View Full Version : Spiderman 3 (The movie)

May 2, 2007, 04:55 PM
Heard about it, was wondering if anyone else did too.

May 2, 2007, 05:36 PM
Out in two days http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif ... unless you live in Japan its already out over there: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/6559933.stm

May 2, 2007, 05:40 PM
Venom is gonna be awesome. Best villan ever!

May 2, 2007, 06:39 PM
Venom is one of my favorites. Carnage runs the show though. I'm kinda grumpy that they chose to go with the Ultimate version of Venom though. He was so much more intimidating when Eddie Brock was huge.

May 2, 2007, 07:40 PM
Personally I'm going to see it with my girlfriend, so you guys might have to fill me in on the movie later, lol.

But seriously, I do plan on actually watching most of it, and I love the Spiderman series.

Also, Venom is the BEST villan, definitely tops dr. octopussy. >.>

May 2, 2007, 07:41 PM
Im going with a group of people to see it on Thursday night at 11:59am.

Heard several people who had private screenings that 3 will blow you away. Awsome Movie all around!

May 2, 2007, 07:52 PM
I'm going with a group of people and downloading it the day after it comes out >.>

May 2, 2007, 08:33 PM
I really want to see it but lack of funds due to college forbid any such activity. I'll see it in a few weeks when I can ACTUALLY get tickets.

May 3, 2007, 12:33 AM
I'll be seeing the midnight showing, I can't wait! And screw all this hype for Venom! I'm still diggin' on Sandman!

May 3, 2007, 12:35 AM
I have the first issue of Venom. I also have the first issue of Ghost Rider, too bad the movie sucked ass:(

May 3, 2007, 10:33 AM
Midnight showing here, too.

May 3, 2007, 01:30 PM
My wife and I are heading off to watch the midnight showing of Spidey 3 tonight. Here are a few links to the movie.



I have been waiting a long time for this. yay

May 3, 2007, 01:40 PM
I am going to watch it at midnight as well. What is funny is that it was my wife that wanted to catch the midnight showing. ha I am a huge Venom fan and I think the Sandman will be awesome, but I am looking forward to the New Goblin. I want to see everything that plays out between Harry and Peter.

This here is a Venom Spoiler

And here is a SEVEN minute clip

I have been waiting a long time for this. yay

May 3, 2007, 10:08 PM
On 2007-05-02 15:40, concussionman wrote:
Venom is gonna be awesome. Best villan ever!

Agreed! I always loved Venom in the original cartoon, and i'm sure this will be the same.

..Although the guy on the radio did say that the movie went a little longer than it should have, but a good movie none the less.

May 4, 2007, 12:38 AM
If one more person says anything about a symbiote being good I will lose faith in humanity.

Screw it. It's gone already.

May 4, 2007, 01:29 AM
Well, I'll post more tomorrow, but to convay my initial thought of the movie, I'll quote J. Jonah Jameson.

"It's crap! You're fired!"

May 4, 2007, 02:49 AM
Just got back.

Well, there is always Pirates of the Caribbean.

May 4, 2007, 05:01 AM
I just got back and give the movie 10* Best Spiderman movie yet

May 4, 2007, 07:21 AM
I was so focused on how much Spidey looked like Conor Oberst in this movie that I couldn't even concentrate on the rest!


Uh, seriously though. I haven't seen the first two and don't really know much about Spider-man in general, so I was understandably underwhelmed. Also, if the movie had been a post, it would've for sure been one to post "tl;dr" at. I ended at 2:30! I can't believe I even woke up for classes today. I must be one dedicated student. Cough.

May 4, 2007, 10:22 AM
Oh god, his hair is so emo!

Lizard is the best villain though. Even better than Carnage. Yea, I said it!

May 4, 2007, 11:16 AM
LMAO Black Spider is EMO! oh man i was dying the whole time he had the black suit

May 4, 2007, 12:34 PM
Alrighty, it's about time for me to go in depth about this movie. I'll start by saying MAJOR SPOILER ALERT!! DON'T READT THIS IS YOU WANT THE MOVIE TO STILL BE A SURPRISE!


Let me start off by saying that I'm a huge Spidey fan, and I regard Spider-man 2 as the best comic book movie ever made. That being said I had high expectations for this movie, and most were not fulfilled. Anyone who called this a worthy conclution to the trillogy must have something wrong with them.

