View Full Version : PSU-XBox 360: STRYKE FORCE!!

Jul 31, 2007, 05:03 PM
we all know you have seen around the planets. Stryke Force is here... lurking..... watching..... scouting.....

Some of you have played with Stryke Force and not even known it. You see the skills at work and you think to yourself there is something special about these guys..... I mean, how could a fortetecher die when he could just heal himself. why is that Fortegunner right in the fray when he could sit in the cut and blast with his fantastic SE's.

Rammathorn and Angel of Death want all you Fortegunners for Stryke Force. Although A of D is a FT, he has crossed to join rammathorn in building the ultimate army of Gunners. We all know that gunners rule the roost here. we only need techers for buffs, debuffs and heals, so A of D said he would hang out with us. now, in all fairness to FiG, FF, and PTs, we dont need you, so go stand and get pummeled by mobs while we run through the planets half asleep. All i ask for is a couple of FT to join, for the reasons stated above.

But, Fortegunners, we need to unite!! we all know we dont need anyone else, so lets prove it!! Join me, and together, as father and Son, we will rule the galaxy. Now, I am sure after you all read this, I will be bombarded with request to join, so if you see angel of death, ask him as well.

The Time Has Come! Stryke Force is Unleashed On All!! The End Is Nigh!

*while backround stories of your characters are not required, they certainly are encouraged and will do nothing but help your chances in joining this exceptionally gifted group of guardians.

** this is NOT a clan, but more of a badge of honor. If you are lucky enough to be hand chosen, you can not only run with our sniping specialist, but you can also (mandatory) add STRYKE FORCE to your shortcuts with your member number next to it.

Stryke Force is Growing.....Expanding.....

Jul 31, 2007, 05:47 PM
wut if ur a guntecher...

Aug 1, 2007, 10:51 AM
On 2007-07-31 15:03, shotsfired wrote:
...we only need techers for buffs, debuffs and heals...

...But, Fortegunners, we need to unite!! we all know we dont need anyone else, so lets prove it!!...

This confuses me.

Also, do you really think you are going to be able to recruit any more FT's who only want to buff, debuff and heal? This Angel of Death sounds like a real stand-up guy to agree to this (though, in his capacity in your group, it would seem that his character name is a bit of a misnomer....)

I won't go into the ubiqutious discussion on how a party of mixed classes is better. BTW, good luck on distributing rares to make everyone happy. That first Blackbull that you guys find will make for some interesting arguments!

Aug 1, 2007, 02:07 PM
A party of a bunch of gunners is nowhere near as great as a mixed party of various classes. Gifted bunch of guardians who can ONLY play gunners and are not well versed in other classes? Fail.

Aug 1, 2007, 03:23 PM
I think gunners can cut through all situations easier and with less danger. correct? therefore, I think the class is superior.

Angel of Death basically does what I tell him to, he really had no choice in the matter. He understands his role in the caste system of PSU.

I am well versed in other classes, but i prefer gunner. Why be good at all, when you can be exceptional at one? specialist are better.

Aug 1, 2007, 03:32 PM
On 2007-08-01 13:23, shotsfired wrote:
I think gunners can cut through all situations easier and with less danger. correct? therefore, I think the class is superior.

Angel of Death basically does what I tell him to, he really had no choice in the matter. He understands his role in the caste system of PSU.

I am well versed in other classes, but i prefer gunner. Why be good at all, when you can be exceptional at one? specialist are better.

But your character is a human fortegunner. A cast fortegunner would be, ahem, more exceptional. I hope you don't get kicked out of your own group.

By the way, what's your backstory? I love role-play!

Aug 1, 2007, 03:46 PM
I'll agree with you on gunners having it easy but not always. Any other class can have it just as easy as long as they are equipped properly. A balanced class with a FT can cut through things much easier than a group of gunners. I can only see gunners being superior over other classes when it comes to being able to solo.

I won't go any farther than this since it goes more into opinion and flaming and all that. I just find that using a team of gunners is not as great as a balanced party.

Aug 1, 2007, 05:15 PM
On 2007-08-01 13:23, shotsfired wrote:
I think gunners can cut through all situations easier and with less danger. correct? therefore, I think the class is superior.

NOT true. I didn't want to get into this, but hunters are best in certain situations, techers in others and gunners still in others. I don't feel one class is completely capable to be the best choice at all times. Balanced parties usually go faster (there are missions that may go faster with all gunner or all techers, but the majority of missions are speedier with a good mix of everyone.)

