View Full Version : PSO Status?

Dec 11, 2002, 06:08 AM
Post your PSO Status!!

Tomas The Swede

Dec 11, 2002, 06:13 AM
want it badly, but i dont go so far and import... (still hopes for no hl-fee for europe)...
and in fact : keyboard is already here and waiting for usage, a cube is easily obtained (did not feel like it till now, strangely) and a modem should be avaialable too, once the game hits the shelves over here.... -_-;
*wait wait wait sip tea wait wait - oh... and study as well*

Dec 11, 2002, 07:45 AM
Nintendo/Sega have to release a keyboard. People i play with go as far as paying over $100.00 on E-Bay for the damn thing. Sega/Nintedo would definetly profit from the U.S. Keyboard release. Patience people, it will be released. All the schmucks who imported for $90.00+ will weeep. Or maybe NOT. Lol. But I am still patient. SEGA!!! NINTENDO!!

Dec 11, 2002, 08:03 AM
So am i... Patient i mean.. But i will probably be level 200 by then http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif... O well...

Dec 11, 2002, 11:09 AM
Key Board
I want you

Dec 11, 2002, 12:00 PM
im at the point where i say piss on the GC version, my HL license expired last friday and i have no real desire to renew it. No new DL quests, and no KB has really made me lose interest in the game. Im just hoping that M$ says something about PSOX very soon or ill be one pissed mofo

Dec 11, 2002, 12:24 PM
I go online when I get a keyboard.

Dec 11, 2002, 01:00 PM
On 2002-12-11 09:00, Phobos-X wrote:
im at the point where i say piss on the GC version, my HL license expired last friday and i have no real desire to renew it. No new DL quests, and no KB has really made me lose interest in the game. Im just hoping that M$ says something about PSOX very soon or ill be one pissed mofo

Not to start up a fanboyish argument, but...

You'll still have to wait until Microsoft (if you're a supporter of the xbox why do you still call it M$ and not MS? Sorry, offtopic) gets around to releasing the new download quests, and the challenge modes...

Now, it's entirely possible that they'll have those ready and set up immediately on launch, but there's no reason to assume that they will. If they don't, you'll be sitting around waiting for Microsoft to CATCH UP to where PSOGC is.

Which, if the Xbox is your preferred console, won't be that big a deal, since the voice chat and the keyboard will be immediately available and such.

I just think that it's important not to get overly hyped about the Xbox release before it happens. If you get your hopes up too high, if (not when, but if) there are problems surrounding the Xbox release, you will be more disappointed than you would if you expected it to have the same kind of problems. And if you expect it to have problems and it DOESN'T, then you'll be pleasantly surprised.

And, all in all, I personally think that once the game gets settled in, both systems will be equal in the long run. And who cares--as long as we enjoy the game?

Dec 11, 2002, 04:05 PM
I'm unfortunatly stuck waiting for them to release PSO on the Dreamcast 2, sorry Xbox. lol Sometimes I think aout breaking down and buying it for the cube, but I know I want the Live compatible version and I'd just end up trading in the GC version for it. Ugh, Patience is a virtue and virtues suck. lol

Dec 12, 2002, 12:51 PM
On 2002-12-11 10:00, Kayumi wrote:

Not to start up a fanboyish argument, but...

You'll still have to wait until Microsoft (if you're a supporter of the xbox why do you still call it M$ and not MS? Sorry, offtopic)

mainly becuz M$ is being a smart ass not only with the release of PSO, but with any details. Think about it what do we know about Xbox PSO, notta damn thing, they may trickle a few details every two months, but we dont know anything. Voice chat, 12 characters oh the HD and thats about it, big whoop. At least give us a tentative release date instead of saying nothing at all, without saying anything we get the rumors of "Fall 2003"

Dec 12, 2002, 04:58 PM
Been online since Halloween, conseidering the ASCII keyboard...