View Full Version : WARNING: Toothpicks are Dangerous

Jul 1, 2007, 11:21 PM
Well, I'll add that on to the "List of Things that have tried to Kill Me."

I'm at this party type thing. I'm going to get something out of the fridge. SOMEHOW, SOMEWAY, a toothpick is wedged IN THE FLOOR MAT that rests on the hard wood floor.

I'm walking towards said floor mat with no knowledge of it's evil intent (how did it get wedged in anyways???).

Next thing I know, I'm lifting my foot up to take another step and my foot catches on something, or should I say the TOOTHPICK WEDGED IN MY FOOT catches on the edge of the floor mat!

I'll quote myself on this part:
"How the HELL did that happen?"

A dude to my left turns to me, looks down and says
"Dude! Is that a toothpick?"

From that point on it's pretty self explanatory. I sit down, just a little mystified at this whole happening. It really didn't hurt but that could've just been the unsafe amounts of adrenaline pulsing through my veins....

But I digress.

Anyways, I proceed to grab a towel (to bite on) and ask one of the other guys in the room to pull it out. Luckily, he obliges.

He counts 1, 2, and on the count of 2, yanks on it. BUT, he loses his grip. He quickly re-grips and finishes the job. It comes out clean with no splinters left.

Then, over the span of the next 5 minutes or so, everyone who can comes to me saying things like:

"I heard something about someone getting stabbed!"

Inaccurate yes, but I didn't care. I was kinda touched by their concern.

ANYWAYS, I'm sitting here, typing this with a punctured and bandaged foot and an awesome story to tell.

Morel of the story: Always watch where you walk, and toothpicks are evil.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Dre_o on 2007-07-01 21:22 ]</font>

Jul 1, 2007, 11:25 PM

Damn toothpics, never give us a break!

Jul 2, 2007, 12:35 AM
I've stepped on staples, but not a toothpick.

Jul 2, 2007, 12:51 AM
they"ll get theirs some day! damn toothpicks!

Jul 2, 2007, 12:55 AM
The bastards.

Also, I may too have done that. x_X

Jul 2, 2007, 01:43 AM
wait, you had no shoes on? O.o

Jul 2, 2007, 02:02 AM
I helped my bro do some roofing...by that i mean remove some shyt from the roof... I stepped on a nail, it went through my shoe and into my foot...luckily it was so hot out and it had absorbed so much heat it cauterized the wound when i took it out.

Jul 2, 2007, 04:17 AM
I have a needle in my foot. When this happened, I have no fucking clue. My mother does needlepoint and loses the fuckers all the time. But back in 2001 I sprained both my ankles at once, badly, and when they x-rayed me in the emergency room to make sure they weren't fractured, they found the needle in there on the x-ray. It's apparently well embedded in there. Had no clue it was there until they found it, you'd think I would have noticed something like that. It's not poking anything and doesn't bother me so they just left it in because it would be more problematic to remove it, what with cutting into my foot and all, than it would be to leave it there.

Jul 2, 2007, 05:07 PM
I stepped on an aluminum gutter nail once when I was younger, when straight through my foot. Trust me, I watch where I walk now http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_disapprove.gif

Jul 3, 2007, 12:45 PM
Well, thanks to my almost super human healing body, I'm back in the saddle at 90% of normal.

Thanks for your concern guys/gals.

Jul 3, 2007, 12:50 PM
My room was remodeled recently, so I occasionally step on a nail or a screw or something. That shit sucks, you have my sympathy.

Jul 3, 2007, 02:15 PM
Talk about painfull...! >_<

Strange stuff like that, toothpick wedged in the ground...I got to look out too.

Jul 3, 2007, 02:19 PM
never had anything bigger then half inch go in or very thick, thumbtacks mostly. but still, stepping on a toothpick, that's an intresting party story. probably would have been so surprised at the sheer improbability of it that I wouldn't have fealt pain at first either. I'd think gettin it out would be a pain though.

