View Full Version : Tranformers movie

Jun 26, 2007, 08:36 PM
So who's going to see it?

What does everyone think of the new look and the story thus far (there are prequel comics out)

Jun 26, 2007, 08:40 PM
I will see it...

...on DVD.

Jun 26, 2007, 11:49 PM
I've already had my tickets for a week. First showing, at 8:00PM on July 2nd. I will absolutely be there.

Jun 27, 2007, 01:05 AM
Looks spiffy.

I'm going to see it. I'm reserving any and all expectaions and not letting hype or irrational Purist Fanboyism to cloud my mind, so I think I might enjoy it once I see the movie.

Jun 27, 2007, 01:21 AM
Wether or not its a good movie remains to be seen, but Ill be going simply based on the fact that the CG looks like some of the prettiest stuff to come out in the last year.

Jun 27, 2007, 01:28 AM
I think that the story is decent thus far, and i like some of the descisions they made concerning the looks, but I think they could do better by keeping more of the original story or even better if they had it take place some time within the G1 continuity.

Though then again I read the timeline of the G1 story and it got incredibly bad after a while...

Jun 27, 2007, 01:44 AM
Shia LeBeouf is a great actor, I'm looking forward to it


Jun 27, 2007, 03:10 AM
I will probably end up going to the cinema to seee it when it comes out. It's more for curiosity then anything else. I grew up watching Transformers ( the original series ) so it's only natural for me to be curious.

Jun 27, 2007, 03:19 PM
Of course... I'll see it

Jun 27, 2007, 03:22 PM
I'll probably see it.

Jun 27, 2007, 08:14 PM
On 2007-06-26 21:49, HUnewearl_Meira wrote:
I've already had my tickets for a week. First showing, at 8:00PM on July 2nd. I will absolutely be there.

Not if I send my pet money to ninja those tickets first.

Jun 27, 2007, 09:17 PM
I'll sneak in if i have to. i WILL see that movie

Jun 27, 2007, 09:58 PM
On 2007-06-27 18:14, Rubius-sama wrote:

On 2007-06-26 21:49, HUnewearl_Meira wrote:
I've already had my tickets for a week. First showing, at 8:00PM on July 2nd. I will absolutely be there.

Not if I send my pet money to ninja those tickets first.

You have pet money? How spoiled are you?!

Jun 28, 2007, 01:57 AM
I'm so psyched for this movie! Me and my friend are going on the 3rd to an early showing.

Jun 28, 2007, 11:44 AM
It better worth my money, considering I watched the original cartoon back in the day.

Jun 28, 2007, 11:46 AM
I want to see it, but I have this feeling that I most likely won't be able to.

Jun 30, 2007, 01:00 AM
I just read a review of the film on IGN. I'm not sure whether it counts for anything ( it is IGN after all ) but according to them it is the best Michael Bay film. They gave it 3.5 stars. I was expecting much worse reviews.

Jun 30, 2007, 10:15 AM
8pm here July 2nd.

A good four hours before Meira. XD

Jun 30, 2007, 06:06 PM
I'm going to see it the day after it releases, it's always easier, and the crowds seem nicer for some reason lol...

Jul 3, 2007, 09:13 AM
I saw it last night.

WOW. It was an experience.

Jul 3, 2007, 04:58 PM
I went in there with high hopes, so much so that I thought I was going to be disappointed.

I left the theater with each of my hopes met and then some, I felt like a 5 year old again and at the end of the movie I was almost speechless http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

I swear during the first hour and a half my jaw was wide open with a stupid grin. The next hour was just disbelief. The room was vibrating and shaking from all the explosions, I COULD FEEEL THEM http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif

Jul 4, 2007, 12:31 AM
I just got home from seeing it. As an old school fan of the originals, I was mildly impressed with how they presented this new adaptation. It was great nostalgia to hear Peter Cullen's voice behind Optimus Prime again. A little too heavy on the humor from his parents, but oh well.

