View Full Version : Since it's been 7 years... about Chrono Cross

May 8, 2007, 09:50 AM
I'll post a MASSIVE SPOILER WARNING even though the game is seven years old now.

I'm talking about Chrono Cross.

I remember when this game came out. It was an awesome year for rpg's: Vagrant Story, Chrono Cross, FFIX, PSO was on the horizon, etc.

Anyway, I loved Chrono Cross. Brought back great memories of CT but had its own style, too. I really liked the battle engine and the vibe of the game.


Halfway through the game. Your entire cast of chracters is ripped away from you and you have to play as Lynx and with Marle and the other 'eval' characters.

I hated that so much. I was really into the game and my characters and it just took them away from us for pretty much the rest of the game.

I dunno, maybe cause its nice out today and it reminds me of the day I got Chrono Cross. But it got me thinking about that.

Anyone else play CC and feel the same way?

Yes, I realize how old this is, but back then I didn't post on message boards, but I always wondered how other gamers felt about this.

May 8, 2007, 10:27 AM
I hated that too but I loved it at the same time.
Its great because that kinda stuff doesn't happen in RPGs, such a major change in the party and storyline overall, it was awesome.
'Sides, I liked a lot of the characters you got as Lynx: that Cyborg, Marle.
Great fucking game, I just wish my PSX emulator ran it like it should.

May 8, 2007, 10:36 AM
I played it on emulator and thought it was alright. What I enjoyed the most was the final battle. It was nice having a special way to win it other than bashing the guys head in as usual. A game's final battle should be different than the others in a game, IMO.

May 8, 2007, 10:40 AM
Interesting points of views. I agree about the final battle, Siertes. Dizzy: must say, you have a cool way of looking at it.

May 8, 2007, 12:20 PM
Can't say I do, actually..
It struck me as rather typical RPG fare up until that point...albeit one with an entertaining battle system, great art, and a killer soundtrack.

In my opinion, playing as Lynx sealed the deal for me, and elevated it from simply good, to great.

Prior to PSU's release, I was hoping the character generation system would have allowed me to create a Beast version of Lynx...crazy hat and all.

May 8, 2007, 12:54 PM
Chrono Cross, thankfully, didn't get as embarassingly overrated as Chrono Trigger is.

It's certainly good, just not great... Probably why "Chrono Break" never got off the ground (of course, for all we know, that could still be coming).

May 8, 2007, 01:10 PM
I guess every game hits us in different ways, as much for how good the games is as for where we're at when we play it.

Like, Vagrant Story: that game was awesome to me, partly because I was going through a really tough in life and that game was like my total escape. When I got around to Chrono Cross things were more chill and the whole island-feel and time-tripping thing really 'worked' for me.

Also, untili 1997, I hadn't played console rpg's since I was a little kid, like not since PSIV. So, they were still kind of fresh to me in 2000. I guess I wasn't burned out on clichés yet and actually enjoyed having a set cast of characters that I could work on. When they took that from me.... grrr....

May 8, 2007, 02:25 PM
I wasn't a fan of turning into Lynx either. Oh well, what can one do http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_nono.gif

May 8, 2007, 02:29 PM
7 years already? CC is a nice departure from typical lv-ups. The story could've been better if the game focused on fewer characters. I still like certain music tracks from it. ;]

May 8, 2007, 02:44 PM
Yeah, time sure does fly, donnit Dhylec?

And, yeah, man I loved a lot of the music in CC. The main overworld theme was outstanding ~ somehow haunting and relaxing and otherworldly all at once. Most of the music was great in that game, IIRC.

May 8, 2007, 02:49 PM
It was great being Lynx... though the twist had already been used in other RPGs before (I'll spoil it for you: Dragon Knight 4. Awesome game.) so it wasn't really a surprise.
The game was to my likings, and IMO great in many, many ways though.
I have to admit I don't even remember the last boss, to be honest. Maybe I didn't clear the game? I was kinda busy getting all characters and all items. I remember a really though boss battle to get a special character though, THAT was nice.

May 8, 2007, 03:40 PM
At first I wasn't too thrilled about it, but soon the plot development made it worthwhile. CC had some pretty good moments in it, and the battle system was refreshing. At the time.

And Vagrant Story was great. Still one of my all time favs.

May 8, 2007, 05:23 PM
Man, I loved that game. Me and my buddy played it alot. Actually, what is weird is that I got it around the time it came out...and just beat it this past fall! Not that it took me that long. I played it non-stop in goddamn 1999 or whenever it came out then lost interest around the Dragon slaying parts. Would pick it up every couple months and continue. But last semester I beat it! Great memories with that.

Chrono Break!?

May 8, 2007, 06:00 PM
Kinda funny - a Chrono Cross song came up on my random playlist while I was running a game on Sunday and three people perked up and said, "Yes! Chrono Cross! Firking awesome!"

I liked the game, through and through. Had no qualms about it whatsoever.

May 8, 2007, 08:21 PM
Great music and art... I just couldn't get into it however... I watched alot of the game as my friend played it though... Eh... I was largely disappointed by alot of the elements at the time... and the way it broke away from CT in so many ways... But in retrospect, I really appreciate that it didn't totally sell-out and give people what they wanted. This is one of those games I've been meaning to pick up and give another run through, if only I had the time :

Kinda hope they don't pick up the franchise again... Unless, it is once more a departure from formula. I can't say I care for Square's true sequels. The only reason I still play cannon FF is because each entry is unique among the series. The sequels and spin-offs can rot in a Wal-Mart discount bin for all I care.