View Full Version : Best card & longbow PA?

May 22, 2007, 09:19 PM
Hello everyone!

So I have two spaces open to learn two new PAs and I figured I would ask my fellow Techers what they feel are the best/most useful card and longbow PAs?

I've currently got an Earth card PA and an Ice longbow PA learned. Don't know why I exactly chose those way back when, but I did. So anyway, any input would be great!

Thanks in advance! http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

May 23, 2007, 03:27 AM
I probably have a different point of view on the matter, since I play a beast GT and am much more focused on damage. As far as cards do, it's hard to say. I only use cards for damage, and I use all 6 element bullets according to the enemies I happen to be fighting. But for bow, you definitely should consider Dark, for SE4 Virus at lv 21+.

May 23, 2007, 07:36 AM
I say for TECHERS that's easy. LIGHT bow and Light Card.

For a Forte Techer esp you MUST HAVE a LIGHT BOW and a LIGHT KIKAMI. Even with the upcoming REGRANTS Light-element Area TECH there are no other LIGHT element TECHS. When you're doing 450+ a shot to a Gaozoran with a Bow or throwing 150x3 per Card Fan Swing you know you picked right.

For all other elements a Techer can easily rely on TECH for Status effects or pure elemental damage. But not Light... >_> Also most rangers have Freeze, Shock and Virus already covered so you can bring a different bullet flavor to the mix.

As for Confusion yes i swear by confusion. Yes its not as useful as FREEZE or SHOCK or VIRUS but a CONFUSED Gaozoran is MUCH easier to get than a SILENCED one. In fact i don't see Silence very useful since all enemy TECHERS are very Silence Resistant... but not CONFUSE Resistant (?)

Ah i have no stats but i think its easier to land CONFUSE than it is to SILENCE. Besides Diga 21+ has Silence lvl 4 anyway. Assuming those dam Gaozorans don't Teleport out of the way before your "Moat00b sized Grenade" hits them V_V

VIRUS BOW is 2nd place. DamuMegid is only status lvl 2 and thus a TECHER cannot reliably INFECT from a distance. Plus you dont want to get close to targets you want to infect like Bil de Vears or Jarbas.

Card fans... i went with Light & Fire but i am working on ICE simply because there are too many flying FIRE monsters.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: MSAksion on 2007-05-23 05:40 ]</font>

May 23, 2007, 10:00 AM
Thanks for the input! I'll definitely be aiming to pick up light & dark PAs, just gotta figure out which one to get for the longbow and which to get for cards, although Light cards do sound great for the Confuse status! Anything to keep my fragile Newman body from being cut to ribbons is great.

May 23, 2007, 12:58 PM
Dark, Fire and Ice are the best bow PAs, and conveniently enough, the other three elements of Earth, Thunder and Light are best on Cards.

MSAksion has a good point, though, since there is currently no light-based tehcnic available.

May 23, 2007, 09:30 PM
As a beast WT & FT i can tell you that, the best Longbow would be Light & The Ult Chousei-sou bows. Chousei-sou bow is slower & cost 90PA frags but to maximise your ATP use the ultimate bow. lvl 9 than chousei-sou does more damage than my lvl 16 Light bow.

Wartecher bullets though are capped at 10 so lvl 2 bow needs to be maximized by the ultimate's extra power. ForteTecher bullets at 30 get status 4 on the bow therefore its really up to you to pick the element and status you want to land reliably.

For Card Fan, i use a combo of Ground & Light. Ground Kikami does wonders on fast moving high evasion enemies such as Vahras and BEEZ BEEZ BEEZ. Using Slow TECHS against these deadly speeders can cost you in dolls. Light card fans are for Gazorans in Hive. Techs are too slow and not effective against these Teleporting Tech-resistant Dark Wizards.

i agree, that confusion does wonders against anything compared to silence that really works on enemy techers. At status 2, i use the Ground card mainly for damage, and light for confusion and damage.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: LS_Aksion on 2007-05-23 19:37 ]</font>

May 23, 2007, 09:51 PM
Thats an opinion statement <_<

May 23, 2007, 10:07 PM
So, noob questions, what exactly does the Ult bow & card PAs do exactly? What element & status effect are they really...?