I'll do the ol' compliment sandwich, just so it seems I'm not being a total ass about this movie. Let me start off by saying that the effects and art design for this movie are stunning. Sandman first emerging from the particle testing zone is an AMAZING scene and the animators really deserve some credit on that. Vemon and the symbiote also deserve praise in their look. It was creepy and powerfull, just like Vemon should be. All the fight scenes were well thought out and exicuted.

Now let's move onto the real problem of Spider-man 3, the plot. Sam Raimi and his writer got extreemly lazy in this movie, having too many plot lines to possibly have any good character development, and often depends on cliches and copouts to get them out of a difficult situation. Don't understand what I mean? Well I'll give you some examples...

So a rock falls from the sky right next to where Peter and MJ are lockin' lips and the black goo comes out of it. Man! Can you believe Peter's luck? Not only was he bitten by a radioactive spider, but now another freek once-in-a-lifetime power-giving thing happens to him. Why didn't they just have John Jamason bring a rock back from the moon with him, and have the suit break free and find Peter that way. I mean, they already set John up from Spider-man 2, why not use the character?

Now let's get into detail here. Like I said, there wasn't enough time to fully develop these characters. Doc Ock in Spidey 2 was awesome cause he had enough screentime to make him seem like a relatable character. But now you got 3 villians to worry about, plus two love interests, plus that black suit screwing everything up.

Let's start with Sandman. I thought Thomas Haden Church did a remarkable job portraying Sandman, but there wasn't enough time to let his character grow (pun not intended.) Vemon was awesome with the suit, but, once again, there was so much more they could have done with him. Eddie Brock could have had alot more to him. (Even tho, I do admit, all the fight scenes with drool worthy.) Gwen Stacy is a very important figure in the comics, but it seems she's just tacked on for this film. When I heard she was going ot be Eddie's girlfriend in the film, I thought Spidey was going to kill Gwen by accident (like in the comics) and that would be the last straw for Eddie.

Now, here's one that bugged me to no end, the new Goblin. First of all, Harry looks less like the Green Goblin and more like the X-TREEEM Goblin with all his getup (Green Goblin must just be a hard character to portray visually.) So the Goblin looses his memory, which is fine. That happened in the comics all the time, but what made it interesting was that you didn't know if the Goblin was lying about it or not. But what really made the new Goblin stink was right at the end with the butler releaving that Norman killed himself. This is ridiculous!! Why the hell wouldn't he say something before! For a matter of fact, who is this guy, and why should we care about him at all! Apparently, he has a good knowledge of identifying wounds, that's some high class detective work he did there, for some unknown reason. There must have been thousands of better ways to end off the Goblin ark than with that whole talk with the bulter thing. I'll think of one right now! Harry, just turning away Peter when he needed help, starts to hallusinate and talks to his father. His father pushes him to go after Peter while he's week, but Harry dosen't want to. Norman pushes and insults him, until finally Harry stands up to him and says he isn't going to be controled by him anymore. He finally frees himself from his controling father, and puts aside his differences with Peter for the moment to help Pete and MJ. He would die a hero, and maybe even forgive Peter while he's Harry's dying, making Harry a truely tragic character. But no, they had to go witht the random bulter guy making everything suddenly better. I sware, when he said "I loved your father," the theatre couldn't stop from laughing.

For that matter, there were alot of moments the theatre was laughing when it wasn't a joke. Such as emo Parker. Tobey Maguire played the role again perfectly (the outburst at his landlord was frightening) but when he put his hair down infront of his eyes, it just seemed ridiculous. Also, this might not be a big one for those in the US, but in Canada we all groaned when Spider-man rushes into the final battle and poses right infront of the American flag. Over partroitism much? Really? Was that really nessisary? Like I said, I bet the US didn't mind at all, but I bet all out of US audiences would roll their eyes to this.

That's not to say there wasn't intentional comedy in the film (J. Jonah Jameson is still hilarious) but the whole saturday night feavor strut coupled with that big jazz dance number might have been a bit too much. A bit of comedy in my Spider-man is good, a whole bunch in a row like that makes me think I'm watching the Mask, or something. It was overkill.

