View Full Version : Good FOnewearl equipment for level bracket?

May 10, 2007, 03:53 PM
I'm new to the game.. and I was just wondering, what are the must have items for a FOnewearl @ levels 35-55? I'm on hard mode right now.. and MST requirement is no big. Since I had nothing better do, I spammed TTF normal runs all day and maxed out my Mind Sato xD.

So yeah, any suggestions? I was thinking..

Attribute Wall
Sato (lv200, 5/0/45/150)

May 10, 2007, 04:34 PM
A Merge of a Technique should work well, if you happen to have one.

Angel/Mind(s) for slots or resistances.

Once you reach a (very?) high level, a good frame would be Sacred Cloth.

May 10, 2007, 06:41 PM
Section ID?

At this level, you should have weapons to further boost your tech strength. The 9 star cane set, as well as the 9 star wand set satisfy this at your current level, if you could find any of them. Armor should be the most updated one as possible for the normal blue ones. LV51 is Protect Frame. If you have any Dragon/HP, equip one of them to boost HP. Beyond there, the rest could be more Dragon/HP or Angel/Minds.

May 12, 2007, 09:53 AM
once you get to ultimate........... hunt a good armor such as the mentioned sacred cloth. otherwise i would try to get a hildebears head it is extremely helpful ( only use the special, it hits every time because it is magic) and the special is probably more powerful than the foie that you have now.