View Full Version : Thanks to the people who help others in PSO

Dec 25, 2002, 09:30 PM
i made this thread just to thank every person in PSO who goes out of their way to help either a low lvl or just to help out period. you all know someone who just likes to help but id like for you all to at least come up with a moment in PSO when someone helped you out when they didnt really need it.

i will start this out with a moment that happend earlier today, i was looking for the elusive st.rappy for hours this morning when finally i got tired of looking for him so i went into the lobby and started chatting with this guy and girl. i then mentioned all i wanted was Angel wings and had been searching for them for a couple hours now. so the guy offered to help me look for them. I then made the room and went to the portal waiting for him to come so we can go to the Temple then he said to come to the bank real fast to get some things before we go off... he droped the heart of angel ^_^ .

so i know you all have a good moment in PSO where someone helped you. or you went out of your way to help someone (i know abdur has plenty of those) so then start telling them!

Dec 25, 2002, 09:37 PM
When I would play on Vers 2 all day to get a bank full of good weapons, 4 slotted armors and nice armors(alot of rare stuff) and really nice slot peices to give out to players the same night. I'd give out full meseta(999,999 on character and in the bank) as well as everything I had collected that day.

I did that every day for a long time. My Vers 2 life spanned from lvl 100-127.

Great things I remember people doing for me were the gifts of a Halbyrd(the HUcast only partisan type) and the S-Red's blades from my friends. =)

Dec 25, 2002, 09:48 PM
Congrats, you got dupe!

Dec 25, 2002, 09:51 PM
On 2002-12-25 18:48, Rhete wrote:
Congrats, you got dupe!

The stuff I was given most likely were dupes, there's very little doubt. But they were given as a gift, so it doesn't bother me. =)

Dec 25, 2002, 10:03 PM
The stuff I was given most likely were dupes, there's very little doubt. But they were given as a gift, so it doesn't bother me. =)

me either. just happy i finally got wings

Dec 25, 2002, 10:19 PM
Here's my moment when somebody really helped me:
Back in the first week of DC v1, I had just bought the game and I went online. I went to Oberon 1 and found a team called "helping newbies". There was a guy in there who had a really high level, and he helped me level up and learn the game for about 2 hours. I never forgot about him (except his name http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif)

I love it when people help me out, so I'm trying to help others more now, and I think all PSO players should do they same. This holiday season, I've given away about 20 of my rares to different people.

Dec 25, 2002, 10:29 PM
I used to be helpful, but since I'm on the GC I'm at a level I can't help anybody and I am the one needing help... (LVL 7) and (Lvl 11) T_T Though once I get to that level where my bank account is maxed and I have on hand money..then I'm going to help the needing newbies...

Dec 25, 2002, 10:52 PM
haha so that's where u got those wings Celestial lol. by the way, thanks for helpin' me search for that damned St. Rappy today, even tho we didnt find em'. we will prevail! lol . cya around

Dec 25, 2002, 11:11 PM
i usualy am the one helping out. I dont remember the last american that gave me something decent.
In Ep 1 and 2 i have been helping out and playing with japanese players for the most part. i find them more appreciative and grateful for even the littlest things. I've made alot of JP player friends and its so fun learning japanese from them.

As for dupes, i own a double cannon in ip 1 and 2. I've met a few people who have cried a river and bitched and moaned. But do they know i traded my legit stuff for it? no. I usualy only use it when i'm alone or am tired of looking at my Demo comet. (looks gay)
In vers 2 i only hacked up a few things at the end of it's lifeline. and even then i never used them, online. It got out of hand and if sega can't find a way to stop morons from duping then i might as well get the things that are stronger to get me through.
After 3 versions of PSO, as a veteran, and after much thought theres only 1 thing i have to say to people who are uptight about accepting dupes all i have to say is SHUT THE HELL UP. It's just a piece of coding in a game. Maybe sega will get things right in PSO2 and use player to server. I dont see ANY duping or cheating in Anarchy Online.
If people are IDIOTS, then dont play with them for THAT fact, not because they own a dupe. I consider myself a helpful player and a good friend if your not an uptight prick. if you die i'll heal you usualy immediatley while i've found about 90% of players dont even have rev's on a HOT key but i've had a few players join a game awhen i'm alone and catch me with my cannon and start ranting about how its wrong to use dupes Even after i tell them i use it when im alopne and that ill grab my legit Demo comet but then they cry and leave the game. SHUT THE HELL UP!
Wow....i'm drunk..and rambling....very drunk..but i'm serious >__<
Merry x mas...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ReikenFeralsbane on 2002-12-25 20:20 ]</font>

Dec 25, 2002, 11:39 PM
The most memorable incident of someone helping me was back in the day on V1...

I had reached 100 with my main HUcast, and spent about five hours helping/guarding friends at this great level until I was corrupted and died after 350hrs of play. I set about to try and rebuild my stuff-empire by quickly and angrily leveling with my RAmar looking for items.

I was so mad that I created a game called "I Fight Alone!" with a password of gibberish, and prepared to head for the ruins. I didn't make it to the main transport when someone entered the game. I was like "Hi" at first before I realized that whoever this was had broken in with the current pass-break code. Having not much to loose, I stuck around and talked with him for a while. I suppose he understood what happened as he dropped about 5 mags, a God/Battle and some weapons/armors that I honestly thought I'd never see again. I was so happy, and it really restored some faith in the seedier side of PSO. I guess he helped me whether I'd wanted it or not.