I was also looking foward to the score, but was disapointed that Danny Elfman wasn't there for this one, but a guy named Christopher Young instead. I could tell something was off about it, but couldn't realise what it was till the movie was over.

This movie really really could have worked, and I really wanted it to, but in so many places it just falls falt. The ending is no where near as satisfying as the end of Spider-man 2. Before this I was hoping for a Spider-man 4, now I'm dreading his arrivel (this movie is going to do so good in the box office that Sony is no doubt going to continue this franchize till it's good and dead.) This movie wasn't as bad as other poor supermovies (Fantastic Four, X-Men 3...) but it was still pretty bad. But it appears I've gone on somewhat of a rant, so I'll leave it at that. Nuff said.

I'll end off with a good comment about the movie. Bruce Cambell is still awesome.

May 4, 2007, 04:05 PM
Hahah, Bruce Campbell did indeed rock the house with his cameo. And another part I forgot--the "I loved your father" line! Haha, oh man. Right after he said that I imagined him following it with, "in the butt," and then I couldn't quit laughing (like the mature 20-year-old that I am). Ahhhh, Spidey(mo). Good times.

May 4, 2007, 04:28 PM
Midnight showings are good and bad. When I saw Attack of the Clones it was cool because the crowd was into it and had a good knowledge of the Star Wars universe. For Spidey 3 though the audience could be obnoxious at any given point. It came to a point where my wife got up to complain about the ppls behind us. After that it was kind of pointless. I had a hard time losing myself in the movie.

After I watch the movie again, this time w/my son, I will have a final review.

May 4, 2007, 04:37 PM
I haven't seen it yet, and heard terrible things... then again it really takes a good movie to make me go see them now... I doubt I will see Spider-man 3, or I'll end up watching it while I work, god knows I've already had enough of it since I had to put it all together for our midnight showings...

Personally I'd go see it just for the "Across the universe" Trailer >.> I'm REALLY looking forward to that movie

May 4, 2007, 04:49 PM
I'm seeing Spiderman 3 with my Stage Band tomorrow

I WISH pictures were to follow. Tom (Out teacher) is probably gonna be the sole reason this is awesome http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

But I think this movie will still be awesome. I don't care if they use cliches and whatnot; the earlier Spiderman movies were chock full of them.. I invite them into my movies http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

May 5, 2007, 12:52 AM
I thought it was mediocre. Sandman was fuckin' badass though.

May 5, 2007, 01:51 AM


May 5, 2007, 09:38 AM
So I saw it, without an high expectations or anything, and I enjoyed it.
Yeah there were some corny parts, but they were corny in a good, funny way. Except some of the plot twists, they were corny in the predictable, trite, lame, cliche way.
There were also some pretty bad scenes like that one Moo mentioned above: "WTF BUTLET WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME BEFORE?! And Coffee, my friend that I was with was joking about the same thing. "I loved your father, and I love you very much...Now lets go out in the back."
Personally, I dug the whole boogie nights thing. It was corny and over the top, but the theatre was laughing and it was a good time.

So it wasn't like a 10 star A++++ WOULD WATCH AGAIN movie, but it was a good time and thats what you go to the movies for anyway.

Edit: O yeah and that American Flag scene. LOL, that shit was hilarious. YEAH, NO THINLY VEILED PATRIOTISM HERE, JUST GOOD 'OL WHOLESOME AMERICAN FUN! I'm still laughing about it right now.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DizzyDi on 2007-05-05 07:47 ]</font>

May 5, 2007, 10:29 AM
I have to agree with Moo2u on almost every count... Except on the fight scenes... I thought they were over-developed and completely incoherent for the most part. I suppose some of them were ok... But for the most part no... And yea, that gratuitous money-shot in front of the American flag was extremely annoying... My friend and I both turned to each other with dumbfounded horror, then couldn't stop laughing for the next 5 minutes...

There is definitely something wrong when the whole theater laughs at what is supposed to be a dramatic and climatic scene. It kind of reminds me of seeing Star Wars Episode III in theatres. I think you all know the part i'm talking about... http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Most importantly however, the movie was just a general disappointment because of the sheer greatness of the first and especially the 2nd films. I was amazed after seeing Spider-Man 2 at all of the little subtle nuances that Raimi achieved with his dynamic filming and wonderful plot and character development.

This will go down in my huge list of towering disappointment. Right up there with X3 and of course PSU.

