View Full Version : online story missionz

Apr 25, 2007, 06:00 PM
which missions do you get partner cards in? also, in the tutorial, do youy have to listen to all that junk, cant you just press something and skip through?

Apr 25, 2007, 06:32 PM
Story Mission 1 for Laia's card, 2 for Lou's, 3 for Hyuga's, 4 for Maya's, and 7's for Leo's. If you already have one of these character's cards from the tutorial, you won't get a second copy or anything.

As far as skipping parts of the tutorial... that would kinda defeat the purpose of it, don't you think?

Apr 25, 2007, 08:00 PM
For the tutorial, just change your settings to display all text instantly. It goes a lot faster.

You can also just log out after you get the NPC's card (or after you get Rising Strike, if you want it) to end the tutorial. That's what I usually do.