View Full Version : GC: Which one of these is the best for a HUcast?

Dec 24, 2002, 02:33 PM
Ok, when PSO Eps I & II arrive in the UK I am going to get it and recreate my old character from v2. Problem is I'm note sure what section Id to be going for.

I have suitable names for the following:
- REDRIA (Original)

Can anyone recommend which one of these is best for a HUcast?

The main thing was I was hoping for a type B as they can make Apsaras (my old mag) anyone know if this can still be done? If so any nice people out there with a type B hunter (If I am type A) that could feed it once when its 200 to change it?

Finally one last thing, I heard that a mag no longer loses synch when kept on your char when saving, before it lost 5% each time. Is this true?

Thanks all,


Dec 24, 2002, 02:59 PM
Ok here's the deal. I'd say Oran because I like the weapons you can get. Go to the item findings database and click on each of the section ID's to see what things you will find. Second of all if you are type A instead of B just make a new temporary character to feed your mag an item. That is what I did to get my Asparas. Last thing... uh what was it... oh ya, the ONLY time you ever loose sync is when you die, or make it go down with an item.

Hope that helped!

Dec 24, 2002, 03:16 PM
Any one of those EXCEPT Greenill, which finds lotsa rifles..

Dec 24, 2002, 03:35 PM
On 2002-12-24 12:16, malinko wrote:
Any one of those EXCEPT Greenill, which finds lotsa rifles..

Yes .. my friend is a HUnewearl, and virtually all he ever finds are JUSTYs .. he must have about 10 of them, heh .. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_shy.gif

Dec 25, 2002, 03:15 PM
With my HUcast experience I would say ORAN in my opinion. Cuz on the DC the hucast had lower DEF but higher ATK of all classes so I'd kill everything before they even take a crack at my hucast (though accuracy was a bit of a problem). So I wouldn't mind sacrificing armor apperance of REDRIA and whatever of Greenil for daggers and whatever ORAN can drop (though I consider oran a hunter section id).

That's what I know. I refuse to make a hucast on the GC cuz he don't look like a ninja (unlike my super hucaseal hehehee).

Dec 25, 2002, 04:54 PM
Thank you for the advise. Ok looks like I'm going with ORAN then. Main thing is I love swords so I hope I can get a few, they were my favorite weapon of old...

Ok well come april (Hopefully PSO Eps. 1&2 will arrive here by then *sigh*) I will try this out starting with Episode 2 (I've done episode 1 and am firmly resolved to tackle the second!)

See you all then and good luck until then all!


(Now all I need to do is meet a nice girl with a HUcaesal...)