View Full Version : Got a question on Fomar mags?

Jul 24, 2007, 05:33 PM
What would be a good Power and Mind number for a Fomar mag? I want to have upped power and mind so I can use weapons and have good tech at the same time.

Jul 24, 2007, 05:41 PM
forces are different than the others their weps need mst to use them so pow really isn't needed 4 them. i have 2 forces and my first 1 has an insane amount of mst 400+ @ lvl 42 w/ angel/mind++ x3.

Jul 24, 2007, 05:45 PM
Actually there's only two I can name off the top of my head that are weapons that they tried to emphasize on the attack through MST (Holy Ray, and Elysion are in my mind right now).

You can try some sort of a
5 Def
75 Pow
50 Dex
45 Mind

Something like that should be decent. Or you could always wait until someone else who uses FOmar more than me can answer.

Some decent weapons you can try to get are Grass Assassin Saber, and the Soul Eater (later on a Soul banish can replace the Eater).

Jul 24, 2007, 10:00 PM
Alright, cool. I have both of those weapons right now and will be searching for Soul Banish once I have time... Got a lot to do right now.

I was thinking maybe a little more Defense since it is a force and won't be using many guns. I can see where Dex would be a great help. And I see that you do put in more Pow then Mind for a Fomar. Would it be better to do more Pow than Mind or should I try to keep them somewhat equal?
How about something like this.
19 Def
75 Pow
26 Des
45 Mind

And also. The mag I have so far has the photon blasts Golla and Milla Youla (or however you spell that) Should I go for Pilla next?

Jul 24, 2007, 11:40 PM
I have sort of an odd mix with my mag. My mag is a level 200 Pushan with 10 Def, 92 Pow, 52 Dex and 46 Mind. I kept the Pow high enough so I could use an Ancient Saber and the Dex high enough to use a Red Handgun. He's more of a melee character so I keep Shifta/Deband and Jellen/Zalure handy. I've made it through Ult Ruins pretty easily and am currently working through the Seabed.

Your mag setup looks good. I would focus on Pow and Mind and not worry too much about defense. You can always use Deband to raise that if you need. I don't worry about what photon blasts I get as long as I have Pilla. It can clear a ton of enemies if you get surrounded.

If you have a Purplenum or Pinkal you could hunt a God Mind in very hard that will boost your Mind by 40. I also keep a mag (Ila 119 Mind) with a high Mind in case I find a technique disk and want to use it and switch back to my main mag.

Hope this helps.

Jul 25, 2007, 12:00 AM
5/125/50/20 I JUST finished making this one after 2 days of working on it. I am feeding it it last things right now as I type this. I like the Type of FOmar.