Jul 3, 2007, 02:46 PM
Before I moved, it wan't uncommon for there to be random tacks and such strewn about my floor, yet I never stepped on them, even though I wasn't consiously avoiding them. O_O

Jul 3, 2007, 03:29 PM
On 2007-07-03 12:46, Ronin_Cooper wrote:
Before I moved, it wan't uncommon for there to be random tacks and such strewn about my floor, yet I never stepped on them, even though I wasn't consiously avoiding them. O_O

your not human!

Jul 3, 2007, 09:38 PM
Man, do I have some stories to tell about impaling myself.

A couple years ago, I was moving into my new house. The construction on it had just finished, and I was carrying a box of my magazines inside (for those who have a lot of magazines, you know how heavy they can be. This was two years worth of EGM, Nintendo Power and OXM). Strolling on up the driveway and "What the **** did I just step on!?" was heard throughout the neighborhood. I nearly dropped my box on my foot, and when I sat down I didn't need to take my shoe off to figure out what I'd stepped on. A massive industrial nail went through the sole of my shoe, through my foot, and back out the top of my shoe. That ****ing hurt, and what does my brother too? He says "I'll yank it out." Before I could kick him in the head he had the damn thing in his hand. That one bled a lot.

So, not a year later, my brother throws his football (how he managed to get a round object lodged up there, I'll never know) up into a tree, near (you guessed it!) another house under construction. He and his friend tried to get it out with a plank of wood from the nearby construction area, and when that failed they called me outside to climb the tree. Long story short, the branch I was hanging onto snapped, and I fell nto the plank they'd left under the tree, which had several nails in it, one of which went right through my calf muscle. Not fun stuff.

Hell, this morning I stepped on a staple going downstairs (our basement isn't finished yet) that is, at this moment still there, because I've already tried to pull it out and failed. It's literally stuck in my heel.

Jul 3, 2007, 10:46 PM
My little brother stabbed me in the leg with a fork the first time I babysat him.

Christ, what a psycho.

Jul 4, 2007, 08:36 PM
On 2007-07-03 20:46, omegapirate2k wrote:
My little brother stabbed me in the leg with a fork the first time I babysat him.

Christ, what a psycho.

My brother stabbed me with a pencil when I was 7 and it left a scar for 6 years (I scar easily >.>)

I stepped on glass a couple of months ago, and it was on the second floor, so I have no idea how it got there.

And, I, too, have stepped on a toothpick not too long ago, but it didn't go straight it, it went sideways, luckily (yet regrettably), my feet are calloused, so i was able to painlessly cut it out with my nailclip.

Glad to hear your foot's gotten better! :3

Jul 4, 2007, 10:22 PM
On 2007-07-04 18:36, Nixia wrote:

On 2007-07-03 20:46, omegapirate2k wrote:
My little brother stabbed me in the leg with a fork the first time I babysat him.

Christ, what a psycho.

My brother stabbed me with a pencil when I was 7 and it left a scar for 6 years (I scar easily >.>)

Oh? my brother threw a metal batman toy at me when I was 5 or so and scarred a nice little line above my upper lip.

Jul 4, 2007, 10:47 PM
A year and a half ago my brother was setting the table for a steak dinner. I was already sitting at the table watching TV when one of the steak knives from the top of the stack of plates fell off and went right through my hand (in the fleshy bit between my thumb and index finger). Needless to say, I was displeased. He also broke my leg by kicking my car door shut as he walked by.

My mom wonders why I don't get along with him.

Jul 5, 2007, 12:44 PM
On 2007-07-04 20:47, Obsidian_Knight wrote:
A year and a half ago my brother was setting the table for a steak dinner. I was already sitting at the table watching TV when one of the steak knives from the top of the stack of plates fell off and went right through my hand (in the fleshy bit between my thumb and index finger). Needless to say, I was displeased. He also broke my leg by kicking my car door shut as he walked by.

My mom wonders why I don't get along with him.

that is no excuse to not get along with him! :<