View Full Version : Rickroll'd by my future wife...

Jun 20, 2007, 04:52 PM
Now an ancient internet prank, I have been duped by the one closest to me.

I told her a while ago about the phenomenon which she dismissed as stupid. She also despised having the obnoxiously catchy song in her head. The issue was soon forgotten. I have a westhighland terrier puppy who rather enjoys the Rick Astley song especially when sung by Brian on Family Guy.

Today she calls me at work with a sense of urgency about some ties from the '40's on e-bay that would be great for our wedding next spring. She was leaving work soon so she wanted to know if I liked them before bidding. So she sends me a link on my email to check out marked "E-bay Item#445379981 1940's ties"...

Suckered... http://www.yougotrickrolled.com/
I was in a hurry to check out those "ties" so I didn't check the link hidden behind the e-bay thing.
Love is grand. I applaud her wicked deviousness. And I am proud.

Jun 20, 2007, 05:53 PM
I can still remember watching that video and going "...DAMN!" I'd hit it.