View Full Version : Venting again (possible language)

Jul 19, 2007, 04:34 PM
I typed this one in wordpad, I'm pretty pissed right now, as my stupid asshole of a stepdad hid the damn modem, so here's my gargantuan wall of angry text that I've been adding to since I can't post it until the bastard gives the thing back.

Now, I wouldn't be so upset if I had actually done something wrong, but no, I did every single thing that was asked of me and the asshole decided he'd just hide it from me for no reason, unless, of course it's because I slept in today, but that's not really my fault, if he could learn to turn the damn tv down, then I could go to sleep. I tried asking him before, but he just goes on like "I pay for the shit, I'll watch it however loud I want", now I don't give a damn what you pay for, it's common decency to turn the damn volume down when someone wants to sleep, dammit.

He's always getting pissed at me for talkin' back to him when I've never even come close, like yesterday, out of nowhere, he picks up a pair of sunglasses and says "why don't you put these on if it's to bright", my response was "what?", as he just said it out of nowhere, then he's like "why don't you change your shirt on if it's too hot" again, seeing as though I hadn't said a thing about it being too bright or too hot, and we were inside setting the table for dinner I was a bit surprised by this, then he got all pissed 'cause I said "what?"
"so your not listening, huh?"
Me: "No, I heard you, it's just that I didn't say anything about that."
Him: "Talkin' back, huh?"
Me: "No" and then he goes on to be pissed all through dinner like the pissy little brat that he is.

Next time he accuses me of talking back, I should just go off on him and say "You want me to fucking talk back? This fucking talking back, asshole!"

He's always getting pissed over nothing, and I can't stand it, I've come extremely close to tellin' him off before, but due to my natural tendancy to hold my tongue, I'ven't done it yet, I know that if I do it'll open a whole new can of worms that I don't want to deal with, for one I'd be able to kiss the modem goodbye.

He also thinks he's smarter than everyone else, never listens when you try to help, and treats us like idiots, if you try to help him with something he'll act like you're calling him stupid, or something.

One time, my brother was on the PC, and my stepdad was drunk, so he started talkin' to us, and he asked my bro if he liked him, now my bro wasn't much payin' attention, and didn't answer, so he got pissed kicked him off the PC and me off the gamecube and sat there in an angry drunken ramble for god knows how long, bein' a total ass to my brother. Now, honestly, I don't much get along with my bro, he's a total jerk most of the time, but still, it pisses me off to see my stepdad bein' an ass to him.

Another time, my mom told him off for goin' on about how my brother and I never do anything, she said that the only thing we don't do around here is the dam laundry and he got all pissed and told her to shut the fuck up, now if I would've been out there when he said that...

Really I'm getting sick and tired of dealing with all this shit, I have had it up to here with the fucker and so has everyone else in my family, nobody, and I mean NOBODY, in my family likes him, he's the most narcisistic, arrogant, maltempered person I've ever had the misfortune of knowing.

Now, to be fair, he used to be a nice guy, and he did a lot for us way back when, but doing good in the past doesn't excuse you to behave this way in the present. I don't give a damn what he did for us, what's happening now is now, he's changed, and I'm sure my mom has already accepted that he'll not be the way he was before.

Another thing, he doesn't have a lisense, yet he drives to work every day, in the car that mom bought so that my brother and I'd have a vehicle to go job hunting in, seeing as though it takes at least an hour to walk anywhere of interest, but does he care? no. Yet he gets pissed at me for not having a job, you took the damn car I'm supposed to be using to get applications you fucktard!

Also, I love how he espects everyone to respect him while not giving a shred of it himself, he thinks he's a nice guy just because he'll buy chips or something, or lets me have a can of pop, big fucking deal, you gave me a can of pop, am I supposed to worship you now? Even though you treat me like a crap? And you go around calling me a loser IN FRONT OF MY MOTHER, then get pissed at her because she tries to defend HER OWN DAMN SON? Then he gets mad because she likes us better than him, IS HE FUCKING STUPID?! Does he honestly expect her to like him better than HER OWN CHILDREN? I dont think there's any limit to the flawed nature of his logic, he thinks he's the smartest, and that he knows everything, when really, it couldn't be further from the truth.

Also, he just expects everything to be done without asking, like he'll be outside doing yard work, not say a word to me, and get pissed because I didn't offer to help. Now, I'm not the type that usually offers to do anything, but I usually will if asked, but even if I were one to offer, how the hell am I supposed to know? He goes and does it, not telling me, there aren't many windows, and I don't oft go outside, as my eyes are rather sensitive and I don't like winged insects. He expects me to just KNOW he's doing something and just rush out there, drop what I'm doing and help.

