View Full Version : What the hell?

May 2, 2007, 08:04 PM

It's supposed to be releasing soon I hear... when MSN messanger gets added to the 360 dashboard.

My question, is anyone actually dumb enough to buy this contraption, and further, who the fuck at Microsoft actually approved of it?

Were they not planning on releasing the Core system with USB ports or something? Using a KB that small would only be slightly less cumbersome that using the software KB. Is there a worldwide shortage of wireless/wired USB keyboards or something?

Wow... just... wow.

May 2, 2007, 08:07 PM
It would be useful if a web browser was added later(which is stated again and again, not going to happen), but as of now, not so useful for most I'd say. People would buy it instead of using a usb KB just because its an available product.

May 2, 2007, 08:09 PM
Reminds me of this:


Which surprisingly wasn't too difficult to use, a lot easier than I had expected. Basically, yeah, the Xbox controller there does seem like a pretty... cumbersome design, but who knows, might be surprised.

May 2, 2007, 08:16 PM
Yeah, I have one of those for the NGC Mix. I thought it was going to be uncomfortable as hell, but it turned out being my favorite controller. That thing was massive though in compairison to the 360 controller, so if I had a bit of problems typing on that - then I hold out no hope for the X360 KB combo. I'd be one-finger typing like a PC noob again.

It would be useful if a web browser was added later

No it wouldn't... a USB keyboard would be useful. An actual X360 Keyboard (like the DC had, but wireless) would be useful. That thing? I guess maybe if you needed a heavy object to throw at someone who's kicking your ass in splitscreen mode.

People would buy it instead of using a usb KB just because its an available product.

That, sadly, is very true. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

May 2, 2007, 08:16 PM
If it works with PSU also, I'd probably get it, but I don't see a large majority of Xbox games using a keyboard function

May 2, 2007, 08:17 PM
Dumb enough? Watch who you're flaming, I'm planning on getting one. :/

It's releasing on May 16th, the same as the Live mass-integration, and mass-update, assuming my memory serves me correctly.

You know, when they're fully-incorporating Windows Live (both launching the Games service, and things like Windows Live Messenger) with Xbox Live. You need some kind of keyboard to be able to use Windows Live Messenger - I'll bet that if you plugged that into a wired controller, then the wired controller into a PC, that it'd work just fine as a keyboard, just small.

Believe it or not, there are similar devices, such as phones and blackberry-esque devices, which have keyboards that are even smaller - and people that can use them quite efficiently.

You may want to keep in mind, that not everyone has desk space for a keyboard, or wants to sit with one at the ready in their livingroom. This type of add-on actually makes sense, contrary to popular belief. Being able to type on that thing, would be a hell of a lot faster than using the software keyboard - especially when you consider games like PSU or FFXI, that mandate that people use text to communicate (though only partially, in PSU).

Then you factor in that, yes, there are circumstances where voice chat isn't the most ideal option, usually due to real-life circumstances, and games where it's not a good idea to put down one's controller.

...Not to mention, that not everyone has a headset, and not everyone without a headset sets voice communication to come out the system audio. :/

In short: It's a convenience thing. Ironically enough, not all consumers are, you know, like you. What with the whole "not seeing the point" thing and all.

May 2, 2007, 08:20 PM
If it works with PSU also, I'd probably get it

Wha? Of course it works with PSU. Any USB keyboard out there works with PSU. AT Keyboards too, if you have the USB adapter.

This thing is going to cost like $50, at the least. You can get a good, cheap, wireless USB keyboard for like $15.

May 2, 2007, 08:21 PM
Hey, people love texting and those Sidekicks and messaging pager sized KB's.

Like the survey results you hear of blank out of blank teenagers admitting to texting while driving!

I figure there's enough lazies out there that enjoy turning off the Xbox360 without getting up and would deal with the tiny KB space to have it on their controller wirelessly instead of finding a wireless USB KB alternative.

May 2, 2007, 08:47 PM
are you sure its going to cost 50 dollars or are you just pulling that number out of thin air?

May 2, 2007, 08:49 PM
For people with grown up hands, a USB keyboard is quite sufficient.

May 2, 2007, 08:55 PM
You need some kind of keyboard to be able to use Windows Live Messenger

Yeah but you've already got one. It's been supported since the console launched.

Believe it or not, there are similar devices, such as phones and blackberry-esque devices, which have keyboards that are even smaller - and people that can use them quite efficiently.

Mobile Phones? BlackBerries? Yeah... portable devices. Things you use while you're on the move, not while sitting on your butt twiddling your joysticks. And no... most people AREN'T proficent with those. They may be fast, but the way they type is a crime against language. lul og wat?


You may want to keep in mind, that not everyone has desk space for a keyboard

So uh... how the hell do they use their PC's if they don't have enough room on their desk for keyboards? That IS kind of a requirement you know. It's not like you can't lay your keyboard on your lap or stomach either. There's a WIDE variety of keyboards to choose from as well, including minis which don't include your numerical pad or other amenities to save on space.

Then you factor in that, yes, there are circumstances where voice chat isn't the most ideal option, usually due to real-life circumstances, and games where it's not a good idea to put down one's controller.

You still have to take your thumbs off the sticks to type with that thing, which means you're still vulnerable. The time spent switching from a controller to a keyboard is minimal - and if you're concerned with time then typing on a full sized keyboard would be a lot faster, and end up making that device the slower of the two.

And really - if the game is that intense that you can't afford to sit the controller down and type something out quick - then you really have no buisness talking in the first place. Get back in the game. THOSE are the situations that voice chat is critical for.

