View Full Version : PSOBB gone downhill

Aug 10, 2007, 08:41 AM
The fact that PSO has gone downhill pisses me off, the least that SonicTeam/Sega can do is update PSOBB so more people play it, because the PSOBB community is getting smaller and smaller.

Aug 10, 2007, 09:59 AM
Meh, I just joined PSO Blue Burst recently.

Powder Keg
Aug 10, 2007, 10:02 AM
You have to realize, even though PSO from GC and up is great, it's a flat out miracle that the game is still up and running.

Aug 10, 2007, 10:20 AM
Aside from seasonal events, the Blue Burst servers haven't been updated in almost a year. At this point, Sega of America/Europe has little reason to promote that platform. Their attention is focused on Phantasy Star Universe.

Aug 10, 2007, 07:00 PM
That fact you're only now noticing the decreased populous is disheartening.

Aug 10, 2007, 07:22 PM
It'll die. It's experienced far worst hacking that any version of PSO.

Aug 10, 2007, 09:19 PM
On 2007-08-10 17:22, Mystil wrote:
It'll die. It's experienced far worst hacking that any version of PSO.

what? when did that happen?

Aug 10, 2007, 10:29 PM
That does suck. I was hoping that eventually I would be able to join BB. But at this rate, it looks like it will go the way of the GC servers for PSO.

Aug 10, 2007, 10:59 PM
When was PSOBB ever up a hill to go down from in the first place?

Aug 11, 2007, 03:45 AM
I can't run BB. ;_;

Aug 11, 2007, 04:06 AM
BB has private servers you can use ;o

Aug 11, 2007, 04:09 AM

Aug 11, 2007, 05:33 AM
On 2007-08-10 19:19, EphekZ wrote:

On 2007-08-10 17:22, Mystil wrote:
It'll die. It's experienced far worst hacking that any version of PSO.

what? when did that happen?

It didn't.

Aug 11, 2007, 06:03 AM
Yes it did, just most people didn't give a shit back then because it was the JP version, long before the US version came out.

US version was always shit and neglected, really. JP version was, as always, much more populated than US, and better updated. Same as it was on GC, really, except you couldn't go over to the JP servers from the US ones. XP About the only bone the US version got was that they never had to buy EpIV like JP did.

And yes, shit did happen. GoE, using NPC skins, duping, all kinds of shit. Can't say anything about what happened to USBB, but JPBB got it up the ass during the early days, especially during the open beta. Things eased up a bit once it went pay to play, but there were still problems. (To be fair, ST had its own bullshit problems. Like the glitch that ate my first S-Rank Twin, forcing me to get another one... Yeah, that was real fun, especially without the fallback of being able to simply edit a little file to make whatever you wanted... At least GC if ST's coding boned you it was a quick simple fix to recreate it.)

Aug 11, 2007, 09:53 AM
Er, I'm not saying hax didn't happen, because it happened on US too.

I'm saying it wasn't 'the worst hacking of any version of PSO', or whatever. Then again I didn't play JP and don't care about it, so maybe that had some ubar hax that US never got? *shrug*

Aug 11, 2007, 10:03 AM
On 2007-08-10 17:22, Mystil wrote:
It'll die. It's experienced far worst hacking that any version of PSO.


Anyway, I joined BB recently, and the most I've seen is 57 players on the first block of the first ship, in the middle of the day.

Aug 11, 2007, 10:19 AM
The worst cheating was on Dreamcast. Anyone who thinks otherwise clearly never experienced it in all its glory. Between breaking into locked games, players using gifoie in the lobby, and overwriting characters with NPC data, it was quite the adventure. I still remember how typing a full line of "lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll" would lock the game up hard.

Ah, memories.

Aug 11, 2007, 01:01 PM
Was it lower-case Ls or Is that did that?

Oh, and let's not forget how you could cast offensive techniques on other players in PSO on the Dreamcast - without using any sort of hacks. By extension, you could also cast Shifta, Deband, and Resta on enemies, as well.

On top of that, if you hit someone with Grantz as they were going into a telepipe, you'd make them crash.

Oh, and then there's the whole thing about casting Ryuker in a lobby, and anyone who went into it got their character corrupted...

I only played PSOBB briefly, so I'm not up to date on how bad that was, but I would be shocked (SHOCKED) if it were even close to being as bad as PSOv1 was. After all, what happened back then, was even worse than what happened on the original Diablo...

Aug 11, 2007, 01:50 PM
I've seen people playing as NPCs on the Xbox, but never gifoie in the lobby. It would probably freeze because of the Eternal Christmas decor, which is still up since January '05.

Powder Keg
Aug 11, 2007, 04:56 PM
On 2007-08-11 08:19, Parn wrote:
The worst cheating was on Dreamcast. Anyone who thinks otherwise clearly never experienced it in all its glory. Between breaking into locked games, players using gifoie in the lobby, and overwriting characters with NPC data, it was quite the adventure. I still remember how typing a full line of "lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll" would lock the game up hard.

Ah, memories.

Abd sending it in mail would also freeze your game entirely. Those certainly were the slum days of PSO.

Aug 11, 2007, 10:10 PM
On 2007-08-10 20:59, Norvekh wrote:
When was PSOBB ever up a hill to go down from in the first place?

Aug 18, 2007, 01:21 PM
You know...this sucks. Perfect time for me to get back into PSO. Gah.