Angel of Death basically does what I tell him to, he really had no choice in the matter. He understands his role in the caste system of PSU.

OK, so you're just joking about this, right? This whole "STRYKE FORCE" thing is a joke, right? I get it! You're just posting this to make this guy laugh!! You wouldn't really treat your in-game friends like this, right?

I am well versed in other classes, but i prefer gunner. Why be good at all, when you can be exceptional at one? specialist are better.

Explain "well-versed" please. According to your sig, you have a high leveled Fortegunner, and lower leveled ranger and force characters. Have you used a hunter-type character? Nobody's saying you have to excel at every class, but your ignorance of other classes strengths is abhorrent...unless of course, this is just a joke post, in which case it's a bit esoteric for most people to catch on to.

BTW, I have partied with you before and you're a decent player, but I wouldn't call you "exceptional". If this isn't a joke, I wish you good luck in getting your group together, but with your attitude I don't expect many takers.

Aug 1, 2007, 05:39 PM
what attitude? this is purely my opinion, you dont have to agree with me. i have plenty of people trying to get into my group, just to have fun and not have to worry about some yahoo figunner or fortefighter get B-slapped by some vahras and collapse in a heap of fur (beast) or metal (cast). i love partying with all my fellow PSO-WORLDERS, but sometimes, when you want to just cruise, I need my FG team. And if you partyed with me, you definately know the skills. You must be thinking of someone else. decent is not in my vocab. you might be thinking of Angel of Death. Yeah, thats probably it. How can you judge a player if he is just "decent"? If you dont die and you help out teammates by healing, sols, SE's, etc. that makes you minimum a good player.

sorry if i ruffled your feathers, but it sounds like another class is a little upset that Stryke Force isnt gonna take him. (unless you are a FT, then submit your backround story and pledge of allegience to Rammathorn, c/o STRYKE FORCE.)

I will update the list of Stryke Force members once I read all the backround stories and pick who I (we) feel is ready for such a big jump.

JAFO, leave Darth Virgin out of this! he is still a young one, learning the ways of the three classes, training to be a protranser. Although tough on the outside, he chewy center is sensitive to your harsh words.

And Sinderella is a FT 9 and 10 levels away from being the baddest bitch on the planet. Learning from Angel of Death how NOT to be a force, she watches him and does the exact opposite, truly mastering her craft, working on her dark arts and sparkly lightning attacks.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: shotsfired on 2007-08-01 15:40 ]</font>

Aug 1, 2007, 06:04 PM

Aug 3, 2007, 01:21 PM
On 2007-07-31 15:03, shotsfired wrote:
we all know you have seen around the planets. Stryke Force is here... lurking..... watching..... scouting.....

Some of you have played with Stryke Force and not even known it. You see the skills at work and you think to yourself there is something special about these guys..... I mean, how could a fortetecher die when he could just heal himself. why is that Fortegunner right in the fray when he could sit in the cut and blast with his fantastic SE's.

he has crossed to join rammathorn in building the ultimate army of Gunners. We all know that gunners rule the roost here. we dont need you, so go stand and get pummeled by mobs while we run through the planets half asleep. All i ask for is a couple of FT to join, for the reasons stated above.

Join me, and together, as father and Son, we will rule the galaxy. Now, I am sure after you all read this, I will be bombarded with request to join, so if you see angel of death, ask him as well.

The Time Has Come! Stryke Force is Unleashed On All!! The End Is Nigh!

** this is NOT a clan, but more of a badge of honor. If you are lucky enough to be hand chosen, you can not only run with our sniping specialist, but you can also (mandatory) add STRYKE FORCE to your shortcuts with your member number next to it.

Stryke Force is Growing.....Expanding.....

wow dude u are the biggest nerd i have ever seen. ITS A GAME WHERE U DO MISSIONS NOT BLOW EACH OTHER UP TO PIECES!!!! wow whoopdy doo im in a team that does missions i have a huuuge honor a badge actually cause im a sniping specialist... ALL YOU GOTTA DO IS SIT BACK, AIM AND SHOOT! JESUS

Aug 3, 2007, 01:29 PM
I cant believe you take this game that seriously omg. PSU is ur life i guess. PSU is fun, dont get me wrong. But jesus there is no competition from other players. There is no best ranger. Unless u buy meseta off the internet and have all your guns grinded 10 times. everybody can press the left thumbstick and shoot without being attacked. Or hold LB and shoot.

