View Full Version : So what if i hunt?

May 29, 2007, 04:14 PM
For the love of god...DO NOT FUCKING TROLL OR FLAME.

Ok, so me and a few friends were talking at school. We were talking about guns, hunting, etc. when several girls start complaining at us. Now, i would typically ignore this, but it got pretty fucking annyoing to hear "Oh my god, you guys are terrible!" every 5 seconds.
So what if i hunt? Me and my dad like too. Is it wrong? No, its fun for god sakes. Im not white trash because me and my dad want to kill deer every once in awhile. Christ.
Oh, this isnt the first time i get to hear the complaining. In spanish class, my teacher is really really...well....cool in some ways. UNlike most female teachers, stuff about animal slaughter, farming, etc intrigue her (she once went to a students farm to see a bull castration, slaughter.....etc). We dont have a problem. Cept that group of girls complain afterwards about how "gross that was" (one girl actually stopped the teacher from talking)
But hunting is not gross. You are probably going to fucking hit that deer with that SUV anyway! If i kill the damn deer, YOU won't have to fucking pay insurance. Yay im so nice. (/sarcasm)
If you dont like hunting, good for you. Dont call us hunters "white trash" and "murderers" just because we grab a 12 guage every now and then and shoot a deer.

Some people......They even get on my back for fishing......but thats another story

May 29, 2007, 04:16 PM
It is technically better than mass farming. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_confused.gif

Hunting is fine as long as you don't forget about the wilderness you hunt in. Like, no shooting things with pistols.

[Edit]: After living in Missouri for 7 years, I am still stuck with the perception that hunting is a white person kinda thing to do. I have no real problems with it, but it sometimes borders that hick/rustic line.

Big Safari Gaming, though, really sucks for the most part. I generally rank it somewhere near poaching.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Solstis on 2007-05-29 14:33 ]</font>

May 29, 2007, 07:06 PM
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So as not to merely be a paste post, I'll also add that if you had recieved permission, go ahead and let me know and I'll unlock it.

In the mean time, chill out a little and take a breath or three. Continued threads such as these are already fairly prone to continued arguments if the previous thread went sour. An upset opening post in continuation certainly does little to help the mood.