Bumblebee taking the perverbiable leak on the guy was just comedic gold.

Jul 4, 2007, 01:23 PM

BEST ACTION MOVIE 2007 hands down.

Jul 4, 2007, 03:08 PM
On 2007-07-04 11:23, AC9breaker wrote:

BEST ACTION MOVIE 2007 hands down.

indeed but that's not very hard...

Jul 4, 2007, 03:56 PM
On 2007-07-04 13:08, DurakkenX wrote:

On 2007-07-04 11:23, AC9breaker wrote:

BEST ACTION MOVIE 2007 hands down.

indeed but that's not very hard...

No but it shouldve been hard. With Spider Man 3 and Pirates of the Carribean 3, this SHOULD have been a blockbuster year. Too bad that hollywood somehow managed to fuck that up.

Jul 4, 2007, 07:32 PM
Saw it!
Post may contain spoilers!

I really don't know what I was expecting, going in. I kept away from interviews or anything which might have big plot bits in it, and even quit watching the endless trailers for fear of seeing too much or absorbing too much hype. They've done SO many things to that series over the years that by the time this is out, I wanted to keep all bets off, and just go in lookin' for some robots.

I am a big fan of the original (not so much the spinoffs etc.--and many I never had the chance to watch) But it seems they kept pretty well with the theme and there really wasn't OOC'ness about it that I could detect. Megatron was evil enough (sometimes they tone down the villains for this sort of thing--but seems not here) Prime seemed spot on, but didn't really meet-meet anyone else. And Starscream...didn't do a whole lot or even say much.

Any beef I may have with it is minor, such as the pacing and constant noise. If it didn't explode, it made noise constantly. This includes all the humans too. Chatter was constant. It's like the whole movie was made with a dbl helping of mountain dew and set into a blender which is on top of a boom box.

I didn't agree with the military/Sec-7 being played up as funny/wacky/over-the-top etc. when the rest of the military was actual/serious. You could believe the scorpian and helicopter out in the desert and everyone reacting like that but then along comes MenInBlack parody and it's like.....

I don't have a prob. with pure fantasy/magic/comedy etc, but I do have a problem when it tries to mix up and get into something that is also trying to play up as 'real'. If you're going to try and convince the audience of somehing, keep the same level of expected reality throughout. I'm talking to you, soda shooting vending machine and killer phone which grew 30,000 extra parts out of thin air! Also including incendiary chemicals which spawmed from nothing but thin-air as well. /end nitpick.

I would reccommend any fan of the TFs go see it. Or anyone who likes action movies. Or anyone who likes really amazing things. It was amazing!

If you knew this really big RAcast and he was flopped down in the grass somewhere reading a book, would you get your girlfriend/boyfriend and hop on his back and start making out? No? Gross? Same thing here. It's a person!

Did anything happen AFTER the credits? I saw the too-goofy parents being interviewed and Starscream apparently got away (to do what?) but was there anything else?

Jul 4, 2007, 07:47 PM
Nope, nothing else after the credits.

And I feel you on Starscream's lack of major screen time, but the little bit he did get was classic. "You've failed me again, Starscream!" And come on, you know you loved it when he started getting busy with those fighter jets.

Jul 4, 2007, 11:42 PM
On 2007-07-03 14:58, Foxix wrote:
I went in there with high hopes, so much so that I thought I was going to be disappointed.

I left the theater with each of my hopes met and then some, I felt like a 5 year old again and at the end of the movie I was almost speechless http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

I swear during the first hour and a half my jaw was wide open with a stupid grin. The next hour was just disbelief. The room was vibrating and shaking from all the explosions, I COULD FEEEL THEM http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif

This very closely approximates my experience. The hair was standing up on the back of my neck for most of the movie, and I do believe that I will be seeing it in theaters, again.

Jul 5, 2007, 01:58 AM
I'm gonna force my parents to take me again, lol. It's calling me.