May 5, 2007, 11:46 AM
I loved the mysterious butler.

May 5, 2007, 12:42 PM
From my observations:
People that didn't like it - Too high expectations
People that enjoyed it - low expectations and just looking to have fun

That's why I feel people will be completely disappointed with Pirates 3


May 5, 2007, 12:55 PM
I am going to go watch Spiderman 3 Today at 7:00.

May 5, 2007, 01:07 PM
Well, I liked it. my two friends would not shut up about it though :|

Me and my co-worker totally were like AWWW when MJ broke up with Parker though. We then lolled as our obsessed friend gives us the evil eye XD

It was fun and Venom is sexy, but why not of made him his own movie and 3 being sandman. That could of worked. Maybe

May 5, 2007, 01:59 PM
I feel this ways better than Part two and one put together.
It was funny as hell and Emo-kid Spidey was a true dick.
Sandman was one of the few dudes that acutally kcviked ass in this aside from Spidernuts spidernuts was just grimy. Showing if he were meciless most of the fights he was in would have been onesided

May 5, 2007, 09:24 PM

Best. Movie. Ever.

I've never had so much fun at a movie. Sooo good.

Some band person said, "If you like Venom, you'll hate the movie."

This movie did nothing but justice. NOTHING. BUT. JUSTICE.

I had a whole thing in my head about what I'd post, but here's what I said in short:

"If you hate this movie, you're a nerd."

Which, from the sounds of it, is true.

EDIT: Also, the bit with Spiderman PASSING the American Flag... it was a SECOND LONG

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: PJ on 2007-05-05 19:27 ]</font>

May 6, 2007, 02:53 AM
On 2007-05-04 10:34, Moo2u wrote:

Now, here's one that bugged me to no end, the new Goblin. First of all, Harry looks less like the Green Goblin and more like the X-TREEEM Goblin with all his getup (Green Goblin must just be a hard character to portray visually.) So the Goblin looses his memory, which is fine. That happened in the comics all the time, but what made it interesting was that you didn't know if the Goblin was lying about it or not. But what really made the new Goblin stink was right at the end with the butler releaving that Norman killed himself. This is ridiculous!! Why the hell wouldn't he say something before! For a matter of fact, who is this guy, and why should we care about him at all! Apparently, he has a good knowledge of identifying wounds, that's some high class detective work he did there, for some unknown reason. There must have been thousands of better ways to end off the Goblin ark than with that whole talk with the bulter thing. I'll think of one right now! Harry, just turning away Peter when he needed help, starts to hallusinate and talks to his father. His father pushes him to go after Peter while he's week, but Harry dosen't want to. Norman pushes and insults him, until finally Harry stands up to him and says he isn't going to be controled by him anymore. He finally frees himself from his controling father, and puts aside his differences with Peter for the moment to help Pete and MJ. He would die a hero, and maybe even forgive Peter while he's Harry's dying, making Harry a truely tragic character. But no, they had to go witht the random bulter guy making everything suddenly better. I sware, when he said "I loved your father," the theatre couldn't stop from laughing.

Who is this guy? Are you serious? Did you not watch any of the Spider-Man movies? Obviously Bernard does not eat breakfast lunch and dinner w/the Osbornes. He is their servant. He is not going to strike up a conversation w/Norman or Harry out of the blue. He knew a lot of private things about what happened in the Osborne home. This seemed like a good time to tell Harry what he knew. As far as the dectective work goes, all he had to do was put two and two together.
As far as the laughing crowd goes, that was a pretty mature group. Seeing one of the first showings will get you that. I saw a midnight showing and one on a Saturday. Big difference.

For that matter, there were alot of moments the theatre was laughing when it wasn't a joke. Such as emo Parker. Tobey Maguire played the role again perfectly (the outburst at his landlord was frightening) but when he put his hair down infront of his eyes, it just seemed ridiculous. Also, this might not be a big one for those in the US, but in Canada we all groaned when Spider-man rushes into the final battle and poses right infront of the American flag. Over partroitism much? Really? Was that really nessisary? Like I said, I bet the US didn't mind at all, but I bet all out of US audiences would roll their eyes to this.

