View Full Version : Lamak's Tradelist n_n

Jun 17, 2007, 12:14 AM
After watching alot of people with 44-50%, S ranks, and units make trades. I've decided to trade the "other stuff". The stuff that the non elitest players have. <_< Anyways yeah.

I'm open to any offer, so don't worry if your weapons suck.
I prefer PMs.
Have fun, I think.

Hard / Power Charge
Deva Zashi
Rabol Gant
High % Wartecher Weapons
And anything else you want to offer.

Trade List
Del Jagnus 16% Ice +5
Twin Crea Saber 26% Dark
Twin Crea Saber 20% Light
Twin Crea Saber 28% Ice
Alseva Cresa 22% Fire
Alseva Cresa 18% Light
Seva Cresa 22% Fire
Last Survivor 38% Lightning
Last Survivor 44% Light
Last Survivor 44% Dark +2
Katsuno Zashi 34% Ground +1
Wandrac +10
W`Gacros +10
Tengohg Bow +10
Ga Senba 26% Fire
Sori / Force
35 Ray Photons
99 Zon Photons
10 Copernia
1 Meow Moustache
9 Goldania
7 Merculine

Thank you for your time. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jun 17, 2007, 02:18 AM
Well, since we're on the PS2/PC, when the Meesta/Board Duping/Hacking was going on, some ppl have the $$$, items and boards to synth stuff as many times as they wished. So that's why you have alot of ppl with 44%-50% weapons and armours.

The highest armour I've synthed was a pair of 44% Megalines and the highest Weapon was a 30% A-Rank Dagger.

So don't feel too bad that you have high % stuff; you're not the only one. Plus, IMO, they're a little overrated for the prices some charge. (Weapons, mainly).

Jun 17, 2007, 08:54 AM

Jun 17, 2007, 10:17 AM
Interested in a Garment Aura?