Jul 8, 2007, 02:11 AM
On 2007-07-04 17:32, AzureBlaze wrote:

Any beef I may have with it is minor, such as the pacing and constant noise. If it didn't explode, it made noise constantly. This includes all the humans too. Chatter was constant. It's like the whole movie was made with a dbl helping of mountain dew and set into a blender which is on top of a boom box.

Yes, I agree with you, I thought i was the only one that felt it was a bit noisy. It's nothing major, i still love the movie, but it seemed like it was too damn noisy and the first 10-20 minutes demolished my sensitive ears lol but its all good (damn AMC)

I loved it, thats as much as I can say. The humor was ok (the telemarketer scene was too funny)

The way the humor was blended in with the action/drama was alright tho it was a lot more humor than i expected from this movie but i guess thats the new trend now in Comic Movies.

The action was cool too, BUT i'll say in certain scenes it was hard to tell who was who (the deceptacons from the autobots) the camera shook to much for me.

But in the end, i love dit, i wanna see it again

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: InfinityXXX on 2007-07-08 00:12 ]</font>

Jul 8, 2007, 02:44 AM
I forgot to comment on it. I loved the movie, a lot more than even I expected. The humor was decent and the action was great. I'd love to go see it a few more times in theaters. And probably will. It felt like the first time I watched Superman the movie, I was just in awe of these characters coming to life.

Jul 10, 2007, 12:54 PM
I actually got back into collecting transformers a few years back, due to the japanese maker (takara) putting out several classic reissues of the original toys that I somehow lost or the dog ate when I was a kid. Anyway, I was pretty disappointed when pics of the movie designs started to surface (bug-like appearance instead of classic designs) so I had pretty low expectations for this movie. But after watching, it's really just a minor nitpick now. IMO the animation on these beasts made up for them not using the classic designs. I really enjoyed it and would recommend any one, fan or not, to check it out.

also, I thought it was a very cool sequel setup at the end of the movie, with megatron being sunken into the ocean. if anyone remembers from the show, the decepticons did not individually crash land on earth. They came on the "nemesis" ship that crash landed in the ocean. maybe it will be written in and somehow reactivate megs in a sequel...who knows.

Jul 10, 2007, 02:34 PM
Actually, they started their journey on the Nemesis, but crashlanded on earth in the same ship as the Autobots. This ship was the Ark, and it crashed into the side of a mountain. All of the Autobots and Decepticons that originally came to Earth were unconscious for four million years until the mountain erupted, and activated Teletran 1, which immediately sent out probes to find suitable candidates for the Alternate forms. The eruption, and following quake, caused one of the Decepticons to roll into the path of Teletran 1's recovery beam. This reactivated one, and he quickly began to pull the other Decepticons into the beams path.

The Autobots would not have been reactivated at all had Starscream not shot at the mountain as a final farewell to his enemies, causing a small landslide, which resulted in another small quake which was heavy enough to throw one of the Autobots in the recovery beams path.

Jul 10, 2007, 06:13 PM
why o why must they ruin every tv program?

Jul 10, 2007, 06:34 PM
Heard it is really good so I am going to see it this Saturday.

Jul 11, 2007, 08:25 AM
There's a couple books that I got that say otherwise. Also, you can read all the info on the nemesis that's pretty close to what I have here:


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Cracka_J on 2007-07-11 06:26 ]</font>

Jul 11, 2007, 10:17 AM
cracka... that wikipedia doesn't mention whether or not the decepticons were in the ark, but they were and i find it odd that it doesn't talk about it being used as a base, nor about it being lost till season 2. tripticon's telling is accurate....

also the nemesis and ark are in the movie universe....but as far as i know they haven't been crashed into earth...more than likely starscream went off to go back to the nemesis. Also according to transformer rules a character is not dead unless their spark is snuffed out, which none of the transformers sparks have had happen... their bodies have just been stasis locked except for megatron as far as i know.

Jul 11, 2007, 02:26 PM
They should make a beast wars movie, dragon Megatron FTW.