Sure you could tell Parker was Emo. Not everyone would interpret it that way. Average guy taking his kid to the movie would see that as Peter's appearance changing for the darker along with his attitude.
Spider-Man is a character that has been portrayed as very patriotic. While I highly doubt that Marvel is working on an "Alpha Fight" movie, Spider-Man is very much all about the U. S. of A. Not to mention that he is in New York City. What occured on 9/11 brought our country together in many ways. It really is no surprise to me that patriotism is not lost in the city. Marvel did what it could after 9/11 to support our country and NYC as well.
After Moo's post I felt compelled to reply. I will put my own final thoughts in later.

May 6, 2007, 09:22 AM
On 2007-05-06 00:53, kevlar_pso wrote:

On 2007-05-04 10:34, Moo2u wrote:

Now, here's one that bugged me to no end, the new Goblin. First of all, Harry looks less like the Green Goblin and more like the X-TREEEM Goblin with all his getup (Green Goblin must just be a hard character to portray visually.) So the Goblin looses his memory, which is fine. That happened in the comics all the time, but what made it interesting was that you didn't know if the Goblin was lying about it or not. But what really made the new Goblin stink was right at the end with the butler releaving that Norman killed himself. This is ridiculous!! Why the hell wouldn't he say something before! For a matter of fact, who is this guy, and why should we care about him at all! Apparently, he has a good knowledge of identifying wounds, that's some high class detective work he did there, for some unknown reason. There must have been thousands of better ways to end off the Goblin ark than with that whole talk with the bulter thing. I'll think of one right now! Harry, just turning away Peter when he needed help, starts to hallusinate and talks to his father. His father pushes him to go after Peter while he's week, but Harry dosen't want to. Norman pushes and insults him, until finally Harry stands up to him and says he isn't going to be controled by him anymore. He finally frees himself from his controling father, and puts aside his differences with Peter for the moment to help Pete and MJ. He would die a hero, and maybe even forgive Peter while he's Harry's dying, making Harry a truely tragic character. But no, they had to go witht the random bulter guy making everything suddenly better. I sware, when he said "I loved your father," the theatre couldn't stop from laughing.

Who is this guy? Are you serious? Did you not watch any of the Spider-Man movies? Obviously Bernard does not eat breakfast lunch and dinner w/the Osbornes. He is their servant. He is not going to strike up a conversation w/Norman or Harry out of the blue. He knew a lot of private things about what happened in the Osborne home. This seemed like a good time to tell Harry what he knew. As far as the dectective work goes, all he had to do was put two and two together.
As far as the laughing crowd goes, that was a pretty mature group. Seeing one of the first showings will get you that. I saw a midnight showing and one on a Saturday. Big difference.

Butler or not, I THINK, in a real world situation, that he would have been told of this sooner.
The Butler knew that Harry thought Spiderman killed his dad, that couldn't have been a secret the way Harry was brooding over it on Spiderman 2.
Very retarded scene.

For that matter, there were alot of moments the theatre was laughing when it wasn't a joke. Such as emo Parker. Tobey Maguire played the role again perfectly (the outburst at his landlord was frightening) but when he put his hair down infront of his eyes, it just seemed ridiculous. Also, this might not be a big one for those in the US, but in Canada we all groaned when Spider-man rushes into the final battle and poses right infront of the American flag. Over partroitism much? Really? Was that really nessisary? Like I said, I bet the US didn't mind at all, but I bet all out of US audiences would roll their eyes to this.

woSure you could tell Parker was Emo. Not everyone uld interpret it that way. Average guy taking his kid to the movie would see that as Peter's appearance changing for the darker along with his attitude.
Spider-Man is a character that has been portrayed as very patriotic. While I highly doubt that Marvel is working on an "Alpha Fight" movie, Spider-Man is very much all about the U. S. of A. Not to mention that he is in New York City. What occured on 9/11 brought our country together in many ways. It really is no surprise to me that patriotism is not lost in the city. Marvel did what it could after 9/11 to support our country and NYC as well.
After Moo's post I felt compelled to reply. I will put my own final thoughts in later.


http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_disapprove.gif OWOW.
I'm American and I thought that whole 2 seconds was corny.
I'm not a huge Spiderman fan or anything but he never
really struck me as the patriotic character. I always thought that was what Capt. America was for, ya know?
'Sides, that movie AND SPIDERMAN IN GENERAL, has nothing to do with what happened in 9/11 and that small scene really didn't need to be there.

