View Full Version : Which is better?

May 10, 2007, 10:43 PM
Alright, I'm LvL 46 and have a 20% Dark Mugungri which would be great for Sacred Ground Runs and such. I Also have a 24% Light Mugungri which would be good for LabS2, Falkis, and all those other missions. But I want to get rid of one (Trade for an ICE Mungungri of equal percentage) of them. At my LvL I don't know which would benefit me more.. if I should keep the Light or Dark for the corresponding missions. I have heard that the sacred grounds drops good items, and that LabS2 gives you hella mission points, money, etc. But I have also Mad Beasts S2 is coming out so would it be better to have a higher percentage ICE Mungungri? Please help me out.. I have been thinking about this for a while and cannot decide, thnx.

May 10, 2007, 10:45 PM
First off, 24>20. Secondly, HIVE seems to get more love than holy grounds. There's also the fact that holy grounds is a single level, which there are four dark SEED levels. Also, I believe that Fakis is harder than anything you can fight in Holy Grounds.

May 10, 2007, 11:16 PM
Follow the light!