View Full Version : MAG

Dec 23, 2002, 06:13 PM
i have a question. I want to move this Kalki to my Humar, but i'm afriad that it will evolve to the starter guy for the hunters. I don't want it to learn farilla. Will the mag learn Farilla if i put it over to the humar?

Dec 23, 2002, 06:23 PM
If the HUmar feeds it, then at the next level it will change (I think, it's been some time) accordingly. Ideally, you should probably transfer a mag which has already learnt it's three PBs. o_O Transferring early mags, well, early, is used to make sure a mag learns the PBs you want (for example, the dolphin, followed by Pilla, and then the twins is a good example).