View Full Version : So I got a wii...

May 6, 2007, 07:59 PM
and the thing that i thought would give me frustration... is giving me frustration. The scanner bar doesn't look like it will be comfy any where i put it...

Can someone explain how it derive the positioning so that i can place it without just guessing... and any things i should know about tinkering with stuff on it?

May 6, 2007, 08:10 PM
Just gotta play with it to find a spot where you can put it

The spot I put it was below the TV, but I get better sensor reading with I have the bar set to detect above the TV...

Not a whole lot of games to really play on it unless you like mini-game games... those seem to be the big sell point for the wii

May 6, 2007, 08:12 PM
I put mine on top of my TV, using the small clear stand you get with it. You get some peel-off pads which 'stick' it to the TV. I just placed mine on top of my TV, in the centre.

You basically just want it somewhere so that the Wiimote will be picked up easily, so the centre of the top of your TV is usually fine.

You may need to put it below your TV though, depending on the design.

May 6, 2007, 08:27 PM
Mine is below it, and it can be a little awkward seeing as I am pretty close to the t.v. but I got used to it. Just fiddle with using the stand and whatnot and dont forget to change the settings for its position in the wii's menu. makes a huuuge difference.

May 6, 2007, 11:26 PM
Unless your TV has some massive bezel around the screen I would just put it on top. I lug mine around to my friends houses all the time and I've never had a problem with the sensor bar being mounted on top.

May 6, 2007, 11:30 PM
Firstly, it's very sensitive no matter where you put it. Nothing more than small wrist movements are required, and often times doing more will put the aimer way off.

Also don't sit too close to it.


May 6, 2007, 11:38 PM
that scan bar has nothing to do with tracking... it just picks up the signal that you did something if you read the article in popular science you can replace it with a candle if you really wanted to.

May 7, 2007, 12:01 AM
i disagree... well from what i see it does have something to do with it...

May 7, 2007, 06:35 AM
Uh... The sensor bar does have something to do with tracking the pointer function.

Just not as much as most people think.

It emits two infrared lights from the ends of it, and the Wiimote's IR sensor (black-covered thing on the front) picks up the two of them, and uses their orientation, position, and distance apart to calculate the Wiimote's distance from the screen.

Yes, you could replace it with candles, or even make one yourself using some cheap parts from Radio Shack... The only thing the Nintendo sensor bar plugs into the system for, is power for those lights.

Everything else about the Wiimote's movement, is based around the accelerometers in the Wiimote, only the pointing function uses the sensor bar. At all.

As far as positioning goes... I personally would have to recommend having it below your screen, sitting on the same surface as your TV, with the sensor bar propped up as close to the bottom of the actual screen as you can get it (if for no other reason that to avoid complications, should the Wiimote be at too low of an angle to pick up the sensor bar - this may not be an issue for you, however).

The reason I don't like putting it on top of the TV, is because of how the system calibrates for that. Physically aiming at the same place will yield different results, due to the lack of real calibration for that, and can sometimes end up with you being unable to point near the edges of your TV, because it goes out of the camera's field of view.

May 7, 2007, 06:50 AM
I keep mine on top of my T.V.

May 7, 2007, 07:27 AM
well see the thing is...my leg can block the signal so i gotta wonder if there isn't anything more... is the reason it can't penetrate my leg less to do with my leg blocking the signal and more to do with my leg blocking the light from the bar.

Where i have it now seems to work decently as long as my leg or cat doesn't get in the way...

May 7, 2007, 08:57 AM
Your leg is blocking the IR receiver in the Wii Remote. IR is cheap to produce but can't penetrate anything really. Although I am curios how you managed to get into a position where your leg was blocking the remote...

May 7, 2007, 09:09 AM
You're not generating interference, and neither is your cat, so the signal isn't getting interrupted.

Like I said, the pointer is only based on light from the sensor bar. Nothing else.

And there's no way your cat is fuzzy enough to generate enough of a charge to disrupt the signal.

May 7, 2007, 09:33 AM
On 2007-05-07 06:57, amtalx wrote:
Your leg is blocking the IR receiver in the Wii Remote. IR is cheap to produce but can't penetrate anything really. Although I am curios how you managed to get into a position where your leg was blocking the remote...

that's easy...considering my set up, but i will be getting a new couch soon so i may not have that problem exactly ^.^

May 7, 2007, 11:31 AM
are wiis any good i have never played on one but my mates say ther good ... to me they look like a pointless consoll that u have to exercise on when i play games i normaly cbf to excersize

May 7, 2007, 01:14 PM
They are a great deal of fun. It also seems to be enjoyable by everyone (I stood in line for a few hours to get one for my grandparents.) They are cheap to boot. If you like party games and something a little different with your games I would say pick on up if you can find one. They are still pretty tough to come across where I live though.

May 7, 2007, 06:03 PM
how do i get more miis to show up >.> I like don't have like a lot of people around here that have wiis...so how can i get some besides creating them?

May 7, 2007, 06:47 PM
If you're having trouble with the sensor bar, make sure it's right at the edge of the screen. Also, make sure you've got nothing infrared, like a TV remote, pointing at the Wiimote, 'cause it'll mess up the tracking. And of course, make sure there's nothing in the way, and that you're sitting at least a metre away from the TV.

To get more Miis, add people and tell them to enable 'Mingle'. They should start appearing in your parade if you've allowed it.