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View Full Version : A few questions...

Dec 23, 2002, 03:47 PM
1) I'm not sure, but do Resta, D/S, and J/Z get boosts from MST? Example: 100MST, level 10 Shifta: Damage+50. 300MST, level 10 Shifta: damage+80, etc. ((I know those aren't the right numbers. Just an example))
2) Exactly what bonuses to techs does each FOrce get? And, do non-FOrce classes get boosts to certain techs? And, if so, which ones?
3) Do God/Battle's stack? Example: No /Battles, Aspeed: Normal 1/Battle, Aspeed: Fast 2/battles, Aspeed: Faster, etc. Or does equipping 2 make you attack just as fast as if you had one equipped?

Thanks for your time people. If ya don't understand a specific question, tell me, and I'll try to explain it better.

Dec 23, 2002, 05:46 PM
1) I'm not sure, but do Resta, D/S, and J/Z get boosts from MST? Example: 100MST, level 10 Shifta: Damage+50. 300MST, level 10 Shifta: damage+80, etc. ((I know those aren't the right numbers. Just an example))

S/D, J/Z and Anti do not get a boost from MST. They are entirely based on level. I am not sure about Resta. I think it might, but I never really tested thoroughly.

2) Exactly what bonuses to techs does each FOrce get? And, do non-FOrce classes get boosts to certain techs? And, if so, which ones?

FOmar: +30% damage bonus for Normal Attack Techniques (Gi-series), bonus to some support techniques (I forget which)

FOmarl: +50% damage bonus for Grants, bonus to all support techniques

FOnewm: +30% damage bonus to strong-attack techniques except Grants and Megid (i.e. Ra-attacks)

FOnewearl: +30% damage bonus to weak attack techniques (Foie, Barta, Zonde), bonus to Megid and Megid can affect multiple enemies

3) Do God/Battle's stack? Example: No /Battles, Aspeed: Normal 1/Battle, Aspeed: Fast 2/battles, Aspeed: Faster, etc. Or does equipping 2 make you attack just as fast as if you had one equipped?

I am told yes, but have never tested.

Dec 23, 2002, 10:27 PM
Thanks! Now, can anyone confirm the God/Battle stacking, and do non-FOrce characters get spell boosts? ((IE: HUmars get a 30% boost to medium attack techs, etc.))

Dec 24, 2002, 01:33 AM
Back on version 1, Battle units definately stacked, so seeing someone with 4 God/battles on was literally Sonic speed. Me and some friends tested it on version as best we could,(stop-watch, and a lot of trying) and they did not stack. Which makes sense with the battle mode, someone with 4 god battles could easily own someone who didnt, no matter what type.

Tried a bit with general battles wich was hard to figure out, but I dont think it stacks now...

And nope, Force classes are the only ones with any magic boost. *leaves to go double-check*

Dec 24, 2002, 01:36 AM
In version 2 god/battles did not stack, and i dont believe they do on GC either.