View Full Version : Trade window

Feb 13, 2001, 08:17 PM
Almost every online RPG I've seen has had it. I was shocked PSO doesn't. Think about it, maybe accessing it through the chat menu in that menu you get when you press start and being able to choose a player, then open a trade window with them. I'm not exactly sure how you'd be able to drag and drop or anything, but it would be a much more secure way of trading. I was shocked when I saw two people trading by just dropping their items. A cheater with no lag can just scoop 'em up and run. I'd say Sega needs to implement something like this...

Feb 13, 2001, 09:27 PM
Which is why any trading being done should be done in a password protected environment with ONLY the person you are trading with and ONLY if you trust them completely.

<anyone got three cents change for a nickle?>

Feb 13, 2001, 09:45 PM
True, but it still would be better if Sega made something you could download off a site and use...I dunno, sounds like it wouldn't work, but it' s just a thought.