I really like Transformers, sweet special effects.

Though some of the fight scenes seemed a little too Hollywood.

Jul 11, 2007, 03:14 PM
yup, just reread a guide book of the more then meets the eye comic dreamwave (not exactly the g1 animation, but I fail to have access to that) was doing at the time, and it pretty much outline the events that took place.

1 - nemesis does breach & decepticons board the ark.
2 - both ships crash land on earth.
3 - decepticons/autobots get reactivated when small volcano tremor takes place

so I guess what I should have *technically* said is that the decepticons took the nemesis 99.9% of the way to earth (where it still crash lands into the ocean), then they board the ark, and then end up crash landing inside the ark.

thanks for pointing that out, post patrol!

Jul 11, 2007, 04:52 PM
I'm a sceptic when it comes to any movie, but I must say Transformers delivered big for me. The action segments were phenominal and never went dull and the robot animations really reflected the size and scope of all the transformers. I'm one of those moviegoers who is extremely hard to please, but this movie could not keep me from smiling.

With all that being said I do have some complaints:

1) The camera gets way to close in some of the scenes with the transformers which makes it hard to see what's going on. These big machines do battle with amazing CG, but trying to follow exactly what's happening from a combat standpoint is difficult. And like someone said before, the camera also shakes a lot, which exacerbates this problem.

2) While I know some people are going to disagree with me, I felt that almost all the humor the film featured was either awkwardly presented or just wasn't funny. Don't get me wrong I like humor in any movie, but I think the film would have been better off if it would have taken on a serious tone throughout.

3) Some scenes were unnecessary and didn't do anything for the plot. Examples: a) Sam attempting to retrieve his glasses from his parent's house b) How they met sector7 or whatever the hell they're called. Both scenes were just goofy and distracting.

4) this is more of a logical "this is too unbelievable" complaint but I'll just post it anyways even though I might get a little guff. These transformers are massive with endless amounts of firepower, yet humans somehow hold there own and are able to escape from the massive explosions and machines stomping around them relatively unscathed.

I could go on about #4 but I'll just leave it that.

Jul 11, 2007, 10:07 PM
On 2007-07-11 14:52, hollowtip wrote:
3) Some scenes were unnecessary and didn't do anything for the plot. Examples: a) Sam attempting to retrieve his glasses from his parent's house b) How they met sector7 or whatever the hell they're called. Both scenes were just goofy and distracting.

Trust me, it's necessary... the comic adaptation has it removed and it is really bad without it

Jul 11, 2007, 11:01 PM
I saw it yestersay and was amazed. Their were some plot errors/gaps that werent explained. Overall i thought it was great. Probably a guys movie: Random Babe that doent do much, giant robots, awsome cars, big guns. Ya. The Main actress was definatly needed for the visuals... not the plot... http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

Jul 15, 2007, 04:06 AM
I heart this movie. It is the movie I have waited for since I first opened up some Christmas presents back in the 80's and had Optimus Prime and Megatron. It would have been more fitting for this movie to come out in 2005 since that is when the story for the Animated Movie takes place, but I can not really complain. At least I got my movie.

Correct me if I am wrong, please do if it is the case, but didn't Transformers The Movie come out in 1985? Wikipedia says it came out in 1986 and I can not find my copy of the movie since my son lost it recently.

Jul 15, 2007, 04:15 AM
On 2007-07-15 02:06, kevlar_pso wrote:
I heart this movie. It is the movie I have waited for since I first opened up some Christmas presents back in the 80's and had Optimus Prime and Megatron. It would have been more fitting for this movie to come out in 2005 since that is when the story for the Animated Movie takes place, but I can not really complain. At least I got my movie.

Correct me if I am wrong, please do if it is the case, but didn't Transformers The Movie come out in 1985? Wikipedia says it came out in 1986 and I can not find my copy of the movie since my son lost it recently.

I checked iMDB.com and they say the release date was 8/8/86.

