View Full Version : PSO Rare Impaired Club

Dec 13, 2002, 01:21 AM
I don't know if many of you realize this, but there appears to be a growing minority of PSO players who are distinctly lacking in cool gearz.

You know who you are. You're lvl 101 and still using a Stag Cutlery. Your mag harkens back from the days of V1. Your armor doesn't do anything to visibly show it's there. People cancel the trade window before you even finish displaying all your stuff.

You feel shabby and low-grade. You see people with Demo Comets and Sange's and Red Scorpios, and you're still running around with a Dragon Slayer as your mainstay. You feel frustrated and envious, and you're not enjoying the game like you used to.

You'd be surprised, but there are a fair number of people like this.

I personally just had a bad PSO week. I had a RL friend of mine, in one of his first jaunts into ultimate stumble across a Demo Comet. I've gone into trade rooms and felt like I was wasting people's time... I'm at level 96, and i had a lvl 80 cancel the trade window halfway through me putting up my stuff because he didn't believe I had anything that would interest him. i'm been enjoying the game less and less.

However, I had one game that I DID enjoy. It was with three other players: GREX-UNIT-02, Magatsu and dead by dawn. These guys were all similar level to me, and NONE of them had anything better than a red saber. They were all using Dragon Slayers, Stag Cutleries, Soul Eaters, etc. Just like me.

We went through Ultimate Ruins. It was WONDERFUL.

That's what I think us Rare nonfinders need, as a recharge and to remind us that this game ISN'T all about the rares: A day of the week where we gather to play, just those of us who DON'T have multiple 11 & 12 star rares, or who's armor glows or flames or barfs out space mice.

This isn't about legit vs. Nonlegit. I don't care if you can provide video evidence of where and how you found that Demo comet. That's not what this is about. This is for those of us who can't find that neat stuff, for whatever reason, or who FSOD'd and lost our cool stuff, or for those poor importers or Japanese players who are forced to give up all their sparkly toys for a chance to play with the rest of the world. This is so we can play without feeling envious or sorry for ourselves, or that we're somehow not contributing our share because our weapon doesn't give us +500 ATP.

I suggest Saturday, 9pm PST in Antares 08 be declared Rare Impaired day. all those who haven't had much luck, gather to play with your peers and have fun for a change!

What say you all?

Dec 13, 2002, 07:59 AM
hey count me in...

i've only found 1 rare, and it was a blade dance. fortunately i had photon drops to trade for some decent weaponry... but still, i want to find some on my own, i love seeing the red box, grabbing it, setting a telepipe, and finding out what it is. thats the best part. (even though i've only done it once... :bleh: )

Dec 13, 2002, 08:43 AM
hey, i'll come to the get together! i'm almost lv.90 and my best wep is DragonSlayer. (and someone had to give that to me, I didnt' even have somthing worth trading for it..). I've seen three pal rappys and got a monomate and two last survivors http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif I wish I had a good wep to show off now, because when the duping gets bad everybody will have everything, it's sad http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif but it's always exciting to keep hunting.. thats what makes it fun. Maybe i'll get lucky today!!

Dec 13, 2002, 10:13 AM
well i did find a Demo Comet i admit...but it took hundreds of tp tricks and 3 Mil lillies to get.
im lv 128 and got it around 124.
my hours are about 280 and im redria.....cursed redria.
People snicker when i pop a Sacred Cloth into the trade window.
I have a god/ battle to but big woop. i do a combo faster wich leads to me getting hit in the face by the enemy after my 3rd hit faster.
Im currently at this moment forcing Pouillys to appear. im on the 8 Slime and so far they have not dropped 1 red box.
A Pal rappy i saw yesterday didnt even leave a smelly brown treat behind.
I have never seen hideltor.
I've noticed, that i've never gotten a special item in my game from an enemy but the basic Bartle, vulmer and so forth wich always drop bravemans and guilty lights blah blah.

Where in the hell is this Kasami Bracer im suppose to get from sinow Blues? ive fought TONS of them or hours on end and nothing....oh maybe 1 PD.

Maybe once i hit 300 hours things will change because this is down right absurd and i'm about to write SEGA a nasty little e mail.

It's not just me either, my irl friend found 10 Mil lillies in 1 day, hes whitil, and they dropped not a dam red box.
He just found a sange on his skyly so blarg.