May 6, 2007, 11:33 AM
Saw Spidey 3 last night, good movie overall. I wouldn't doubt this wraps up a trilogy, but you never know if they continue it.

May 7, 2007, 12:04 AM
I was gonna reply, but Dizzy pretty much said everything I wanted to say. Thanks Diz! http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

I still want to say this movie isn't totally horrable (like say, Batman & Robin or Batman Forever) but it was still a considerable step down.

May 7, 2007, 12:19 AM
Eh, I thought it was great, and I went with my friend, the whole emo-parker thing was hilarious, not to mention that whole last fucking samurai stuff between harry and the butler (He even has a katanaish sword, too! How could I not make the comparison?) and that talk about "honor" and stuff, I lol'd

Me and my friend were joking throughout the entire movie, it made it even better. Such as every scene where harry's lost his memory, I half expected him to just randomly get his memory back and scream "FATHEEEEERRRRR!" out of the blue, that was the source of many jokes.

May 7, 2007, 04:22 AM
On 2007-05-05 10:42, ljkkjlcm9 wrote:
From my observations:
People that didn't like it - Too high expectations
People that enjoyed it - low expectations and just looking to have fun

That's why I feel people will be completely disappointed with Pirates 3


Wrong. I'm not exactly a Marvel comics nerd, but I had high expectations for this one, and even though I was disappointed with a lot of stuff in it, this was my favorite of the three.

The new goblin worked, especially as an ally. I see nothing wrong with his high-tech suit and style, it was pretty cool, even. I liked the psychologic tension between Peter and MJ. The fights were awesomely done, like the detail of Black Spiderman shoving the Sandman's face against a moving train. Speaking of the Black Spiderman, "Emo" Parker was funny, even when he ordered the milk and cookies girl (Sorry, don't remember her name) around. The Hoffman - Jonah chemistry was funny as always.

I didn't like the butler's sudden revelation, the way it was done. I didn't like the ending, it was kinda vague. Other things I didn't like have to do with the plot.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Daikarin on 2007-05-07 02:33 ]</font>

May 7, 2007, 05:38 AM
I saw the movie yesterday, and I have to say I agree with PJ. Was pretty breathtaking stuff indeed.

"Peter Pehker?" http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

May 7, 2007, 06:38 AM
I saw the movie on Friday the 4th of May. I had very high expectations for the movie ( despite all the mediocre reviews ) since the first two Spiderman films rocked, I'm also a very big Venom fan soo I was hoping for the best. Needless to say I was dissapointed.

I was very dissapointed with Sandman and Venom's ( Eddie Brock's ) lack of character development. I felt as if Peter Parker's journey to darkside was mis-handled ( seriously what was with the struting in the street and the big dance number in the Jazz Bar, I understand why he went there but what was the dance supposed to symbolise ). I also felt that Gwen Stacy was just thrown in there for the heck of it. You can completely remove her from the film and it would not hardly influence the plot at all. Some of the fight scenes seemed very blurry and hard to follow and those that I could follow wern't as good as what we saw in Spiderman 2.

It wasn't all bad though. Mary Jane Watson ( Kirstin Dunst ) finally had a proper role to play other than her usual damsel in distress. Harry Osborn was awesome ( this was his movie ), it was very rewarding watching his character slowly develop during the first 2 movies. J. Jonah Jameson was awesome and so was his secretary ( I enjoyed watching her and Peter flirt with one another and Jameson's reaction ).

In general, I feel as if Spiderman 3 lacks focus. They tried to do too much and as such it comes across like the writers did a half assed job.

May 7, 2007, 12:17 PM
On 2007-05-07 04:38, SubstanceD wrote:

I was very dissapointed with Sandman and Venom's ( Eddie Brock's ) lack of character development. I felt as if Peter Parker's journey to darkside was mis-handled ( seriously what was with the struting in the street and the big dance number in the Jazz Bar, I understand why he went there but what was the dance supposed to symbolise ).

If you were looking for symbolism in a Spiderman movie, thats probably why you were dissapointed with it.
Him dancing and bringing that girl to the club was all just to get Mary Jane and make her jealous, nothing more, nothing less.

May 7, 2007, 01:56 PM
Just thought this was funny...