Aug 3, 2007, 03:12 PM
I saw you noobs at the Kego Clearing a couple days ago, and you acted like complete noobs, using /altf1. How pathetic.

Aug 3, 2007, 11:27 PM
noobs, is that supposed to be an insult? is that the best you got? we like to have fun, and talk about wasting time, weren't you making a video when I saw you?? lol...

Aug 3, 2007, 11:30 PM
I am detecting alot of jealousy here.... its ok, say what you want, but Stryke Force has grown to 12 strong!! all you haters keep hating, jealousy and envy get you nowhere. join us, i will make exceptions for my fellow PSO-world bretheren, but I warn you, once you go Stryking, you may never see the game the way you did....

Aug 6, 2007, 10:12 AM
Jealous? Uhh, no... this is nowhere near jealousy. I just think the whole idea is stupid saying things such as "badge of honor" and I'm sure the rest of the posters here in this topic would agree. Keep fantasizing in your fantasy world

Aug 6, 2007, 10:30 AM
No, "noobs" is not the best insult I can come up with.

To be honest, I completely forgot about this lameass topic until just now.

Something funny I learned over time is that someone (like you) is a noob because they run to someone and do the "cheer" expression to implicate "humping" another character, either because (you) are gay, or you're just over-amused by childish concepts.

Aug 6, 2007, 12:16 PM
I have to lol at you sir.Like JAF0 said certain classesare better for certain situations.Its not only narrow minded and idiotic,but its people like you that make me feel good,for not being remotley like you or will ever be like you. Thank you!

P.S.The whole STRYKE FORCE thing well simply to put GTFO.Get your headout of your asses,seriously.Your "Opinion" is retarded,the best party is mix of races and classes.

@ Nightmare...
Wanna party l8r?

Aug 6, 2007, 03:21 PM
Wow the hypocrisy is wonderful here sometimes.

Ok you guys say have fun and enjoy the game correct? well this guy wants to play it this way with groups tailored to fight via guns with backup being spells and artillary.

He just wants to play it the way he does and wanted people of a like mind to jump onboard.

Truth be told I dont exactly see ALOT of enthusiasm (be it a bit inflamitory) in this game for anything but bitching about S ranks, what the next update is and generally complaining most of the time.

So yeah let the guy go off and be arrogant with his class and such you guys giving him attention just fuels the whole thing.

And no im not a member of this group I preffer my freedom without complications such as affiliations and going off to do whatever the hell I want whenever & wherever I so desire.

Just trying to say lighten up guys and listen to your own advice any intelligent player will just shrug this off OR any player looking for this kind of energy will be drawn to it.

He likes the class and has what seems like an overabundance of enthusiasm for it granted I like Fortegunners myself they arent the be all end all max uber whirlwind deathmachines he makes them out to be but theres nothin wrong with having an attachment like that and telling people about it right?

in the end we will all play how we wish correct?

Aug 7, 2007, 10:18 AM
well, hatemachine seems to be the only one who gets this thing.... the door is open for you, good sir, as stryke force likes the cut of your jib. that is, of course, unless you are not of gunner blood. If you are a techer, I will approve of your entry. anyways, you will always be an ally to us. as for the rest of you people,

I must LOL at all of you, good sirs.

360 nytemare - keep making videos of your weps..... I cannot think of a better way to spend my time..... except blasting suckas with my piece. calling someone gay? another classic insult. and BTW, we are all playing video games, and regardless of what you think, that my friend is kind of childish...

Davot - GTFO??? wow, the internet gives everyone a chance to voice their opinions.. If you do not want to be part of this great class of gunners, than read, get a chuckle and leave. You probably aren't a gunner, I can tell by the signs of sobbing in your writing. you write out of anger. step back, look at the situation, and do what you know is right. Change classes, become a gunner, and join us. Then maybe you will have fun playing this game.

Jaspaller - this a Game. a fictional place. last time I checked, we are all in this fantasy world. I just happen to belong to a fantastic group of gunners, and a few FT, that love to play and have a great time. maybe some time you would like to take your fantasy character and join our fantasy group and have some real fun. once again, the tone you give off is so negative..... have fun, dude, this is a website about a fictional game. The last thing I would do is go to someone elses "clan" post and bash them for it. Who the hell give you, any of you, the right to tell someone their idea of fun is "gay". once again, probably not a gunner..... the haterade is flowing, my son.....

