crimson Beast run in a party with relative ease. The Damage G or Silence G have great knock up effects and do relatively decent damage as a protranser. They work great on large spawns of rushing Vahras and such. However if this really was me preparing for Crimson beast, I would substitute The G knock up traps for Confuse G. Simply because the Jarbas at the end spawn so close and in perfect range for a G trap. A Trapper could confuse simultaneously confuse all of these doodz, making their incredibly dangerous spells, ineffective towards all allies. Thus leaving you to burn trap the Gol Dova without too much worry from a stray megid. Just have to make sure to reapply status effects on both sets of doodz.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: AC9breaker on 2007-04-24 23:08 ]</font>

Apr 25, 2007, 01:17 AM
Except... Jarbas and other large mobs are immune to Confuse?_?;;

Apr 25, 2007, 01:58 AM
Aww really? Well Then I guess you can switch those confuse for Sleep. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_turtle.gif

Apr 25, 2007, 02:49 AM
On 2007-04-24 22:55, AC9breaker wrote:

Damage, Silence, Poison, Shock, confuse, or Freeze work best in G's as crowd control purposes.

The Damage G or Silence G have great knock up effects and do relatively decent damage as a protranser. They work great on large spawns of rushing Vahras and such.

Finally! Someone that understands that Silence Traps G have another use than just silencing enemies. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif


"Um, did you not notice the Go-Vahra raping you earlier, fly up in the air and land face first on the ground just now?"

Apr 25, 2007, 03:11 AM
On 2007-04-25 00:49, AweOfShe wrote:
"Um, did you not notice the Go-Vahra raping you earlier, fly up in the air and land face first on the ground just now?"

Not to mention that he can't cast techs.

Because go-vahras are notorious for randomly throwing megid out of nowhere.

Apr 25, 2007, 12:43 PM
Wow! Interesting info!
I've got new found respect for other traps then!
Thought only burn/virus were the useful ones out there.
Could someone with extensive knowledge of ALL traps make a guide then?
This stuff is most useful for all gunner types out there and I'm sure plenty didn't know about these tid bits here and there.
Or was there one and I just didn't see it?

You know, stuff like EXTACTLY what bonuses PT have over the other gunner types?
Only damage? No extended SE lvl?

Wow. That means FG's has absolutely no excuse for NOT carry'n at least normal burn traps. They're most likely already up there with Jarbas and the like, and 100 per trap is nothing compared to the rewards we get for S and S2. I always assumed it's cause of the $ and the fact that you can only carry 5 burn G traps of them.

To AC9breaker:
That palatte set up sounds good. But don't you find that hindering for other heal items?
mates/star/sol, etc. Or is it overkill to have all mono/di/trimates equiped?
I'd hate to give up sol and star for traps. But something's gotta go.

And Damage G and Silence G have knockup effects? Wow!
Didn't know that! I assume it's for all classes who can use it right?
And not just PT? It's just that PT does more damage with them? (your wording was kinda tricky)
But don't you find shock G more effective vs. Vahras than any knock up effect?
De-clawing them with shock lasts longer than knock-ups, no? Or can they still attack with their "pouncing/jumping" attack, even when shocked?

As for Jarbas:
Someone pointed out to me that buffed Jarbas (crown/cane/shield/etc.) can't be
affected by any SE. True? or am I remembering it wrong? Or was it that SE through
weapons can't be affected? But traps may work? I just remember it as "buffed jarbas can NOT get SE".

Apr 25, 2007, 05:00 PM
If no one else is working on some kind of trap guide and I'm not dead from doing my thesis this weekend, I'd be willing to do some testing on my PS2 about traps. From what there is on PSUpedia, trap damage is calculated from character level solely. I'm a Naturally raised Protranser so I can easily switch over to a Guntecher or Fighgunner to try out traps but I'm unable to switch over to a Fortegunner to further test the figures out.

As for the item set up, I have:
Star Atomizer
Sol Atomizer
Virus Trap/Burn Trap/Silence G
Virus G
Freeze G

Most of the time, I let whatever status effect wear away naturally or go into the menu and use an antimate if I have one. Once I run out of Dimates or Trimates, I'll switch over to whatever else I need to use for self-healing.

Damage G traps knock up and so do Silence Gs yes but only Fortegunners and Protransers can use Silence and Silence G traps.

Protransers only deal more damage with traps, I used to think we were hitting creatures for SE 5 or something but noooooo..... Got screwed out there. ¬.¬

The thing I've found about Vahras and Go Vahras is that they really are skittery. Knocking them up gives you a chance to go NUTS with a Harisen Stick baseball bat Sword/Axe/Spear/Knuckles but shocking them means they can't attack you but they can still skitter about out of range from your close combat weapons stopping you from flipping the giant enemy crab on it's back to deal massive damage.