Jul 15, 2007, 09:04 AM
How could it have come out in 85? the show came out in fall 85 if memory serves me correctly... It takes a year or so to produce a movie...

Jul 15, 2007, 08:21 PM
I spent a good part of the beginning of the movie, waiting for it to get epic.

...And that happened, as soon as Optimus spoke. That VA's voice is just epic. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Even though it was him during the intro, as well, that voice + intro = Voltron. In my head, at least.

Yes, I liked the movie, quite verily. High points include: Jazz's first line, "Are you masturbating?", lubrication, and the fight scenes (awesome).

Of course... Now the movie is going to be giving me nightmares about 3D animation. :/

Jul 16, 2007, 02:24 PM
On 2007-07-15 07:04, DurakkenX wrote:
How could it have come out in 85? the show came out in fall 85 if memory serves me correctly... It takes a year or so to produce a movie...

I thought the animated movie was set 20 years after the beginning of the original series.

Jul 19, 2007, 08:43 PM
I forgot to mention a long time ago, but I saw the movie on July 5th. My jaw unhinged and fell to the floor after Bumblebee turned into the '08 Camaro, and I wouldn't let the Paramedics take me to the hospital.

Jul 19, 2007, 09:56 PM
On 2007-07-16 12:24, kevlar_pso wrote:

On 2007-07-15 07:04, DurakkenX wrote:
How could it have come out in 85? the show came out in fall 85 if memory serves me correctly... It takes a year or so to produce a movie...

I thought the animated movie was set 20 years after the beginning of the original series.

someone perhaps failed elementary math i see...

Jul 19, 2007, 10:16 PM

Anyway, durakken was originally saying that it'd take a year to produce the movie, this is real life, not the show's timeline.

Jul 19, 2007, 10:31 PM
On 2007-07-10 16:13, Thalui89 wrote:
why o why must they ruin every tv program?

Okay, lets get something straight here. People like you are the cancer thats killing...well good critics, thats what.

I cannot physically see how one could argue that this movie wasnt at the very least entertaining. I personally loved it, (apart from optimus' mouth. Keep the visor on godammit.) the action was amazing, Michael Bay has been criticized before for having to much chaos in his action scenes. Theres too much jarring of the camera etc. etc. But it was perfectly suited for something this large. You really get a sense of, "Wow, these are not your standard sluggish giant mechs", these things are 2 stories tall and fuckin' fast.

Shia Labeouf should be applauded as well for once again proving that I wasnt wrong in secretly loving Even Stevens. Hes an amazing actor that made a VERY convincing Sam Witwicky, something I dont think many other actors his age could do given the subject matter.

And unlike SOME movies (*COUGH* SPIDER MAN 3 *COUGH*) the comedy didnt feel like someone just kept flipping a switch between action and comedy. It was well interspersed between plot, and was very well done. I dont think any of us didnt catch ourselves giggling with his line that "theres more than meets the eye" was a bad pick up line.

And of course theres the "die-hard" fans that felt that the redesigns of the characters were dumb and too insect-like.

Too them in general: You are stupid. The redesigns were amazingly well done, keeping the characters recognizable, yet also giving them a sense of scale that would have been missing had we simply been handed higher resolution "Beast Wars" CG models (sidenote: Which there were, Optimus Prime makes an appearance in a few beast wars episodes while in stasis.)

So basically, I dont care if you say something along the lines of, "Oh I didnt personally like it". But being ignorant and not respecting it for what it is is doing my intelligence a disservice.

Jul 19, 2007, 10:40 PM
On 2007-07-19 20:16, Ronin_Cooper wrote:

Anyway, durakken was originally saying that it'd take a year to produce the movie, this is real life, not the show's timeline.

the movie takes place in 2005, the show takes place in 1985-86 as well as it was made in 1985-86.

