View Full Version : GC: I Wish They Would Bring Online Gameplay back to PSO

Jun 3, 2007, 03:37 AM
I Never Played Online and i don't know how either

Jun 3, 2007, 07:08 AM
the official sega servers went down, private ones are up, especially one, you can still play.
due to forum policies i cannot talk much about it.
or you download pso bb and connect online....simple

Jun 3, 2007, 10:11 AM
lol, I'm sure lots of people feel similarly. I never played online either. Would have liked those weapon %s with the two hundred or so PDs I have spread around my characters!

Jun 3, 2007, 03:09 PM
Yeah...I want a S-RANK weapon so badly...http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Jun 3, 2007, 03:26 PM
I still play online, from time to time. I would hate it if I could never play pso online ever again.

Jun 3, 2007, 04:59 PM
i do go online on + occasionally, but id rather sega come back up. i really think closing was dumb, considering the amount of players that quit psu after pso went down. and people dont wanna play bb. if gc could come back, id pay 15 a month, and id never cancel, pso rocked. they would get about 1000-6000 players back i bet.

Jun 3, 2007, 05:13 PM
people don't wat to pay for the fee at pso bb, so they move on to some free server, i mean when pso ver.1 and ver.2 went down, the last minutes the servers were with 400 players online, usually they have 20-50 players, so i beleive even more are at gc.
sega had the servers free of bugs and stuff, the private servers have lot's of glittches and stupid bugs.

Jun 3, 2007, 07:17 PM
well, sega still had fsods and such, but still, way better then free servs.

Jun 9, 2007, 02:57 PM
Why can't they bring it back on the Wii?

Jun 9, 2007, 03:19 PM
Stop wanting, and you'll stop suffering.

Jun 9, 2007, 03:25 PM
Well you can connet to the net with a Wii right, so why can't there bring pso back on it?

If they can't why not make a new Phantasy Star game for the Wii, there's alot of fans out there wanting more!

Jun 9, 2007, 03:40 PM
It would not be a good idea IMO, but who knows? I don't think it will be on the Wii.

Jun 9, 2007, 09:14 PM
Pso cannot have aythign else added, unless they want to make just a version for the gamecube but with better graphics, but NOT psu graphics, i dont know why, but i hate them. but the new ver should have ep 1,2,3,and 4, and you could go back online.

Jun 10, 2007, 06:24 PM
What is it about the free servers that sucks? I mean, they're free. Seems like PSO is going the way of the original Starcraft, still having a loyal fanbase even a decade after release.

Jun 10, 2007, 08:14 PM
What sucks about free servers is that they are very glitchy as DC_PLAYER stated.

Jun 10, 2007, 08:21 PM
yea, they glitch, crash,etc, and people corrupt you for no reason...

sega servs only had the last on plus fsods, but if u were smart, fsods didnt matter much.

Jun 11, 2007, 09:06 AM
like otana_uk said, sega wanted to move on, sega was paying a company to maintain the servers online, but paying money just for 50 (dreamcast) players to play was simply a waste of money so they terminated the deal with the servers of dreamcast and gc.
as i noticed at the end of letters that were send to sega, they want ppl to move on to psu so sega can gain money, or if you don't like pso and still like pso gameplay, to move on to psobb.

i still stick to pso ver.2, you can create your own server in this case, but don't expect perfection (for example hack protections disable rare drops)
sega also had a big bandwitch (did i spelled right?), so they could maintain 10 blocks per ship with no trouble, on private servers the ships crash sometimes and they can only have 2 blocks per ship.....

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DC_PLAYER on 2007-06-11 07:10 ]</font>

Jun 11, 2007, 10:20 AM
^ not true.

The one i play on has 99% of all Fsods patched, any glitches are minor in nature.

The only relevant glitches occur when a Gamcube player tries to play with an PSO v2 PC player . . . The compatability is not at 100% between the two yet.

