View Full Version : Gifts that are slightly off...

Jun 15, 2007, 09:49 PM
Ever gotten a gift that you would have liked if something about how or when you got it or if your situation was different.

For example... this last christmas i got a 3d puzzle globe and i thought hey pretty cool, but then my brother, his fiance, and someone else all got the same present. All of us have different interests and the others prolly didn't like it at all. The thing is that gifts like these make me hate christmas as they pretty much say "i'm only doing this cuz i have to" It shows they put no thought into it and just picked up the first thing they saw for everyone around the same age.

Another Example of this is...I got some weights, weight lifting weights, and i had mentioned wanting them...but thing about them was that i had and still have no where to place them or use them. When these people got me these they knew i had limited space and nothing and noone to help with working out and they asked continuously for a number of years about them. It's not hat i didn't like the gift in this case either...it's that they simply didn't think it through and wasted money on something worthless with the situation.

yet another example is when i was young i asked about violin lessons, and before that martial arts lesson, and so my grandma got me piano lessons and then when i said i didn't want to take them she insisted i continue taking them for 3 years. While i do like the piano and would love to take it up now she continuously is on me about stopping and keeps saying that i asked for them when i asked for violin which lead to the piano and before that and more adamantly martial arts v.v so while i would have liked it had she discussed it and not forced it on me..the forcing just ruined it.

sooo...anyone else ever receive a gift that is just a little off, but had that one thing not been there you would have loved the gift...

Jun 15, 2007, 09:55 PM
One year my dad got me a turd in a box for Christmas.


I probably would have found it funnier if I wasn't 8 years old at the time...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sinue_v2 on 2007-06-15 19:56 ]</font>

Powder Keg
Jun 15, 2007, 09:55 PM
Well, back in school when my folks discovrered I liked Nirvana, a while later they got me Nirvana EVERYTHING. 2+ shirts, 4+ posters, I had to be like whoa whoa whoa, thanks and all but this is a little much guys...they were never even my favorite band. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Jun 15, 2007, 10:26 PM
My aunt gave my mom a pair of used underwear for Christmas. She also gave my father colonge called "Our version of Polo".

Jun 16, 2007, 08:59 PM

Jun 16, 2007, 09:35 PM
hmmm... well back in the day i used to draw a lot, you know as a past time nothing more. so wehen people found out. EVERYONE got me crayons and sthit like that... for 4 yrs straight at every gift exchangement thingy

Jun 17, 2007, 03:35 AM
XD ugh the worst thing you can let people do is know your easily-giftable interests (art, sports team, band, sweets) or else you won't end up with money XD my ex a few years back thought itd be a great gift idea to buy a $5 item for everything i could swear he just OVERHEARD that i liked XD

since my birthday is right next to V-Day (and my name is Vicky) i tend to get really weird crossover gifts, such as people wasting their money on getting me chocolates and flowers and then telling me that its my bday present too >P gee thanks, youre gunna ignore me on my bday (10th) and shower me with withering garbage and extra pounds half a week later~

Jun 17, 2007, 09:38 AM
one year I got a beyblade top. it was fun, but still.