PSO-Worlders are always welcome to join Stryke Force games. We have a good time. However, be warned, if you are not a Gunner, or an approved FT, you will be taunted and booed until my throat is sore. rule 64 of stryke force....

Tonight - stryke force, uni 15, will be at moonlight beast! join us! we will send the zoalgoug back to the place that lightning dragons come from!!.....all are welcome, even you haters!!!! you will see the power of Stryke Force!!!

Aug 7, 2007, 10:55 AM
maybe some time you would like to take your fantasy character and join our fantasy group and have some real fun.

Uhh no, I see no point in 'role-playing', it's a big waste of time, and I could have much more fun playing in a REAL team that actually isn't biased towards rangers and knows what they are actually doing.

once again, the tone you give off is so negative.....

That's nice, the way I see it, the tone you give off about other class types is also negative.

have fun, dude, this is a website about a fictional game. The last thing I would do is go to someone elses "clan" post and bash them for it.

lol, k. People will always be bashing others clans or belief's for whatever reason, my reason is that you see that classes that are not gunners are inferior, I'm willing to argue that other classes are not inferior.

Who the hell give you, any of you, the right to tell someone their idea of fun is "gay".

This is the internet. This is a forum. Anyone can and will voice their opinion. Have a problem with that? feel free to leave.

Aug 7, 2007, 01:00 PM
the internet makes people like you feel they are important. This is my post, and I dont think i feel like leaving just yet. we still do not have enough stryke force members. remember, background stories are encouraged, along with proof of gunnership.

Dont forget, tonight, moonlight beast!! taking out the dragon, with as much hate as Jaspaller's posts!!!

Aug 7, 2007, 07:17 PM
ive capped my gunner class and hated every goddamn minute of it. Rifles > Bows

Aug 8, 2007, 07:53 AM
stryke force is here to have fun, people, not to throw mud in people.... great times last night to all that joined. nothing good dropped, except a few insults and laughs. hope to see you again tonight.

this time...... at Raffon!! starting at SW, and going from there!! gonna turn svaltus into a lady!

Aug 11, 2007, 09:35 PM
yes, i am back!!!

anyways, just got back from a couple of runs doin some Stryke Force recruiting, and came across a promising young protranser. now, This would be a blatent violation of stryke force, but upon talking to him, He also has a 90 fortegunner, so I could tell he had alot of stryke force in him. unfortunately we could not talk about it too much further with fortefighters in the room....

anyway, The invitation to Stryke Force is officially being handed out to dis. We will wave the background story this time and this time only, so I hope you take this extreme honor serious and do not hesitate to join this special group of gunners / techer.

and for the rest of you, let this be a little inspiration. Stryke Force is out there, and all you have to do is become a gunner and join!

tonight, Denes Lake!! de ragnus is goin down like a fighGunner in parum!

Aug 13, 2007, 09:52 AM
Heh! Is this the same "dis" who dissed you in post number 6 of this thread?

Aug 13, 2007, 10:51 AM
The original poster clearly loves the class he's using, and doesn't seem shy of some role playing either. I understand anyone who feels other classes are just as good, or better, or those who say that a mixed group is the way to go. I can sympathize with those voicing their dislike for roleplaying, it is after all not very mainstram.

However, the Player Matchup forum is not the forum to discus those issues. The original poster is looking for players who are interested, and willing to join. If this is not you, then you don't need to post in here at all, however tempting it is.

As some of you are aware of now, trolling is not tolerated on PSOW. If you see a post which is offensive, or oversteps the boundaries of good taste in your view, you are encouraged to notify a moderator. And if necessary, the mod will undertake steps.

In this case, I side with hatemachine; let's enjoy the game the way we want to, and let's allow others to do the same.
The tone and the premises of the original poster may be off putting to some, it is not open invitation for flaming and trolling.

Aug 13, 2007, 07:05 PM
On 2007-08-13 07:52, JAFO22000 wrote:
Heh! Is this the same "dis" who dissed you in post number 6 of this thread?

a diss? I dont think so, he was stating an opinion. this just goes to show all of you, that once you play stryke force, you are never the same.

Morpheo, see you tonight....