I love this game, it's just frustrating seeing lv 80 characters with all the parasite wears and black king bars and double cannons and so forth.

Dec 13, 2002, 12:32 PM
Heh, count me in.. I have a few good rares, but they're all things that took me a long time to get.. mainly my Snow Queen and Love Heart armor.. past that, I get screwed out of anything that drops at almost every turn... bah.. it's rather depressing when people 100 levels less than you are running around with better equipment.. lol, I still have my spiritual shield on.. (level 71).. not even a green one, just white basic.. x.x ugh

Dec 13, 2002, 12:38 PM
Currently, my RAmarl's best weapons are a Laser and an Arms... no specials. I do not have a single weapon that is more powerful than what I can find all over the place in Ultimate boxes.

Once upon, I had a special that was wonderful to me, the Suppressed Gun... alas, I lost the beloved special to a BSOD, and have ever since been reduced to using standard fare weaponry.

As the sig implies, my RAmarl is a Redria. Presently, she's level 72.

Dec 13, 2002, 02:36 PM
I SO FEEL YOUR PAIN!!!!! *wipes tear* the only rares i ever find are stupid blade dances and vjayas I HATE MY SECTION ID!!!(greenill). sadly i cant join you guys on saturday as i will be traveling until the 17th, however i would be glad to join in on the next one.

Dec 13, 2002, 03:00 PM
Heh, did I mention That I primarily end up using my Mind Arms +10 and Vulcans in combat? =P level 135, that's kinda sad. lol. oh well. Snow Queen is nice, but only when I get enemies lined up, and when/if it hits..plus, only one shot, so it's a pain to use at times..

Dec 13, 2002, 03:06 PM
My hunewearl Krayana was using Havok Calibur 45/0/0/0/40 up to lvl 113... and it's still one of my nicest weps for hitting things with three straight hard attacks. It's also fun when people mistake my Claymore 0/50/0/0/45 for a red sword and my Gatlings with hit % for red weapons. =P In the end, you don't need rares to do massive damage. Some people just think "rares" look cooler, but other times you can't even tell the difference. Yeah, I guess I like rares, but if the day ever comes when everyone starts using double cannons on the teams I play in, I'm going to start playing with that calibur again, and point out that my weapon is rarer than their because everyone is using a double cannon and I'm the only one with a calibur. ^_~

Dec 13, 2002, 03:26 PM
Some people just think "rares" look cooler, but other times you can't even tell the difference. Yeah, I guess I like rares, but if the day ever comes when everyone starts using double cannons on the teams I play in, I'm going to start playing with that calibur again, and point out that my weapon is rarer than their because everyone is using a double cannon and I'm the only one with a calibur. ^_~

Yeah, having a special can often be merely a cosmetic perk, but when I had my Suppressed Gun, it was the most powerful weapon I had for a very long time. I do have some other specials, such as Crush Bullets, but they are not as powerful as a hardly grinded Arms. So, I do not use what few specials I have, because they're weaker than the standard weapons I find.

Still, it's nice to flash a good looking weapon around once in a while, especially when you're around other, non-duping characters. It's sort of a showing of accomplishment, I guess you could say.

Dec 13, 2002, 03:57 PM
what is 9pm pst equal to in est?

Dec 13, 2002, 03:58 PM
what is 9pm pst equal to in est?

Dec 13, 2002, 05:36 PM
Lol.. you think you have it so bad... Then consider when I was trying my hardest to get those L&Ks from you.

Dec 13, 2002, 05:52 PM
Hmm, well, i know whatcha all are going through, me too !! im only level 40 tho.
You know though, thats the beauty of it, when you DO find good stuff, you are excited, you know it, and you gotta love that old stuff http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif
stag cutlery's and that stuff are fun, you all know it. So just take what you have and have fun, thats the main thing http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Dec 13, 2002, 06:12 PM
On 2002-12-13 14:36, 00JOE wrote:
Lol.. you think you have it so bad... Then consider when I was trying my hardest to get those L&Ks from you.

Those L&K's are my best mechgun, and when I get a chance to grind 'em they'll replace my H&S's... probably for the duration of the game (since HUmars never get enough ATA to use any more powerful Mechguns)

If the H&S Justices would help you out, I've got a spare set. there's not reason you should do without the basics, after all.

