View Full Version : Adventure games....

May 13, 2007, 05:45 AM
Sam & Max likely comming to Xbox Live, and possibly Wii and PS3 as well?

Jane Jenson (http://www.gamespot.com/news/6164900.html) returns now that Grey Matter has been picked up again? Possibly with console ports? (This game will be fucking amazing, just watch. She is the best storyteller in the game industry, bar none.)

Penny Arcade working with Ron Gilbert on The Rain Slicked Precipice of Darkness? (http://kotaku.com/gaming/clips/clip-first-penny-arcade-game-footage-244698.php)

AGS releasing the Quest for Glory II (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFRJAlMg6P0&mode=related&search=) remake this year?

The Silver Lining (King's Quest XI) possibly seeking final approval by Vivendi by the end of this year?

Oh, and I forgot. Al Lowe is comming back to do the Sam Suade (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFXxOwjs3nY) series.

I am offically a happy fucking camper. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sinue_v2 on 2007-05-13 11:38 ]</font>

May 13, 2007, 10:20 AM
I'm more waitying for Ninjagaiden Sigma and Parasite Eve 3.

May 13, 2007, 12:44 PM
Parasite Eve 3 was announced as a game for cellphones in Japan. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

If you like adventure games, you might be interested in The Secret World.

There aren't a whole lot of details, but it's an MMO with the story being done by the same person who did the stories for The Longest Journey and Dreamfall.

On 2007-05-13 03:45, Sinue_v2 wrote:
Sam & Max likely comming to Xbox Live, and possibly Wii and PS3 as well?


May 13, 2007, 01:22 PM

Shack News interview with Telltale CEO Ted Conners (http://www.shacknews.com/extras/2007/031907_danconnors_2.x)

Nothing offical yet, mind you, but they've hired programmers familiar with developing for these hardware platforms.

Shack: Much ado has been made of your job solicitations for Wii and Xbox 360 programmers. What can you say about your plans there?

Dan Connors: Well, we're hoping to get on to both consoles, with Live Arcade and Virtual Console--I'm sorry, on all three consoles! But we're starting with Wii and Xbox, on both of their online services and retail as well. We want to open as much distribution as possible and reach as many people as possible, so when we go out and talk to a license holder we can say, "Hey, we can get your license in front of all these people. Come with us and we'll make sure it's a great product." The distribution channel drives a lot of that, especially if you're independent and you're an emerging media publisher. I think there's some room for us to grab a stake.

Shack: Have you had much discussion with the platform holders?

Dan Connors: Yeah, on and off. We're definitely talking to them about it. They talk to a lot of people, so getting their attention is a bit of a challenge, but it's always nice whenever there's an article going across the headlines that people want more Sam & Max. There's also a lot of interest in the episodic thing, and Sam & Max has gotten a lot of interest from the critics, so that helps too.

As for The Secret World, it definately looks interesting. I enjoyed The Longest Journey, but haven't really played Dreamfall yet. I heard it got very mixed reviews. I might pick it up on it's own merits, but I doubt it will have much to do with anything about Adventure games.

No offence, but ever since Benoit Sokal became the "big name" in Adventures - the whole genre has just gotten stupidly stale, pushing surreal artwork over well crafted puzzles and storylines. Though I admit that Still Life was a pretty good game (part of the Post Mortem series. Had a WAAAAAY better storyline than that hack game Indigo Prophecy). I blame MYST and it's clones for this. I don't like MYST, but I know it was special to a LOT of people - one of the best selling games of all time. Everyone saw those numbers and figured that style of game was the future of the genre - and they were wrong.

So I'm REALLY happy to see things starting to turn around like this.

May 13, 2007, 01:38 PM
I enjoy adventure games as well. I wouldn't get to optimistic about the future of the genre though. Unfortunately, they just aren't as profitable as other game types.

May 13, 2007, 01:49 PM
I don't expect the genre to become as large and influencial as it once was - but I do hope for a large turnaround in the way these games are developed, and the quality that goes into them.

I think there's still a decent market for Adventure games out there - but the problem is that most of the people these games would appeal to aren't gamers. Not everyone judges their digital entertainment by the number of corpses they can stack. It will definately need an overhaul in the way these games are created, marketed, and distributed. Actually, I think XBL Arcade, VC, or the PS3 online store is a great venue of choice, since they're already in so many homes and gives others in the house who don't like contemporary games a use for the consoles. There's a lot of non-gamer parents and spouces who enjoy both puzzles and movies - and the Adventure genre is a good fit for them. They just haven't been introduced to them yet.

May 13, 2007, 05:35 PM
Dreamfall's major downpoint is that the story's ending was a bigger cliffhanger than Halo 2's. Think Final Fantasy X, where a large part of the game is the main character narrating the story thus far, but when you get to the point in the game where it's the "present," it just ends right there. Like it doesn't actually even have an ending.

I'm going to guess it was pushing from the publisher that caused that to happen.

I, personally, would love to see more adventure games about, as long as they're not pixel-hunters (Myst, Riven, all that crap). However, the only problem with adventure games? They don't really have any sort of replay value. The game is (usually) nothing short of awesometastic its first play through, but once you know how to solve all the puzzles, and where to go, and what to do, it's not really any fun any more.

But I guess that's why the Action/Adventure genre was made.

May 13, 2007, 06:45 PM
woohoo ADv games!
Now i need some RPG's....

May 13, 2007, 09:51 PM
I hope that the adventure genre makes a comeback, mostly because the subject matter is usually great, but I don't find them all that fun (I get stuck, shrug, walk away).

I want a Tim Schafer Monkey Island.

May 14, 2007, 10:57 AM
They don't really have any sort of replay value. The game is (usually) nothing short of awesometastic its first play through, but once you know how to solve all the puzzles, and where to go, and what to do, it's not really any fun any more.

I agree, and there's been a lot of preliminary work done in figuring out how to make much less non-linear puzzles for these games, expecially when trying to figure out how to make online multiplayer adventures. So even if the puzzle scenario isn't to change, the puzzles themselves might increase in difficulty or have multiple ways of solving them dependant on the actions of other players. Though, much of the work to make puzzles this way was abandoned when the genre fell durring the late 90's.

Though personally, I still enjoy adventures on mutliple playthroughs - usually because the stories and atmosphere are so good or humorous that just experienceing them again is worth the playthrough. Sort of like watching a movie several times.