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View Full Version : Alright, I need some Guidance

Jun 26, 2007, 03:42 PM
I'm gonna try and keep this as short as possible, yet try and keep all the relevant data in here.

Alright, I'm currently involved in an internship. The only stipulation to this is that it's an unpaid internship.

That itself is not directly the problem. What one of the problems is is the fact that I'm working a full 40 hour week while receiving nothing in return.

Ok, not a SUPER huge deal. Except that it's a 15 minute drive to work and 20 minutes back (due to traffic.) Being unpaid, that will take quite a dent out of my cash reserves for gasoline.

Perhaps the worst problem of all is the fact that I'm doing work that I could do from my computer at home. All I'm doing is giving the owner of this company free advertising as I go about the internet and post back links to his site.

(Main problem with the above is that I get bored and irritated EXTREMELY easily if I'm not doing something that I can actually see the results of.)

Now, even if that wasn't enough, my Father wants me to take up ANOTHER job so that I can earn money!!!?? He actually wants ME (a 17 year old teenager) to have a FULL TIME JOB, and a SECOND JOB, thus not only destroying weekends (which I so dearly love now that I'm working 40 hours a week) but also ANY FREE TIME I HAVE.

I seriously have no idea what the fuck I'm going to do without screwing multiple things to hell.

Oh, did I mention the guy I'm doing the internship with happens to be one of my mother's clients? So..if I screw this up, I'm never going to hear the fucking end of it.

Huh, I guess I didn't mention that....Suprise?

Jun 26, 2007, 03:50 PM
You could say that taking up a job and going to school(?) along with a full time job could be too much for you and you won't be able to concentrate on either one of them, thus blowing the internship and your grades in school. Then, you pull the "Guilt Card" and ask him if you want him to make you become a loser and a bum becuase you were overloaded with tasks. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Jun 26, 2007, 06:01 PM
See, Ephek added the wacko at the end, but it actually seems like the truth;

Doing that 40-hour a week job for no money is bullshit. It doesn't matter if it's not a lot of work [I didn't quite get what you did, so I don't know if it';s hard or not http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif], that's a lot of time. And a lot of time WASTED.

So, tell your dad that if you're gonna get a job, you're simply not gonna be doing whatever the thing your doing is now.

My 2 cents http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Jun 26, 2007, 06:12 PM
Well, let me ask you this...what do you intend on getting from this internship. The point of internships is to give experience so that you can then use to advertise yourself in a resume. To me, this internship you describe is pure BS as it's doing something that is considered to be in bad taste by most people. Does the guy have some sort of pull in the field that you wish to work in? If not it's a waste of time as anyone can do the job you are describing (and it can be done automatically via a script) and it's in bad taste.

Also from my understanding Internships are not supposed to be full-time anyways so he's further in the wrong in that way. Personally from the situation you described I'd drop the internship and get a real job as it doesn't seem to be useful though then again I don't know why you are doing it in the first place or the benefits of it nor does the job sound like it has anything to do with any industry except porn that i can think.

Jun 26, 2007, 06:21 PM
Ouch. Thats harsh, 40 hours a week is not easy, and your right, weekends become your best freind at that point.

Tell your dad to stuff it? Its obvious your not taking this internship because you like it, but because your generally interested in your future. I suggest reminding him of the fact that your only young once, and fucking over your youth isnt exactly a formula for success later in life. Also, remind him that the risk is too high for you to go screwing up something important like a client relationship over something as trivial as spending money.

My parents have (or had if you prefer) similar views. They're totally in the wrong. You'll have plenty of time to make money eventually, right now, preparing yourself for the future is infinitely more important (and having a good time while your at it of course http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif).

Jun 26, 2007, 06:25 PM
To me it sounds more like his mom forced this on him rather than it having anything to do with a future...but like i said there are a bunch of things that are needed to be known before good advice can be given.

Jun 27, 2007, 01:11 PM
Ok, well now that i have some time, I'll give you guys some more answers and my own ideas.

I was informed of this internship from my mother. She said one of her clients was thinking of looking for an assistant.

Personally, I thought: "Cool! I'll get a chance to learn something WITHOUT being surrounded by dumb-ass teenagers(school)! Sweet!" I also knew that something like this would look good on a college application or resume.

Obviously, I wasn't informed of the TRUE details of the kind of work I'd be....oh what's the best way to put it....SLAVING through.

Now don't get me wrong, the guy I work for is cool. If I decide to talk to him intensely about where this is going, he won't freak out. If I do talk to him, I'm going to make damn good he knows not to take this out on my mothers business. By losing me, he will have lost no money. HELL, I've even MADE HIM MONEY, like hell I'm going to let this continue for too much longer.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Dre_o on 2007-06-27 11:12 ]</font>