Jun 11, 2007, 12:44 PM
off course not, gcers kill and ver.2 get theyre asses kiked by criatures with very high stats, sometimes the game crashes due to that, since health may not be the same.......... criatures may have diferent attacks like the gran sorcerer.......
it may also cause some unusual drops, the item droped on gamecube is 0000101 for example, that may be different in ver.2 (the item that is)

Jun 11, 2007, 09:17 PM
Thats a bit of an Idea though...Internet is free with the wii but people would still pay the hunters fee. I never played online w/ cube but the times i do get play on live, its awesome. 1st day i played, made like 6 friends. They've seriously got a lot of people behind the idea of bringing GCN severs back online and dumping the Live ones...somethin like that. I think part of the reason they even left live severs on for PSO was becase you could get a lot more money of the 360 users because of that alone. they play 360 and have live so they figured they'd give them a bundle. Knowing there was a hell of a lot less hackers/hacked items out there while people plyed cube (as far as i know fo anyways) than live. i played a hacked character to get me started on live but after I lost the thrill in it...i gave away the crap and I had and started fresh. hence, thats why im only lvl 84 on live...havnt played much offline on it.

Jun 11, 2007, 10:22 PM
On 2007-06-03 15:13, DC_PLAYER wrote:

sega had the servers free of bugs and stuff, the private servers have lot's of glittches and stupid bugs.

It's kind of the other way around.

Sonic Team messed up their own game by refusing to patch game ending glitches, such as word select fsod, and kamikazi fsod, among others. Player caused FSOD became such a problem that the original problems of duping and hacking items and character data that helped wreck the PSO economy online eventually became a player controlled solution to the crap that was going on there.

One of the forum goers, Barubary, even went so far as to send a patch code in to Sonic Team suggesting they use it on their servers. Sonic Team failed to oblige.

Having started on the servers a day or two into their start for GC, and staying on them up until last year, I saw the population online rise and fall. Among the people I knew online, most of them were leaving because they couldn't stand losing their stuff anymore. These were legitimate players who refused to back up their items. As with any community in life, when there is a group of people willing to stand for their beliefs, there is an opposing group who takes great pleasure in messing with them. The dupers weren't the real problem. The players FSODing entire lobbies was the problem. People refused to sit idle while that was happening, and just left.

As time went on, and the servers began steadily emptying of players, game ending codes became more common and advanced. It suddenly became very easy for a single FSODer to go to all the blocks in every ship that had players on them, and simply FSOD entire lobbies. By simply making the rounds, they were ensuring that almost everyone online was getting FSOD daily. Those they missed who may have been in a locked game, they just waited out. When the player came back to the lobby, it was already too late.

Once again though, the problem lie not so much within the minimal FSODers online. The problem was in the lap of Sonic Team to fix the entire time. While I have no doubt that ST was regularly making patches to things in game that weren't so visible to players, they were also missing the opportunity to patch things that were extremely obvious, and causing them to lose paying customers.

Jun 12, 2007, 03:06 AM
http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif^Souds like the ST servers were terrible, I've only encountered 1 FSOD on private servers in a month, and it was an isolated join game FSOD in one ship

Jun 12, 2007, 06:48 AM
ive been to 2 serversa, one was st's. they both sucked.

me? i HATED losing my stuff, never backed up btw, but everytime, i had friends there, to help me back up, on sega anyway...btut they left, so i did too....one of the last ones to go. we were lucky to have 10 players online then....so i left, of course, turned evil, got a hacker to hack me some crap, got corrupted after i did, got pissed at myself for actually cheating like that, and lost my AWESOME stuff yet again. and this was all on my FUCKING BIRTHDAY.

hows that for a party heh?

but as a final word, the lobby fsods were gone when the population went under 50. but i played when we still had say...100 on us, 80 on eu, and 230 on jp.

even tho my items were hacked by someone. i seriously wish i knew how to back them up, consdering i had a guld milla.......nug 2000 bazooka.....twin brand..... and i had 2 of all these. 1 for me, 1 for my friend. but no, i lost it all, and my char lvs now are this:

28 humar
26 huney
20 hucast im gonna recreate soon as a find a double saber. making a racast
24 fomar.

they got decent gear but still..

