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Aug 7, 2007, 01:24 PM
Ok, first off, just got back from my two weeks without intarweb, unfortunately that doesnt mean Ill be playing PSU anytime soon, but I did want to talk about this game.

Its a Sega game for both the Wii and the PSP, and to sum it up in a sentence, its a top down arcade style RPG with multiplayer set in space.

Now the reason I actually wanted to discuss it is because of a gripe I have with the game. But first lets talk about the pros.

Multiplayer is pretty fun, it kept me and my friends occupied for a long while, and it has enough stat customization to make any diablo fanboy happy. You have 4 basic stats and something like 20 proficiences. Theres a healthy amount of armor and weapons to hunt down, and the game has a nice difficulty setting, its not to hard, but you do need to cooperate in order to get things done. There are 40 stages to the game, making it pretty long and robust, and although there arent sidequests per se, their are areas that are completely optional. The controls are pretty satisfying as well, aiming is done via pointing the cursor, and melee attacks are done via the B trigger and nunchuck-wiimote combinations. Also, there are a couple wii-specific mini games that factor into gameplay that are actually very enjoyable. One is used to unlock contaaminate chests, the other is a DNA enhancement mini-game, where-in you can give yourself permanent boosts to your stats, at the risk of also damaging them.

Now for the cons.

The camera is annoying. Their is a zoom in-out function, but the stupid thing is that depending how you have the top-down based camera rotated, you can zoom out farther. Which is amazingly annoying trying to find the correct angle to do that at. Even moreso in multiplayer. The storyline is godawful, so bad in fact that it makes PSO's look like a fucking epic poem. The cutscenes arent really "cutscenes" either, theyre average to good stills that are drawn and sometimes cheaply animated. And the voice acting made me want to slit the actors throats.

But those are all pretty small problems with the game. I can overlook those as long as the game is fun, (Which it most definitely is) but there is one thing that pisses me off ALOT.

The graphics. Now I realize that I did not buy a Wii for the polygon count, that was something I knew going into the purchase. But when my game looks like it got shitted out of my dreamcast and then repackaged in a Wii CD case, I think I have reason to be mad. The textures are godawful, and unfortunately, zooming out doesnt remedy the problem. Whats worse though, is that the equipment you get isnt at a consistent resolution, I had a helmet that actually didnt look so bad, but when I upgraded to the next model, the thing looked like a big anti-aliased bubble. Which makes no sense. Apparently developers think that since the Wii is a Gamecube 1.5, it can look like a PS1 -1.5. Which is stupid when you see what nintendo is doing with there in-house stuff (Metroid? Galaxies? Those are some pretty games.)

Also, apparently the PSP version has a wi-fi capability, making me wonder why the Wii didnt get some online play, I mean seriously.

Overall, it isnt actually a bad game. Its fun, its long enough to keep you entertained for awhile, and its a blast with freinds. Its just fugly.

Anyone else played it?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Niered on 2007-08-07 11:27 ]</font>

Aug 9, 2007, 01:51 PM
I'm putting this on my list of games to rent. But...that's a pretty huge list...

I have fond memories of the unlicensed NES Alien Syndrome (by Tengen) where you simply rescued little Soviet people and kicked alien ass within the time limit. 'Twas simply a solid run-and-gun shooter. (I also have the Sega Ages version---that is, Sega Arcade Classics or whatever in the US---but something was missing from that one.)

Aug 12, 2007, 02:04 AM
I like the voice acting, the the cutscenes are very well drawn/painted (they kind of remind me of Phantasy Star IV's still image cutscenes, a little bit, but it's still cool) http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

and the story, while simple, is still much much better than the original Alien Syndrome story from the PS2 remake.

Aug 12, 2007, 06:22 PM
You liked the voiceacting Saner? I geuss I could like it. If I had subtitles on and the volume muted.

And seriously, the story line couldnt be worse. Just because its more complicated than GO KILL ALIENS, doesnt make it better, it just makes it longer.

Aug 13, 2007, 03:03 PM
well thaks to the story, Aileen is very interesting, especially that unexpected plot twist! plus it gives the missions a greater purpose, overall I like what they did with it. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif it's a shame the game didn't receive as big a budget that a Sonic or Virtua Fighter game would get, though. Alien Syndrome really deserves more support, and this game (which shoulda been called Alien Syndrome 2 since it's an obvious sequel) is a great first step towards bringing back the franchise.

Aug 13, 2007, 08:25 PM
On 2007-08-13 13:03, Saner wrote:
well thaks to the story, Aileen is very interesting, especially that unexpected plot twist! plus it gives the missions a greater purpose, overall I like what they did with it. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif it's a shame the game didn't receive as big a budget that a Sonic or Virtua Fighter game would get, though. Alien Syndrome really deserves more support, and this game (which shoulda been called Alien Syndrome 2 since it's an obvious sequel) is a great first step towards bringing back the franchise.

Bleh. Its another "chosen one" storyline. Thats the reason I hate so many game storylines anymore, theyve all got "Neo" complexes. OH LOOKITME, IM THE ONLY PERSON THAT CAN <insert generic ability/power/racial trait> AND THEREFORE I CAN SAVE THE WORLD.

Yah, that was cool. Back in astroboy.

Sorry saner, Im being VERRRRRY cynical. Not necessarily towards you, but towards the majority of storylines in general.

Although I do agree, considering the gameplay's actually pretty good, it would have been neat to see what this game could have been like with a bigger budget.

Aug 16, 2007, 03:56 AM
ya a bigger budget woulda really helped. ^_^