View Full Version : Go-Kart laws in Arizona

Nitro Vordex
May 9, 2007, 09:51 PM
I seriously need some help. The laws that are written here are never straightforward(as if other laws are?) and I need to know some things about Go karts:

1. Am I allowed to ride them in say somewhere like Apache Junction? Mostly desert out here so I figured that would be okay if you stay off the public roads.

2. Do I need to register them with DMV? Because I really don't want to sit in there for 4 hours and then find out I don't need to register them.

3.Does my engine have to be a certain size to pretain to question 2?

Help is very much needed and appreciated.

May 10, 2007, 05:53 PM
I'd use the phone and call the DMV. They'd know.

<- Currently in Arizona.

May 15, 2007, 03:39 PM
usually the engine size/top speed has alot to do with it needing to be registered or not, or if you need a liscence to drive it. but its different for each state so it's best to call and ask. i know for many states, a 50cc (30-40 mph)moped/scooter, you don't need a liscence to drive it. but you can't take it on the expessway (obviously). anything faster will need to be registered.