That should be another note: If anyone here is COMPLETELY skunked... and I mean not even a varista, and you're over level 60, those of us who have extra 9* should help out. I know I'm willing to. But please don't ask unless you're completely skunked, as we're hard up enough as it is ;p

Dec 13, 2002, 06:12 PM
The best thing that I have found was one of the real flowens. And maybe a sacred guard but whoopity do, it wasn't even better then what I already had. Alas, I will still love and enjoy this game. Everyone's time will come, it just takes patience.

Dec 14, 2002, 06:40 AM
I'm level 30 and using a Mind Autogun. Of course, at my level I guess I'm not supposed to find rare stuff. My little brother, same level as me, always picks up whatever rares we find in off-line multiplayer. So far, he's got a Vise, a Blade Dance, and a Kalabolg. And I've only found a few pdrops.

Dec 14, 2002, 07:15 AM
Get this, i have 3 characters, 1 RAmarl lvl 89, 1 HUmar lvl 111, and my current character, FOnewearl lvl 44, well lot''s of hours right? Yes. I have a local friend here that has 1 character and is a lvl 60 RAmar. He does NOT have internet and plays offline. His ID is Pinkal and is currently playing VHard as of this writing. Lets see, he find a Caduceus, a Paku Paku Branch, Red Barrier, Amp of Foie, Del Sabre's Left Arm, a Justy and 5 PDrops in the time he plays offline and he's not even in Ulti yet. Off the top of my head I've found countless DSlayers, countless L Survivors, countless Varistas, countless PDrops, countless Yamato's, countless Inferno Bazooka's, countless Visks and WALS-MK's. Although i have found a left arm of Del sabre, he find all of the above on 1 character offline in a small fraction of my hours total on all 3 characters. Fortunatly he doesnt care for 90% of what he finds, all he likes are rifles and armors. My point being........the fact that he finds the Caduceus is remarkable because even PSOW states that you find that staff on ULTI, he found it in VHard mines, lmao!!!! Well the fact that I immediatly drop DSlayers, varistas, LSurvivors,Blade Dances, Justice Mechs, Visks, and Wals, doesnt make me part of this club of unlucky's who never find rares. Hmm, well i thought i'd post anyway, but the best weapon my HUmar 111 has is a delsaber set and a stag, so i guess i am elligible to be part of the unlucky club, in some cases NO in some cases yes, sorry for the rant peeps. BTW, wassup Annorax, mail me sometime online. Peace peeps!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: CorneliusPower on 2002-12-14 04:19 ]</font>

Dec 14, 2002, 07:41 AM
YES! Count me in!

I'm still using my darn Hildebear Cane and been trying to get a HIldeblue, but I never find any cool rares of course.

My mag, ugh it doesn't have any cool PBs. It is a Petra though.

Anyways! I'd love to join in!

Dec 14, 2002, 10:01 AM
im in as i have tons of common rares that were given to me by people i know.

the only things ive found on my own are

cane of lanconium
double saber
last survivor

thats it all my others are sympathy gifts
so ill be there im 3 lvls away from playing ultimate at the time i write this so i hope to be 80 by the time we meet
cyal there:P

Dec 14, 2002, 10:55 AM
rare stuff hmmm yes sum ppls pit of indulgence, yes we all ju,p when we see a lil red cube spinning in their so reddish spirals, but y not more of them for us? y not? i see no reason? sadness..... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Dec 14, 2002, 02:56 PM

Oh yes, count me in please! I am terrible when it comes to finding rares, I could not find any back when I played Ver. 2 on DC either. (Then again, I have not gone online, but I have not found any rares in multi-player) Whenever I see all these rare weapons and such, I feel so inferior. =( Well, probably the only rare I have found is a Photon Drop, but I don't know what it does...

Still, it's good to know that I'm not alone in the 'rares' department. ^_^

Take care!

Dec 14, 2002, 06:54 PM
Wish I could join you, but alas, my nearest online connection date would be sometime after Christmas.

The only 'rares' I've found are:

2x Musashi (Can't even equip 'em, but friend can and already exceeds my ATP by 2 fold)
2x Varista (Alright, I admit, it is better than my Seize Sniper and Autogun +49 combined)
2x Club of Laconium (:Meh: Trash. Forces only. I guess it's going to my new Force)
1x Gobooma's Right Arm (Haven't even transformed it yet)
4x Photon drops (Can't even get online yet.)