As for buffed creatures ie: those with the shields, I remember Itsuki-Chan saying that it doubles their Stamina stats meaning that guns, spells and weapon effects have a much harder time putting a status effect on them. I have heard that Fortegunners have a boosted ability that give them a better chance at putting an SE on shielded creatures but I haven't heard anything else about it. However, traps will inflict a status effect on a creature no matter what. Unless the thing is immune to that status effect (like how a Carriguine and Gol Dova is immune to Virus. Grrrrr..... Or bosses... Double Grrrr....) it will take that status effect no matter what.

One example is if you go and do Valley of Carnage. Those shielded Vandas seem to NEVER get any SE on them except through traps. They can be trapped by anything and get affected by it. (Yes! This time, it will be YOU who will burn! Fireeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!)

From all of this though, I'm definitly looking forward to making more money from S2 missions so I can do some extensive Vanda killing Jarba mashing trap research. If Jarbas can be shocked AND silenced for those few seconds that HUs are dishing out the most amounts of pain, then the meseta paid for the traps will be well worth it if the team saves on scapes. However, I get the feeling that they will be immune to it. Grrr...

Apr 25, 2007, 08:24 PM
Its just like bigabertha stated. Weapon status effects are based on STA. A trap however, will land its status effect so long as it does at least 1 point of damage. (Hflowens law) (http://www.pso-world.com/viewtopic.php?topic=129779&forum=22&start=180&195#191)
My consumable Palette is similar to biggaberthas palette as well.

Star/Photon Charge
Normal Burn Stack
Confusion G
Random trap depending on stage.

Omegapirate also made a good point about silent traps not being efficient if used on Vahras since we could potentially used Damage traps for the same effect and also deal greater damage in the process. Damage Traps have the highest damage modifier. But my reasons for choosing Earth traps are because they are versatile. While their maximum potential is wasted on Vahras I find them useful in places like tunnel or all of Neudeiz where annoying melee and spell casting enemies are common spawns together.

Also, the effects of the traps are for all trap using classes, its not a Protranser only thing. Protransers only deal more damage in the initial trap detonation. Also a point which I've still yet to confirm, It seems as though regular traps do more damage on detonation to the target then G traps. I don't recall if this was how it was before traps where rebalanced. I'm a bit too busy with school work so It'll be some time before I can actually verify this myself.

Point of interest. Poison will overwite Burn effect but will not overwrite Virus. Burn is overwritten by both DOTS and Virus overwrites both DOTS.

There is a very informative and useful guide (http://boards2.sega.com/psu_board/viewtopic.php?t=20745) over at the offical message boards in the Protranser section relating to traps. I was planning on copying some stuff from it and adding my own interjections into the very useful, and informative thread, and posting it here. However like I mentioned before I'm just too busy at the moment and it won't have it done for quite some time.

Apr 26, 2007, 01:57 AM
For Figh I say these are the best ones they can use...I keep all four of these in my item palette along with Trimates and Photons Charges. >.>

Freeze - Great for stopping an enemy for your Forte's to come in and go to town on them. Also good to catch flyer's before they start darting all over the place.
Burn - Jarbas, Gol Dova's, Mizura..mini boss or very strong normal monsters..etc etc..
Poison - For your weaker enemies and the fact that it deals knockdown which gives you an easy chance to bring out the melee ownage on them.
Confusion - I really only use this when Im facing worms and Vahras.

Apr 26, 2007, 03:17 AM
On 2007-04-25 18:24, AC9breaker wrote:
Omegapirate also made a good point about silent traps not being efficient if used on Vahras since we could potentially used Damage traps for the same effect and also deal greater damage in the process. Damage Traps have the highest damage modifier. But my reasons for choosing Earth traps are because they are versatile. While their maximum potential is wasted on Vahras I find them useful in places like tunnel or all of Neudeiz where annoying melee and spell casting enemies are common spawns together.

Well, if I WERE to use Silence Traps at all on Vahra, it's cause I already ran out of Damage Traps for whatever reason. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

There's also times where I'd rather save them for big multipart enemies like Gol Dova, or even bosses like Onmagoug. Being a Newman PT, I like to save Damage Traps for actual damage purposes, on enemies like those. The case is different though, for when I am using my Beast PT. XD

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: AweOfShe on 2007-04-26 01:32 ]</font>

Apr 26, 2007, 08:23 AM
Yeah I know exactly what you mean and I do the same. However I just wanted to illustrate the practicality of Silence G traps for trappers on a budget, I.E. Xbizzle Threesizzle players. If I was forced to make a choice between only being able to use Damage Trap G or Silence Trap G I would most definitely choose Silence.