View Full Version : Mil lily info

Dec 20, 2002, 12:00 PM
I have been piping for mil lilies for a while now (i do 1-2 a day. STILL dont have psycho wand) and have noticed a few things.

First the mil lily appearance rate appears to be 1:256 ob lilies. This is pretty close to what the average has been for me (18 mil lilies so far at 1:234 as the appearance rate average. might as well count while piping http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif ) Not to mention it is a nice even 2 digit hex number and just makes sense from a programming standpoint. So if you are piping the Food quest room with 6 lilies you will on average need to pipe 43 times in order to get a mil. Just thought you'd want to know http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Second, the mil lily drop rate appears to be WAY different between sec IDs. My first 12 mil lilies were piped by a PURPLENUM and their rare drop is the ever so coveted PSYCHO WAND. I found little more than meseta and monomates. Out of curiousity i loaded up my pinkal and piped for 2 lilies. Since the pinkal drop is a CADUCEUS which is way less useful than the PSYCHO WAND i suspected that perhaps the drop rate was different for the PSYCHO. Both lilies dropped the CADUCEUS for the pinkal. Since then i have gotten 4 more lilies with my PURPLENUM and gotten yet more garbage which leads me to believe that the game can have different rare drop rates on the same monster depending on sec ID. Either that or my luck S*U*C*K*S.

Thirdly i also noticed that around 1/4 (didnt keep close track) of the mil lilies found create a very nasty effect around them. The mil lily and ob lilies in the room all got their megid upgraded so that it gets the little smoke trail behind it and goes WAAAAY farther/faster (like the gran sorcerer megid). So bring your resist/devils and scape dolls with you so you dont get robbed out of a mil lily.

Oh well guess i should go pipe for another and get another... monomate. = Enjoy the useless information!

Dec 20, 2002, 12:17 PM
i noticed the same as well.
I found about 7 mil lillies so far and 3 of them have given me Demo Comets.
While i have found 10 Pouilliy slimes using both the trick and just finding them normaly., they REFUSE to drop me a Lavis Cannon. i am redria
My friend is Whitill and has seen about 15 mil lillies. they drop orotiagitos...none of them gave him a red box.

Dec 20, 2002, 12:57 PM
I agree "Ultimate" weapons are near impossible to get it would seem, i am REDRIA too i have also seen 10+ ULT Pouilly Slimes but they refused to drop. As Skyly i got a couple of Demo. Comets of a few slimes.

Dec 20, 2002, 02:49 PM
The regular lilly megid hasn't killed me yet; even a six shot salvo just bounces off my Delsaber shield and my single Resist/Devil.

However, I gain a healthy dose of respect whenever I see the upgraded lilly megid. I had 2 resist/devils, my delsaber shield and my armor for around 78+ EDK. One upgraded megid hits me and I keel over dead as yesterday's fish. I didn't have a scapedoll and so lost around 200k in meseta. The meseta was no big deal...the worst part was losing that mil lilly!! Arrgh! Two scape dolls from now on! Such is the danger of piping for lillies, not to mention the utter boredom of the whole business, and the damage it does to your character's exp growth.

Dec 20, 2002, 07:09 PM
I know how you feel blade. Redrias get no good weps. They suck in my opinion. the only reason i'm keepin mine is cuz i lv'd her up really high and put lots of time in. besides that she never finds anything except for high lv techs and a good armor every now and then. :