Another thing on a similar point, I'm on the PC a lot, and he gets pissed at how I don't jump straight off for him, well EXCUSE ME for setting my AIM to away so that convos don't pop up while you're typing, and closing a few tabs so you don't have to deal with them, saving what I was doing in paint, pausing the game I was playing or what have you. Also, he'll get mad because I type too loud, sure I don't type exceptionally quietly, but come on!

Now, the only people that actually like him are his family, but only because they haven't seen what he's really like since we only see them on holidays, now them, I have no problems with, but my stepdad has a hell f a charade going there, they have no idea what a bastard he he is, in fact, I think he said the reason we had to move was because my mom lost her job and we couldn't afford the house, this is, of course, only half true, if he could've kept the fucking joint out of his damn mouth, we'd've managed just fine.

I'll not excuse him for that either, though he's off it now, he's gotten no better, sure he doesn't run off in the car and disappear 'till the next day anymore, but he's just...

Also, he goes on about how my sister's stupid and trying to screw us over and is a "nigger-lover", now first off, I don't give a damn what race her boyfriend is, though, I can't say I approve of him, he's a nice guy and all, but he's been involved in some pretty shady things such as drug dealing, though hopefully now that he's a dad, he'll clean up his act, then I'd have no problem with him at all, also, race is little more than the level of melanin in ones skin, people give it more importance than it deserves, anyway, I'll give she's not the sharpest one out there, but she tries, dammit. Sure, she makes a lot of mistakes, but you can tell that she's trying as hard as she can, and that she's doing her best, you'd have to at least give her that.

One of the main reasons his taking the modem pisses me off so, is that the forums are my primary escape from his shit, they're probly the one thing that keeps me from completely losin' it. I know the only reason he took it is that he thinks that if he takes it away I'll do what he wants, but if it weren't for the fact that my mom wants the house clean, I'd juast say "fuck it" and sit down and do nothing, let him do it by his damn self.

I cannot understand how a man so concerned about how clean the house is, can be such a total slob, I cannot remember the last time I saw him pick up after himself, and when he actually does do something, he'll be glaring at me the whole time, pissed that I forgot it, then he'll dwell on it for the rest of the day, his mood is so damn fragile, he's in desperate need of anger management, though, heaven forbid you even come close to suggesting it, as his life is obviously terrible and all of his bitching is completely justified and rational.

There have been times where I've been so angry at him that I could feel it throughout my body or became a tad dizzy, I know this cannot be good for my health, also, normally, I don't really get mad at anyone, it takes a lot to get me riled up, but god almighty, I hate this man.

I realize that this is a bad situation, and that something should be done, however, I'm not entirely sure quite what yet.

Now, one thing I'd really like to say to him is just this: "Fuck you, go ruin your own damn life, asshole."

Jul 19, 2007, 05:58 PM
Do that, first off. Let him know EXACTLY how you feel, down to the letter. Fuckers like this piss me off, and that is a difficult thing to do. Monkey has a stepdad like this as well. So I know how you feel.
He needs anger management, civility, and a divorce. There is no way your family can go on when nobody loves the father figure. Your mom has to divorce him.
If he tries to beat you or anyone else up again, fight back. He may (or may not, by this description of him) be stronger than you, but you should not stand for this any longer than you have, it is unhealthy.
Also, should he act violetly toward you or your family for divorcing him, call the police. He is a problem waiting to happen, and if your mom tries to divorce him, you know he will be violent and full of rage.

Jul 19, 2007, 06:01 PM
Maybe instead of venting here where it really does no good, talk to your mom about what he does. I did'nt bother reading all of your post past the bit where he was talking about things out of no where, (sunglasses and shirt, before dinner), as if to instigate you.

Tell your mom that him instigating you into a fight isn't fair on you, he should be the mature one.

Though I'm questioning why your mom is with someone who is such a loser and lacks what a parental figure should have(after skimming your post). Tit for tat I guess, but if he's such a loser; you need to start talking to your mom about it. He no doubt puts on a good show while she's around, so unless you're giving her input on what you think of him, she only has what she see's to go on. And if she blows off your opinion and how he treats you, well; dunno what to say, crappy mother.

Jul 19, 2007, 06:04 PM
The thing is, she sees it, he pisses her off too, I'm not entirely sure why she puts up with it.

Jul 19, 2007, 06:07 PM
Ronin did say this:
"And you go around calling me a loser IN FRONT OF MY MOTHER, then get pissed at her because she tries to defend HER OWN DAMN SON? Then he gets mad because she likes us better than him, IS HE FUCKING STUPID?!"
So I think she knows. But I agree with Abdur (for once) in that you need to talk to her.