May 24, 2007, 03:50 PM
Card: Ice is great because there are lots of flying fire enemies. Light is also a sound choice, for the reasons above (no other light attacks, confuse = win). Where do you think you'd use your cards more?

Bow: What do you use your Bow on? If it's to inflict status effects, then go with Dark. Fire isn't really ideal, because Foie can already inflict Burn SE 4. If it's to damage the many fire enemies, consider ice. Jarba and Onmagoug are both technic resistant fire enemies, and the ice bow works well on both (especially the latter). Otherwise, again, light. It's good for both damage (HIVE, Colony) and confuse.

May 24, 2007, 03:55 PM
the ult PAs have no element associated with them. chousei sou gets enhanced range accuracy and powe at the cost of rate of fire. its good when all you care about is raw damage and want to be completely out of harms way, I swear by it on certain bosses, but never use it in any onther situation.

kyumeisei - shiki (I think that's the name) also has no element added to it, but it drains HP from the enemy on hit. I don't put much stock in it since anyone who can use cards can also resta, but that;s what it does.

@akison - WT has sugnificantly more atp than FT. comparing damage in this scenario is pointless because there;s no "control" on which to base your conjecture. get chousei sou to 16 as well as a FT and then compare it to yousei-sou's damage at the same level on the same bow while you're the same class and tell us what you think.

I tell you right now, I have chousei sou at lvl 21. the damage modifier is 161% and the ata is 101% - nice, sure but even at 21, a standard bullet will have about 145%atp and a 30% elemental bonus boasting about 175% against the appropriate element. the big plus to chousei is that it works against ANY element, so for damage it becomes a bit of an all purpose bullet. but you'll be hard pressed to have it outclass yousei-sou for damage when pitted aganst dark enemies.

May 24, 2007, 06:47 PM
Wow, thanks for the awesome help guys! I went ahead with the Dark bow PA & the Light card PA, just because I think it will suit the reasons I will need them both= Damage with bow, and possibly confusing enemies while I'm teching/healing. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

May 25, 2007, 12:16 AM
I disagree strongly with chousei-sou being good in anything other then sucking incredible amounts of camel ass. It has to be the most useless PA ever. I'm going to make a video one of these days to illustrate how useless the bow PA is. If you just wanted to limit your self to just one bow PA I would say you choose from either fire, ice, or light.

I'm not very familiar with X-bow so I can't say anything useful.

May 25, 2007, 02:21 AM
Dark bow is good - it infects almost anything, and if you need DoT it's best to have an SE4.

The light card is also good - confuse prevents spellcasters from dealing damage to players.

Plus, they both level up FAST.

Go to it, man!

May 25, 2007, 04:31 AM
cousei's range is it's big trump card. I can stay out of harms way in any situation as a result. I WILL say this. if you're limiting yourself to ONE bow bullet - this is not the one. Massei sou will come out eventually and to MY understanding it downs enemies (wipe out) with a chance to stun. even if all it did was cause wipeout. this would be an awesome ability. Stagger big enemies - down sorcerors and flyers. pin down robots so they don't detonate an unsuspecting hunter. the possibilities are endless. if you really only want one bow PA: THIS WILL BE IT!!

of course this is specultion based on the GH442. its entirely possible her bow is just pure evil and massei sou is liquid shit in a dirty bowl. but I doubt it.

May 25, 2007, 07:50 AM
Well, currently I can unfortunately only limit myself to one bow PA because I just didn't have anymore room on my PA roster, but I've been considering wiping out Zonde & Barta simply because I find them to be useless other than tagging way back when I was level 1 - 30ish. I'll have to look more into that new bow PA if it does indeed come out - which would be pure WIN.

imfanboy, already leveling them up, sir! ^_^ Bow PA is level 7 already & Card just hit 9 last night! (Not toooo much progress, but life is getting in the way of my PSU time this week...)

May 25, 2007, 09:54 AM
since you're going to use the dark bow make sure you have foie at 21...burn 4 is godly. it does as much damage per tick as infect, but ticks twice as fast. it's also nice because there are things immune to virus. and if you already have foie at 21...rock on...

May 25, 2007, 09:58 AM
Yup! I think my Foie is 24 or 25, so I guess I'm good to go!

Thanks for all the help!! ^_^