Those are all on just one character, but I gave my sashi's to my friend, my clubs to my force, and I'm going to be getting that arm changed when I use my friend'scharacter to do my bidding since I've alread gotten to and beaten the qests which Montague will turn parts for you. So I do't really consider what I've found to be ultra-good rares, but they do help me get by.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Siegfried on 2002-12-14 15:55 ]</font>

Dec 14, 2002, 07:08 PM
wow ive been named dropped thats freakin awsome man thanks. im dead by dawn on PSO btw. and i enjoyed that game too alot. grex is a great player who did all 4 cmode levels in one night with my and my friend and one other kid named Sailo. and as soon as Cmode 5-6 are up me and grex are gonna rock em to the ground ur welcome to join us too btw http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif anytime you wanna play man pls just hit me up wit some simple mail im on a lot and never finding good rares either. i know what it feels like to be canceled for showing stuff, when someone has a BMK+99 a double cannon+99, sange+99, and 7, 4 slot rare armours they arent a duper or some sort of hacker? dont get pissed at me because im legit. if people acutally get a lavis cannon and make a double good for you thats what im going to do. im oran so i can actually get a legit syn http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif if i ever find a hilditor http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif but anytime you wanna game lemme know man also is ur PSO name the same as your PSOW name?

Dec 15, 2002, 12:49 AM
On 2002-12-14 16:08, Guntz348 wrote:
wow ive been named dropped thats freakin awsome man thanks. im dead by dawn on PSO btw. and i enjoyed that game too alot. grex is a great player who did all 4 cmode levels in one night with my and my friend and one other kid named Sailo. and as soon as Cmode 5-6 are up me and grex are gonna rock em to the ground ur welcome to join us too btw http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif anytime you wanna play man pls just hit me up wit some simple mail im on a lot and never finding good rares either. i know what it feels like to be canceled for showing stuff, when someone has a BMK+99 a double cannon+99, sange+99, and 7, 4 slot rare armours they arent a duper or some sort of hacker? dont get pissed at me because im legit. if people acutally get a lavis cannon and make a double good for you thats what im going to do. im oran so i can actually get a legit syn http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif if i ever find a hilditor http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif but anytime you wanna game lemme know man also is ur PSO name the same as your PSOW name?

My PSO Chars Are:

Prime - Humar. Long red hair tied up in a ponytail.

Raine - Hunewear. Wavy shoulder-length silver hair. Quite buxom.

Alpha - Racast. Short and stocky, with a preference for big guns.

Proxy - Ramarl. Appears about 12 or 13, spikey red hair.

Dec 15, 2002, 12:01 PM
A sort of decent idea when making a game with people with different ID's is to change the maker. So that everyone doesn't keep gettin Last Suvivors if the maker is a Skyly ID. I mean its not exaclty a way to find super rares, but you'll find different stuff and not be so depressed when you find a rare creature and kill it only to find that which you found two rooms ago from a normal creature. Just a suggestion. That's what we at home are starting to do in offline multiplayer.

Dec 15, 2002, 12:21 PM
heh I met a 122 using a Bloody Art cause that was their best weapon. Maybe I should give them one of my 19 Yamato's lol

Dec 15, 2002, 01:15 PM
Hell I'll join. The best wep I have is my Delsaber's Buster +9 and I'm still wearing a 4 slot Dragon Armor. I feel your pain deeply....

Dec 15, 2002, 07:01 PM
Me too!
I'll join up and keep useing my D-slayer...at 112. I feel exactly the same way, all my friends have stuff like the Demo Comet and Stag Cutleries, but I've used this slayer (it is %less) and some Imperial barrier or something since level 90 or so.

Don't you hate how people front their stuff at you too? There will be some guy with the comet or something, and they'll be all doing attacks on nothing just to show it off all around you if you hold still for 1 second. Same with guns, they'll shoot 'thru' you just to show it off and then ask you if that's all you have.

I'm sick of people who also have 3 of something already, and beat me to the box, whine that it's the same thing they got 3 of, then keep whatever it was. Grr!
But at least there, I'll be able to have one night now, where that won't happen.

Dec 15, 2002, 07:39 PM
i am a yellowboze i find jacks**t i would love to join

Dec 16, 2002, 12:20 AM
I have the uncanny ability to go entirely through Episode II on Ultimate and not find one Red Box.. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_rant.gif