Jun 12, 2007, 09:18 AM
trypicon that's different, fsods were alot more common on st servers because they weren't patched.
but i was talking about ingame bugs like weird drop, stchack server is constantly upgrading and improving the server, they patched the server against the majority of fsods, also the public cheat programs (the most popular that is) are also patched so you can't use a proxy of pso bb (that way anyone could cause a fsod or creating items), but about weird drops or quest compability..........they have still to work on that, for example chalenge mode is not finish due to radom enemy apearences, wich requires lot's of coding and time to make it perfect.

Jun 12, 2007, 10:07 AM
On 2007-06-12 07:18, DC_PLAYER wrote:
trypicon that's different, fsods were alot more common on st servers because they weren't patched.
but i was talking about ingame bugs like weird drop, stchack server is constantly upgrading and improving the server, they patched the server against the majority of fsods, also the public cheat programs (the most popular that is) are also patched so you can't use a proxy of pso bb (that way anyone could cause a fsod or creating items), but about weird drops or quest compability..........they have still to work on that, for example chalenge mode is not finish due to radom enemy apearences, wich requires lot's of coding and time to make it perfect.

Oh, ok. I thought you were going somewhere else with that. Also, try not to mention what the servers are called here. You spelled it wrong, so there isn't much of a reason to correct it at the moment, but just keep that in mind.

The only quest compatibility problem I know of is with that one quest that was ported over from Blue Burst to work with the GC players there. I had thought the rest of the quests had been fixed already.

What I do know is that I don't play the quests very often, anyway. Unless I have a full team, there is no need to go into a quest since it disables other players from being able to join up in mid game. The homemade quests there are all pretty much garbage in my view. Each new one is like the maker was just seeing how many more waves of enemies they could create to beat the players to a pulp. It's all fairly lame, and seems to lack direction. The more recent one with the ghosts of Rico and Flowen sending you to find something is pretty stupid, too, since it falls along those lines, and it's glitched up something fierce at the end.

I think I've done a total of Episode 1 C1 once for challenge playing on those servers, and it ran fine. I've already beaten challenge a few times. Unless I'm looking to collect and name every challenge prize after my character, there is no need for me to play it anymore.

My biggest gripe about the other servers is the community there. It's pretty lousy compared to the companionship and comradere I felt on the ST servers. The other servers seem to be maintained a hell of a lot better. Because they are free though, it's like they draw a crowd of people whom are eager to act like spoiled brats getting away with something. Drives me nuts.

Meeting up with, and playing with people from around the world online is a great opportunity for broadening your own views. What I see on the other servers though, is that unless you're part of the "in crowd" which seems to consist of maybe five people, a low level player is not going to get any help in gaming if they sit in the lobby and ask for it all day and night. It's sort of a cruel reality they have going, drawing in the lines of acceptance extremely close to themselves, and their own small circle.

Jun 12, 2007, 11:34 AM
When I finally got to play on ST severs...thats all I did for a while then I just startin makin my own rooms...worked alot better. They still run the xbox severs in US dont they? Havnt touched it in a while so I dont know...gave up my hunter liscence for it for now. Thing was, ST never caught on how people's charcters were new one day and come back for maintenance check and those same people were lvl 200.

But Like trypticon said, "One of the forum goers, Barubary, even went so far as to send a patch code in to Sonic Team suggesting they use it on their servers. Sonic Team failed to oblige."

ST was jut bein jackasses when it came down to it. They ended up losin so much money out of ignorance from GC players alone than would have lost from shuttin down any other server. (reminds me of the story w/ square enix and chrono trigger)...

Jun 12, 2007, 02:07 PM
i knw sea an sonic teamhad a hard time aftr the deamcast slow down, strangely after some years they were beeing real jackasses, they only care about themselves and making money, since they were wasting money to keep the servers alive, they shuteddown, i mean i would do the same, but the servers would still have players if ST could help them when they needed help, even someone wanted to help ST, but they simply didn't care.

if you hear me SEGA, i really hope this ends soon