Jul 19, 2007, 10:42 PM
Yes, but I wasn't talking about that. >.>

Jul 21, 2007, 12:06 AM
On 2007-07-15 02:06, kevlar_pso wrote:
Correct me if I am wrong, please do if it is the case, but didn't Transformers The Movie come out in 1985? Wikipedia says it came out in 1986 and I can not find my copy of the movie since my son lost it recently.

Smack that punk. HARD.

just kidding, hope ya find it

Jul 21, 2007, 12:28 AM
I seen it and it was amazing. Thought Shaya Labuf couldn't pull it off but he sure showed me

Jul 21, 2007, 01:32 AM
my brother bought an optimus helmet now i must construct an optimus outfit out cardboard and paint and make it look good. it will be a great task.

Jul 21, 2007, 01:56 AM
On 2007-07-20 23:32, -Crokar- wrote:
my brother bought an optimus helmet now i must construct an optimus outfit out cardboard and paint and make it look good. it will be a great task.

Don't forget to make things work correctly, so you actually can transform.

Jul 21, 2007, 10:08 AM
On 2007-07-20 23:56, Kent wrote:

On 2007-07-20 23:32, -Crokar- wrote:
my brother bought an optimus helmet now i must construct an optimus outfit out cardboard and paint and make it look good. it will be a great task.

Don't forget to make things work correctly, so you actually can transform.

HA HA HA! I laughed at that.

Jul 22, 2007, 12:00 AM
Ahhh spell his name right....Shia Labeouf.

Speaking of him, he did a nice job playing Sam, and is it just me or is Christopher Walken getting a bunch of new movies? Transformers, Hairspray...Balls of Fury? Yeah.

I thought it was amazing, graphics were flawless and you would never have guessed this was based on a Hasbro toy. It was epic, intense, and Megatron was just secksy. Robots and humans delivered...was a bit long, but I'm satisfied. I don't know if they're making a second one but all the plot elements are in place....we can only hope.

Jul 22, 2007, 12:39 AM
Cristopher Walken, although a big star, almost never has starring roles in movies so he can do a lot of work as the roles he takes don't require him to be on the set long.

Jul 22, 2007, 12:44 AM
oh ill transform alright.

Jul 22, 2007, 08:46 PM
I may not be getting something here, but when did Christopher walken appear in Transformers? i have seen it twice and dont remember him being in it, and also what movie was set it 2005, u talkin about the one that came out in the 80s?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BW3Cmart on 2007-07-22 18:57 ]</font>

Jul 23, 2007, 04:01 AM
On 2007-07-19 19:56, DurakkenX wrote:

On 2007-07-16 12:24, kevlar_pso wrote:

On 2007-07-15 07:04, DurakkenX wrote:
How could it have come out in 85? the show came out in fall 85 if memory serves me correctly... It takes a year or so to produce a movie...

I thought the animated movie was set 20 years after the beginning of the original series.

someone perhaps failed elementary math i see...

No you see the animated movie is set in 2005 which if my math serves me correctly, twenty years proir would be 1985. This seemed logical to me that the movie would be set twenty years from the release of the movie. Anyways, some good logic does a person.

On 2007-07-20 22:06, Flwl3ssCowboy wrote:

On 2007-07-15 02:06, kevlar_pso wrote:
Correct me if I am wrong, please do if it is the case, but didn't Transformers The Movie come out in 1985? Wikipedia says it came out in 1986 and I can not find my copy of the movie since my son lost it recently.

Smack that punk. HARD.

just kidding, hope ya find it

Found it yay! I wanted to watch it with the "Autobot Matrix of Knowledge" turned on so I can watch all the facts pop up on screen about TF.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: kevlar_pso on 2007-07-23 02:06 ]</font>

Jul 23, 2007, 05:32 PM
On 2007-07-21 22:00, TheyCallMeJoe wrote:

and is it just me or is Christopher Walken getting a bunch of new movies? Transformers, Hairspray...Balls of Fury? Yeah.

Christopher Walken isn't in Transformers. I believe the person your thinking of is Jon Voight, the defense secretary? Thats a big mistake, they don't look much alike at all.