...Not to mention, that not everyone has a headset, and not everyone without a headset sets voice communication to come out the system audio. :/

What does that have to do with anything? I'm not talking about Voice -vs- Keyboard... I'm asking why is that thing worth the purchase when you can get a better and far cheaper solution which has been around since day one.

You know... it's not like you have to get up and walk clear across the room to use a keyboard. I can't see them as anything of an inconvienience, except at the utmost height of lazyness.

May 2, 2007, 09:00 PM
are you sure its going to cost 50 dollars or are you just pulling that number out of thin air?

Depends, is it just an addon or integrated? A standard wireless controller costs $40 - so streaching to $50 is actually on the low end. If it's just an add-on, it will be around $20-30.

Either way, You know it's going to be overpriced... it's comming from the same company who's trying to sell you a $20 Dock for the PC, $100 Network Adapter and a $200 120Gig HDD.

May 2, 2007, 09:19 PM
Damn, I can't see using that, and I have tiny girl hands. But then I have problems with most laptop keyboards. I'll take roomy and cheap keyboard any day.

May 2, 2007, 09:22 PM
I forsee one problem with that controller in my hands: it will make a larger dent in the wall.

May 2, 2007, 09:50 PM
On 2007-05-02 18:09, Mixfortune wrote:
Reminds me of this:


Which surprisingly wasn't too difficult to use, a lot easier than I had expected. Basically, yeah, the Xbox controller there does seem like a pretty... cumbersome design, but who knows, might be surprised.

I want one.

May 3, 2007, 12:15 AM
Honestly, I heard about this before and I thought it was very redundant. I agree with Sinue; if you buy something like that, you're just not using your head; it's just another gagdet that has been done better and cheaper, i.e. a standard keyboard.

Aswell, it's most likely going to be priced to match it's own absurdity.

To anyone who buys one, I hope you enjoy it and it's of use; but there are better(and cheaper) alternatives.

May 3, 2007, 05:03 PM
It looks cool and useful, but I have a KB already, and i can imagine that the keys are WAY too small, like a mobile... :

May 3, 2007, 05:12 PM
I have the same response to this as Sinue. When I was playing PSU on PS2, I had no problem using the controller and a keyboard separately. This however looks like a pain in the ass.

May 3, 2007, 05:17 PM
On 2007-05-02 19:50, Ronin_Cooper wrote:

On 2007-05-02 18:09, Mixfortune wrote:
Reminds me of this:


Which surprisingly wasn't too difficult to use, a lot easier than I had expected. Basically, yeah, the Xbox controller there does seem like a pretty... cumbersome design, but who knows, might be surprised.

I want one.

I had one, no you dont http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

MS is going for that hip new "Pagoda" look. Headset plugged into the keyboard plugged into the controller...

May 3, 2007, 09:08 PM
Think about it, hold your 360 controller... the size of the KB and buttons is made to be pressed by your thumbs, it works quite ergonomically well... but I still have no reason to buy one.

May 3, 2007, 09:25 PM
Douglas Adams once had a startling revelation while using a palmtop computer-- you can type with your thumbs almost comfortably. His only lament was that the designers of the palmtop in question arranged the keys in alphabetical order, so he was relegated to a hunt-and-peck system. The designers assumed that since you can't type with both hands on the thing, and everyone knows the order of the alphabet, this would be the best system. Douglas Adams submit that by listing them alphabetically, everyone was slowed down on it, but if they had been ordered in Qwerty-fashion, then at least those who know it could make use of it.

The point is, they just might have made it small enough to type with your thumbs, so it could conceivably work.

May 3, 2007, 10:50 PM
I have gorilla hands, so typing with smaller keys usually results in lots of frustration. Its a pass for this guy.

May 4, 2007, 01:59 AM
I suppose Microsoft is pushing this, instead of a regular keyboard, to avoid blurring the line between PC's and 360s any further. I believe that was also the reason for not wanting an internet browser on the 360.

Now I agree with most of you that in most situations a normal keyboard is better. But I don't understand when, if someone explains why it would work for them, others argue that it still doesn't, applying their own situation.
I can't see myself using one. If someone else does, and makes a good case of explaining why, them I'm fine with that.

On the ASCII or Sammy board (I can't tell from the picture): I love it, and I still use it. And whenever I play a game with a wavebird, the controller feels oddly small.

May 4, 2007, 02:16 AM
Well, if nothing else, it'd save a USB port, right?

May 4, 2007, 08:31 AM
But I don't understand when, if someone explains why it would work for them, others argue that it still doesn't, applying their own situation.

That's because I still haven't really heard either a logical, or a personal reasoning for anyone to buy it. I can understand someone saying that they like using small keyboard devices such as that moreso than someone who says it's going to be far more convienient than a normal keyboard - because it really isn't in most all aspects, and in the ways it is more convienent are highly neglegable and (IMO) certainly not worth $50+ to avoid.

Well, if nothing else, it'd save a USB port, right?

Yeah, but the 360 is compatable with USB hubs and you can pick one of those up for fairly cheap.

May 4, 2007, 10:44 AM
I'll probably be picking one of these up. I have a USB keyboard that I use for PSO and it's absolutely hell wanting to use that AND a controller at the same time since I have to fumble between the two. I'm usually laying at an angle so that my body is facing the TV a little more and the keyboard is pretty much guaranteed to fall off if I place it there. Usually the keyboard falls off of me which is an annoyance.

I'll pass on putting a table there JUST for the keyboard. The small thing looks pretty useful to me but it all depends on the price to see if it's worth it.