View Full Version : Panther's Spirit mag cell

Dec 21, 2002, 04:47 PM
anyone figured out the requirements yet for the Panther's Spirit?

Dec 21, 2002, 05:14 PM
I wonder if that is used to make a Panzer tail.

Dec 21, 2002, 09:38 PM
From what I've read is is the Panzer Tail.

Dec 21, 2002, 11:26 PM
My Panter Spirt is found some kind of Quest you never know till you try it.

Dec 22, 2002, 12:50 AM
Has anybody figured this out yet? The panzer tail is the only one in the guides that still doesn't have a listing on how to create the mag.

Seeing as how I need one (cmon, all munki's need a tail!) I was hoping that somebody had an idea on how to do this. I don't have a panther's spirit, but I am trying to get on as I type this. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Dec 22, 2002, 03:59 AM
well i have a panther spirit and my mag is a bana and is 38 22 25 37. was supposed to be a 38 37 37 38 mag for a chao but i tried the tail on it and it dont work so it looks like ill have a Chao after all at least now we something that doesnt work http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif thats a step in the right direction eh?

Jan 13, 2003, 08:09 PM
just made a panzer tail...requires a lvl 50+ naga mag and a panther's spirit kit...also, the character creating it must be at least lvl 100...hope this helps...