View Full Version : Vlad The Impaler

May 29, 2007, 09:56 PM
I don't get it. Why is this guy seem to be so referenced with vampires? Maybe I'm just extremely misinformed or confused, but this was a real person, right?

May 29, 2007, 10:03 PM
google no?

May 29, 2007, 10:31 PM
Well, never mind. Apparently someone updated the Wikipedia article since I read it...

May 29, 2007, 10:50 PM
He was a real person, and stuff he did in RL eventually became a vampire myth. The mythical Dracula is based on a combination of the real Dracula and a woman named Elizabeth Bathory.



May 29, 2007, 11:45 PM
Vlad Dracula was a real person and is the hero of his country or one of them...

Dracula is a title sort of, it means Son of the Dragon. His father was named Dracul which means Dragon.

The impaler nickname comes from when he would impale his enemies on a stake in the front of his land, placing the stake point at their anus and letting them slowly slip down it, causing a very painful and prolonged death.

The vampiric side is mostly tied to the fact that he would drink the blood of some of his enemies as an intimidation method. He also made some of his enemies drink blood as well by inviting them to dinner and giving them "wine" which after they drank it told them it was blood and then he impaled them.

Among his enemies were members of the catholic church, orthodox church, kings of neighboring lands, and princes of former royal lines.

He was however a devout christian and did what he thought was best for his country despite knowing that he would be sent to hell and cursed by the church. He was supported however by many priests and he confided in many church patrons.

Elizibeth Bathory was psychotic and believed that bathing in the blood of virgins would keep her youth. She was discovered when some of the court got curious about what was happening to all the young servants. If I remember right she was also found dead in her bath of blood dead and it was found that she had some sort of illness brought on by the drinking of blood... or that because she was so obsessed with beauty and used so much make up that it poisoned here.

The reason Dracula is tied with vampirism is because of the fictional work called Dracula. It sensationalyzed and written so that he was a vampire, but the those of his descendants and the people around castle dracula believe that his spirit has turned into a different type of ghost, not a vampire. I forget the name of it but it's one of the more evil ones.

Cain and Judas (from the bible) are also connected with vampirism, but a certain game makes anyone mention cain look like a fool even though there are legitimate records that that game is based off of and Judas is mainly connected because of the catholics seeing him as a bad guy.

Out of the 4 mentioned ppl of history Cain is the only one that is possibly directly tied to vampirism not through only fiction and not through misunderstood beliefs.

also....vampirism in some countries came into being because people caught diseases that caused them to display signs of death and with the lower quality of medicine they would be declared dead and in some cases buried. This would then result in people trying to escape from their graves and some succeeding and with nowhere else that they can think of going they tried to go home where they would scare their family and cause them as well to get sick in many cases. Their family would then really kill them when they saw their family come back from the grave... this inspired many countries to practice certain rituals where the person would be beheaded and dismembered so that they could not come back from the dead and in some cases burned. And remember this means that these sick people who only looked dead were burned alive or cruelly decapitated...

May 30, 2007, 12:26 AM

May 30, 2007, 04:32 AM
http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0TgBUD*4V!FrSCILPM*nR2Cg3ZBhxe0*otQBLLQkBa9CJyJJg5 nA3R48zeTiG1J1aTGXxpwPQ8qdVPpB1JN7nsJxp5!zcqrQjAL4 MiMUsD9XINIhOpaGsUw/P?dc=4675555055519491729

Bram Stoker is the one who first linked Vlad Tepes with Vampires, inspired heavily (as mentioned) by Elizabeth Báthory.

May 30, 2007, 08:53 AM
Needless to say no one knows where Vlad Dracula's body has been burried... they check the tomb to only come up empty handed.

Could Vlad Dracula still be walking the streets in Felt shirts with a fat stomache going to bars every friday through sunday night trying to pick up chicks with those cheese and god awful but hilarious one liners?

May 30, 2007, 09:10 AM
I have to admit, Dracula is a cool dude.

May 30, 2007, 03:32 PM
Vlad Dracula the real one, from history, is my hero. He inspires me.

He didn't put up with any sh*t from Turk invaders trying to come into Walachia,Romania; or any other a**holes, he'd straight up impale them quite viciously.

Long live Romania and Carpathia!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ShadowDragon28 on 2007-05-30 13:34 ]</font>

May 30, 2007, 04:41 PM
DurakkenX whips out the knowledge! Thanks alot man!

I did see a TV special visiting Vlad's old castle where it beleaves he haunts....that is somre freeky stuff right there.

May 30, 2007, 05:40 PM
there have been several tv shows that have gone there... and talked about Vlad

To my knowledge there is a miniseries movie that tells what we know of his life, a show where it talks about the descendants and them investigating their history, and there was one that i can't remember the name of where the have people stay in supposedly haunted places...one of the places was the castle of dracula. i think these all show the castle. I believe there is another one that explores the castle as well, but most of the other shows available are informative about his life rather than the castle or descendants ^.^

Also his real name is Vlad Teppish... I forget how they add the title but his entire name is something like Prince Vlad Teppish Dracula the Impaler... I'm not sure that he was a prince though. and I made a mistake in my previous post his father held the title Dracul, it was not his name. It is a title in some sort of order.

also, like i said, in local myth vlad teppish is not a vampire he is a dark spirit that haunts a specific area and can take various shapes, commonly that of the black dog and is said that this type of spirit is one that has some sort of contract with the devil ^.^

As far as my knowledge on the subject... it involves a lot of my favorite topics ^.^ I can prolly tell you more about vampires than most so called "vampires"

May 30, 2007, 05:46 PM
Lol, I know somebody IRL who is named Vlad.

May 30, 2007, 07:00 PM
Vlad Dracula (his actual name, "Dracula" was a title and family bloodline name of the noble family Dracul {Dragon} he was the Lord and Prince of Wallachia(sp?) Since he was the son of Lord Dracul, he was Son of the Dragon which in Romanian is "Dracula."

"Tepesh" or "Vlad Tepesh" (sp?) i.e. "The Impaler"/"Vlad the Impaler" was more or less a derogetory name that Vlad's enemies and critics called him.

He and the people of Wallachia (in Romania and a part of Transylvania) didn't *dare* call Vlad Dracula "tepesh" in public or ever address Vlad as such from what research I've read.

May 30, 2007, 07:20 PM
On 2007-05-30 15:40, DurakkenX wrote:

As far as my knowledge on the subject... it involves a lot of my favorite topics ^.^ I can prolly tell you more about vampires than most so called "vampires"

Anyone who calls themselves a "vampire," I don't really want to talk to...

May 30, 2007, 09:37 PM
On 2007-05-30 17:20, Moo2u wrote:

On 2007-05-30 15:40, DurakkenX wrote:

As far as my knowledge on the subject... it involves a lot of my favorite topics ^.^ I can prolly tell you more about vampires than most so called "vampires"Anyone who calls themselves a "vampire," I don't really want to talk to...http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w8/Ronin_Cooper/racistagainstvampires.png

May 31, 2007, 01:13 AM
There are things stranger in Heaven and in Earth than you have dreamt of.

Perhaps one day more people will experince them and know them to be real; when more minds are more open, aware, and prepared to understand.

May 31, 2007, 11:35 AM
I don't consider myself a Vampire. I just look a lot like one. It's a bit like a joke.