Jul 19, 2007, 06:34 PM
Ronin, I feel your pain.

A few years ago my DAD used to be the same way because appartently he doesn't have the ability to get over a divorce that happened 3 years before that...
Anyway, he had the same problems like your stepdad, but after a while, there would be times that i would explode back at him and just lock myself up away from him for some time.
Luckily, it got through his thick skull and nowadays he is pretty calm, but still has his rage fits once in a while if something doesn't go as he assumes, but now being that I have "grown up", he should know that if he can get me pissed off, he had better run because I will not be afraid to knock him on his ass from my rage.

And about your mother, you really should talk to her about that asshole because even though nothing may happen, there is always a little bit of relief knowing that you let some weight off your chest.

Jul 19, 2007, 06:42 PM
I'm not entirely sure why she puts up with it.

It could be that she's resigned to him out of fear of being alone. I'm not sure what age she is, but I would guess that she's in her late 30's to mid-40's. At that age, it's "supposedly" rather difficult for women (especially with children) to find a spouse after that age. It may just be that she hasn't been pushed to her breaking point yet.

Or, as Ulysses McGill once said, "Tis a fool who looks for logic in the annals of the Human Heart". Although I don't quite think his writers had that situation in mind when they wrote it.

My father also had rage problems for much of my early life. He was the sort of man who just towered over everyone and you couldn't help but to admire and respect him. Alot of kids think that way of their fathers, but - it wasn't as simple as that. He was a very intelligent and very vicious and belligerent in an argument. He had to be, as a steward for the UAW for many years, fighting tooth and nail for every single concession to their contract - not to mention much of it was a hold-over from what he learned in the military during Vietnam. He had a way of just looking at you that could reduce you to an absolute rubble. As I said to my sister once, he had a way about him that you couldn't help but put him on a pedestal - and when he was angry, it wouldn't reduce his pedestal, but only kick yours out from under you.

It was so bad at times that my Mother and him considered divorce several times - but it wasn't until his heart attack in 91 that had a chance to really reflect on his actions and decide that he needed to "cage the monster" for the sake of his family, or at least - keep it on a leash so that he could still draw upon it when he needed.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sinue_v2 on 2007-07-19 16:52 ]</font>

Jul 19, 2007, 07:07 PM
Yeah, hopefully she'll take the advice of me and everyone else in the family and boot his sorry ass. She's put up with more than enough already, we all have, before she was puting up with it to pay the mortgage, but we'd be able to go without him, hell, it'd probly not be too large a financial blow, seeing his beer expenses.

It's nice to be able to vent here and get advice, and I thank you guys for that, as I said before, these boards are a large part of what helps me get through and deal with all this crap, hopefully it'll be resolved before too long.

Everyone's sick and tired of his crap, I'm sure the point'll come soon where enough is enough and he'll be out.

Jul 19, 2007, 10:43 PM
I have never meet my dad, shortly after my mom got pregnant they split up, tho I dont know him im sure hes a good man. as long as i can remember my moms boyfriends have been, losers, my mom married a man named Bill, he was just like your step dad Ronin, but he started beating me for a time, and would yell at me when i wanted to spend time with my mother. and keep in mind, i was only 4,5 or so years of age. but i do remember, also he looked pretty shady, i mean my mom and him were married for about 2 years or so, and he alwas told us about his ex-wife and children, i never meet them. after that, my mom got divorced, and she started dating again, a few years later we moved to Wisconsin, and she met a man named Adam , who was about 10 years younger than my mom. So he was still in the party seen, and my mom turned, basically, into a alcoholic. i hated Adam so much, he was one of the most stupid people on the face of the earth. His idea of training a dog was, beating the shit out of it when it did something wrong. i lost my mom to him for, about 2-3 years. my mom has stayed single since then, and her becoming so involved with "Going Out" really damaged our relationship. It also made it hard for me to trust people, most of all men. Shligger's mom i know is still "Going Out" , but has gotten better, i hope she gets rid of the younger man tho. I don't think it's affected Shligger that much tho :/

Jul 20, 2007, 08:13 AM
man i have my mom my dad AND a step dad and after reading this....i want to share them with you they'r really nice, as for yourstep dad do something before its to late call cops next time hes alone with you and starts freaking and tell them everything or show them this. and for amusment outta what he put you guys thro tell them he needs anger-management. well anyway remember NO ONE has to put up with that you may be-able to get him removed by now. <amazing how people change and how bad it can be http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_cry.gif >