View Full Version : Michael Moore's SiCKO

Jun 8, 2007, 11:01 PM
Any of you remember a topic awhile back that was about a possible cure for cancer, then everyone got into some big debate about how they wouldn't release it so the doctors could get money....

well this is like a repeat of that, haha.

I've yet to watch the trailer for it, but I saw an add on myspace that summed it up:

"Michael Moore is back and this time he's taking aim the US Healthcare system. It's a frightening insight into the world of dollars and profit over people's wellbeing. It's going to be bigger than Farenheight 9/11"

I wonder how this will come out. discuss.now.

Jun 8, 2007, 11:24 PM
If there's ever real a cure for cancer/AIDS/mental retardation/etc. you won't be able to keep it a secret. Michael Moore is a fat crazy paranoid left-wing slob, I can't believe people actually feed off of the bullshit he comes up with

Jun 8, 2007, 11:45 PM
I'm not quite sure which is more of a moron, Michael Moore or Al Gore. Both have obvious mental disorders, neither knows how to shut up for his own good, and both cry when they don't get their way. And neither man even looks healthy from any standpoint. Both look like they are on some sort of medicine that causes inflamation and apparently insanity as well.

In any event, neither carries a professional attitude and simply resort to yelling and screaming (albeit not quite as bad as Howard Dean) when someone asks for them to cite their information or to explain why their sources are right over other (generally much more numerous) sources. Moore is interested in primarily promoting his agenda rather than actually uncovering the truth to the situation. I'm going to go out on a limb here, but I'm going to assume his answer is to subsidize the entire health care system into some sort of social medicine system that will put the country hundreds of billions more dollars into debt. The Social Security issue needs to be answered before we can tack on any more additional costs, especially a health care system that would grow into the trillions of dollars range. While HMOs are certainly an issue in this country I'd rather deal with them than a waiting system like what is found in the various nanny states of the world.

Jun 8, 2007, 11:59 PM
On 2007-06-08 21:45, Norvekh wrote:
In any event, neither carries a professional attitude and simply resort to yelling and screaming (albeit not quite as bad as Howard Dean)

Oh, admit it-- "YEAARRG!!" was so awesome that it made you want to vote for Howard Dean. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

To Michael Moore's credit, he does do his research, and is very careful to state facts. To his discredit, however, he is very careful to state the facts he likes and conveniently omit facts that fail to support the message he's trying to get across. I don't think he's a moron, though he certainly falls desperately short of brilliance.

JustFacts.com (http://www.justfacts.com/) often does a tidy job of combatting the misapprehension that Michael Moore spreads. It is delicious literature. You must read it.

Jun 9, 2007, 01:00 AM
To say that doctors are withholding a cure for cancer is ludicrous. For something of that magnitude to work, everyone in medicine--not just doctors--would have to be in on it. What I'm worried about is Michael Moore making doctors out to be self-serving, unethical assholes who only care about money. And then consequently everyone who'll eat it up with a silver spoon. >.> What way is that to thank the people who bust their asses to take care of us, and save lives on a regular basis?

On 2007-06-08 21:59, HUnewearl_Meira wrote:JustFacts.com (http://www.justfacts.com/) often does a tidy job of combatting the misapprehension that Michael Moore spreads. It is delicious literature. You must read it.

Wow, this is pretty awesome stuff. Thanks, Meira. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Jun 9, 2007, 01:05 AM
Let's relate this to Star Trek.

Moore is a Romulan. Gore is a Vulcan. A crazy Vulcan.

Jun 9, 2007, 08:25 AM
I personally am not a big fan of the health care system of this country to tell you the truth, and I have always been Anti-Bush. I don't wanna say my political views, but I'm just gonna say that I do share opinions w/ Micheal Moore, anything more than that would start a flame war. But yeah, he may seem like not the best guy for such stuff like what he's doing.

Jun 9, 2007, 11:00 AM
The only good thing Michael Moore has ever done was "Canadian Bacon".

Jun 9, 2007, 11:45 AM
Michael Moore is a genius. He knows that the best way to get attention is to attack something that's already under attack. He knows that the best propaganda is to call other propaganda... well, propaganda. He knows that the truth is not as important as the issue. He knows that controversy sells.

Hype aside, Moore usually does bring up a few nuggets of info that make you think; the problem is you have to sift through a lot of bull to find them. Most people have too much of a personal bias to sift through anything, choosing either to label him a commie hypocrite or praise him as a guiding light.

Me? I just think he's good at stretching reality to make money. And he'll probably get my $5 too when I rent "SiCKO" on Netflix next year.

Jun 9, 2007, 06:55 PM
That's a rather fair assessment of Michael Moore, Sekani.

On 2007-06-08 23:00, Nixia wrote:
To say that doctors are withholding a cure for cancer is ludicrous. For something of that magnitude to work, everyone in medicine--not just doctors--would have to be in on it. What I'm worried about is Michael Moore making doctors out to be self-serving, unethical assholes who only care about money. And then consequently everyone who'll eat it up with a silver spoon. >.> What way is that to thank the people who bust their asses to take care of us, and save lives on a regular basis?

Not to mention that Cancer isn't going to go away if we have a cure for it. They'd still be making plenty of money on the cure, I'm sure.

Jun 9, 2007, 11:26 PM
On 2007-06-08 21:45, Norvekh wrote:
The Social Security issue needs to be answered before we can tack on any more additional costs, especially a health care system that would grow into the trillions of dollars range.

Couldn't agree more really. Our generation needs to step up and and find a solution in the near future for this dilemma. Afterall, it is going be us that will pay the price of Social Security failing when we enter the age for retirement.

As for Moore, he is an attention whore that (as previously stated) uses propaganda and withholds other sides/facts of an issue to make his view seem more credible. People should stop giving two shits about what he has to say; it's not as if he will actually be able to affect these issues in a political way - he is just trying to create commotion.

And Al Gore - Wait, he didn't create the internet?

Jun 10, 2007, 12:40 AM
On 2007-06-09 21:26, Jive18 wrote:
it's not as if he will actually be able to affect these issues in a political way - he is just trying to create commotion.

What makes him really irresponsible, is that in a Democracy, he can affect the issues in a political way. The results may or may not be immediate, but with enough of a following, there can be an impact on the vote. So long as he's largely regarded as being full of shit, perhaps we'll be all right, but if he starts getting taken seriously, then we're all in trouble.

Jun 10, 2007, 10:43 AM
Well, I was referring to the immediate impact of his documentaries and claims (which is simply commotion), but even so I'm not quite sure he could gain that amount of following to impact politics/legislation.

But yeah, people need to take stances based on their own views and disregard people like Moore.