View Full Version : PSO2 Ideas v02.26.01

Feb 26, 2001, 03:49 PM
First, here's the link:

I've been very pleased with the amount of feedback this forum has been giving me with this list.

This revision is getting closer to covering all the bases ... almost there, but a lot of ideas need to be developed further. This is where continued feedback will help improve upon ideas and even come up with some new ideas.

Also in this revision you will notice aesthetic changes. Word saving as HTML just wasn't doing it for me, so I quickly went through and hand-coded it myself.

So continue to contribute your opinions and ideas.

Feb 26, 2001, 05:32 PM
Great list but isn't "Private chat" already implemented through Simple Mail?

Although I would like to be able to send a single message to multiple people. We would probably need a limit on the number of people like 3 to prevent spam.


<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Eugirdor on 2001-02-26 14:34 ]</font>

Feb 26, 2001, 07:36 PM
Ok nice update, two things I noted-

Weapon change bind
Allow the player to set up a button bind that will cycle through a player-defined list of weapons. This would allow players to quickly change their method of attack.

Technique change bind
Need definition.

Counter-point: The problem presented with this is that techniques do not use generic attack binds that weapons do. A weapon change bind would be a lot easier to implement.

Ok, see what I was getting at was, if we didn't get enough custom slots (or even if we did it could be an option).. allow players to cycle through their single target spells quickly which are bound on a button, multi, each type on a single button.. basically player defined. So I could quickly shift in say any single target spell, any size spell, rotate through support spells.. etc. Heck we might even see the debuff spells used if there's some quicker way to get them up/we get around the custom real estate problem.

I noticed spell combos didn't make the cut.. I think that'd be a bit of fun.. if not there (or even if so) there should be some way for spell damage (which costs money and space carting around the fluid lines) to rival melee/ranged weapon damage. As it is the 'free' bladed weapons and heavy shot weapons greatly exceed spell potential.. the biggest reason atp. We can not really increase our Technique damage at all, meanwhile atp increases blades and ranged weapons. Ranged weapons using ata is one smart move, but also there should be some kind of technique power growable stat. Proficiencies could be part of the answer.. but as it stands it's suggested the weapon sides will get proficiencies as well.

Looking good.

Terra Prime FOmarl 48

Feb 26, 2001, 10:44 PM
DCKaz, Erp ... I didn't intentionally leave out the technique "combo" idea ... it just slipped my mind before finalizing 02.26.01. You can expect to see it in 02.28.01. Hopefully within a week I'll be able to come up with a more elaborate description of how I think proficiencies will work and be balanced. If you have any ideas on how to balance this out further, please feel free to let me know.

02.28.01 most likely will not be a huge revision outside of the major aesthetic change I'm currently working on to make navigation through the list a cinch. (Expandable/Collaspable lists, frames, etc)

I just hope I don't kill myself trying to make sure that 02.28.01 is actually ready on wednesday =)

Feb 27, 2001, 06:56 PM

Feb 27, 2001, 11:18 PM
I'm just gonna splurt out random ideas so try to stick with me http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_biggrin.gif

Hey, I got one for storyline elements. How about.. "ADD AN ENDING!" Boy, did that dissapoint the *hell* out of me. Nothing worse than a great storyline ever-so-poorly put into action.

As for the special attack thing, I agree it should be taken out. But they should proc ala eq, meaning, not that much - but considering the fights in PSO are considerably shorter, they should definately proc more.. hey. . there's an idea, longer fights (not vs a bunch of mobs either, vs 3 or 4 mobs or something.)

Monsters should be MUCH more complex. They would do hard/norm attacks just like players, and block moves sometimes, and such. This would go hand-in-hand with my next idea..

Blocking button? Be it hitting one of the attacks the same time a blow is about to land on you, or whatever. Would be harder to block hard attacks, but they do miss more;..

Another thing I'd like to see is pvp.. not ingame though, pso definately ain't ready for that;.. but like arenas or something. The lag would screw it up but if it was for fun with no loss of anything, wouldn't that be a cool time waster?

Oh, and on a final note, BALANCE THE DAMN CLASSES! HUnewearls, HUmars, and RAmars should NOT get the same damn spells as the forces do..

Forces should get totally unique spells, plus TP regeneration, and maybe a couple other things, IMO. That's from a current PSO-standpoint though, so could change ;p

Rangers could use a little work too, IMO.

That's it for now.

Feb 27, 2001, 11:44 PM
If this is suposed to be a social game then more support for the keyboard is needed. Let us map to the keyboard.
Char balance. Forces should not only have more tp but they should do more damage.

Feb 27, 2001, 11:48 PM
Yeah, never seen anyone without a kb , so why not let us bind keys to like CTRL+R for reverser or something, that would rock..

Feb 27, 2001, 11:54 PM
Hey i do like the idea of having a site on some ideas for PSO2. Anyways i had one, they could make a actual trading room for online play, where its almost the same as buying from the weapons and armor place, you pretty much input whatever item or money you will take for the items you have up for sale and you stand there like a merchant, people click on you like they do the merchants in shop and they can choose to do it, and this would stop liars, and this would also stop the jerks who say they are going to give something and they dont, and they get the other persons good item. I have been hoping they would address the trading issue as a major part of PSO in the sequel it is where i have spen 1/4 of my time is trading. and i have never been screwed over but i have been tricked into taking something, cuz before i knew what a double saber was like they tricked me into taking DB's Saber's so i thought that that was the abbreviation for them. Please include the trading issue in your site thank you for your time.

Feb 28, 2001, 02:21 AM
I agree a trading system needs to be in effect, like in diablo 2. where the trade only happens once both players have confirmed that its cool with them. this'll stop jerk theives. Personally I kind of agree with PVP in the sense that you can kill a dirty theif, or at least they can make it where when you die you dont lose any weapons, maybe just exp.

Feb 28, 2001, 03:26 AM
In addition to the ability to bind to the keyboard: potions techniques etc, I would like the option to lock the camera behind the player all the time. Coming from an EQ/AC background, constantly having to hit the trigger so I can look the direction my character is facing is the most irritating thing about this game.

Feb 28, 2001, 04:04 AM
Those are all fine ideas, but how about implementing a competition system. Maybe not a player killing tournament, but an enemy killing contest. Player killing in a controlled battle royal type contest, where the users pick out the items they want to compete for would be nice.

All of that is good ideas, but the best idea, is a how about a capture the flag contest on PSO. To me that would totally rock, you would have to control the weapons you drop or something, but capture the flag, or some team game would be a very nice added bonus.

Feb 28, 2001, 06:02 AM
Really can't find nothing I'd want to change. I really like the multi disk idea. Say four disk with three planets or different parts of Ragol and have a social disk that has a different set of severs with a trading system, PvP arena, and mini games like an arcade that requires your character to use his cash.

In all great job and I hope Sega listens to you.