Yes they were hacks, but on DC I didn't care because it was pretty much physically impossible to find anything decent there. (my best find was either the fake agito or the Alive Aqhu, a stupid rod which looked like every other rod in the game)

I do shun dupes a bit more now on the GC, because there's such a "Wow cool!" factor to finding something yourself, or recieveing something that you KNOW someone found for you in that cheery red box that's just not there with dupes. AND it is possible to find it yourself this time around. Go ST!

Dec 26, 2002, 12:10 AM
In middle to ending days of ver.2( I was somewhere around level 120ish) A guy came into my game and we played for a bit. He told me to come back on at a certain time later that night so we exchange cards.

Later that night I went back on he mialed me and told me to hold on for a minute. He gave me the password in about 5 minutes. When I loaded up there was a trail of rares leading out the door and all the way into the shops. All kinds of stuff, weapons, mags, everything.( all obviously hacked but I didnt care).

Were still friends and recently ran into each other on ep 1 & 2.

Dec 26, 2002, 01:21 AM
people who help out are great, i played dc like crazy and was always givin low levels chars. money and stuff. when i first started GC pso i was on ant block 8 of course and i think i was in a game with TFSO snapple and some otheres. one of them had a soul eater and i was askin how to get it cus i forget the quest order and stuff to get one. well instead of explaining he just gave me his! im level 120 and i still use the thing cus its a good partisen and just looks cool as hell http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Dec 26, 2002, 01:47 AM
Another pitiful argument for duping... I won't even bother ripping the "argument" apart.

As for helping... that can be a double-edged sword. Some are just too willing to help and some are too asking for help.

There's the situation of a high level person wanting to help others. Personally, I think it's downright wrong for a high level person to join a team when the team doesn't ask for help. Such a presence just spoils the fun. I do occasionally join a non-Ultimate level team, but only when the team name in some way asks for assistance or someone on the team mailed me for help.

The other situation is possibly even more annoying. It's the low level expecting too much help from the high level. I get really annoyed when a person out of the blue asks if I have something and if I would give it to them. Even worse is when a low level joins a team and cannot contribute in any way. Is it okay for a level 90 FOrce to join a team in Ultimate Seabed? Of course, since the FOrce can really help out the team with techs. Is it okay for anyone else at level 90 to join the team? Unless you're wielding a FROZEN SHOOTER/SNOW QUEEN, no, get lost.

If you want to help, make sure that help is asked for, and if you want help, make sure that help is offered.

Dec 26, 2002, 01:49 AM
You're welcome.

Dec 26, 2002, 04:43 AM
Reiken: I'm not sure what your personal experiences have been... but I can say that it is Japanese custom to be much more verbose about their "Thank You"s and other common coutesies. To Westerners, it might seem like they're being much more appreciative about something, but it may just be part of the Japanese social rules. That's not to say they're not appreciative, but rather, that they are no more or less so than the American who gives a simple 'ty' every now and then.

Anyway... regarding dupes and other hacking, I must say that they paid the same $50 for the game that you and I did, so they're entitled to enjoy the game however they like... provided they don't ruin the experience for others. The only people with the right to say otherwise is Sega/Sonic Team... and only insofar as those playing on their servers are concerned. Personally, ever since the days of Doom and good ol' IDDQD, I've found cheating to be rather boring compared to the challenge and reward of actually playing the game fairly... but to each his own.

Dec 26, 2002, 11:21 AM
I remember back in my dc days i was a force struggling in V-Hard. I met a guy named Jin in a game and he saw that i was kind of weak. He told me to wait and he dissapeared through a pipe. He came out and gave me a rare cane. Even though i forget the name of it it was still a treasuring moment. We were friends since. sadly i lost him when i switched to gcn games (not pso) and sold my dreamcast

Dec 26, 2002, 01:50 PM
Phalanx i would have to concur with you about higher lv's joining when they have no real need. Here i am lvling my low lv in normal and a lv 112 player comes in. THey ended up being rather kool, but comming into normal and killing things with sange in 1 hit is kinda unnecassary. And i hate when people beg for shit, especialy when it something thats not common.

Dire i concur with you as well, but it's still nice to not have players rush over and make a mad dash for red boxes like a slobbering ogre. Most americans have no shame or mannners. So i just think of JP players as a breath of fresh air in the fact that they come off more civilized. Not saying they arent great american players, i was only stating the fact that theres alot of rude ones.

Dec 26, 2002, 06:49 PM
hrmmm can we stop the debates? id rather just like to know the stories of you helping or being helped... please no more going off the topic

Dec 26, 2002, 07:04 PM
I love helping newbs . . . even though all I really have to offer is slotted Cross Armors, Psy Armors, and Soul Frames with some General/ units. I've been on the recieving end a couplke times, once got a Stag Cutlery +98 from this one guy during my short DC stunt (can you say bored duper/hacker?). Not to long ago, my force was struggling big time (he still is!) and this lvl 110 guy comes in and gives me a lvl 13 Grants and Megid, lvl 8 Resta and some Angel/Mind s. What a cool guy. Then I went and traded a Luck Mat, Def Mat and Evasion Mat for a Grants lvl 5 that I could use and a crappy force weapon (Mace of Adaman or something). I feel stupid right now.

Dec 26, 2002, 07:18 PM
Today I met this LV1 guy in PSOW lobby who asked if anyone wanted to make a game. I was on my LV4 char so I did, and we played, and he was getting owned. (Doing one hit combo's) I asked him when he got PSO, and the answer was the 25th. So uh, I told him how to do 3 hit combo's, what techniques are, how to use guild cards, gave him some items, evolved his mag, etc., then got my high LV char and did forest with him. I'm so nice. >_<;

Even worse is when a low level joins a team and cannot contribute in any way. Is it okay for a level 90 FOrce to join a team in Ultimate Seabed? Of course, since the FOrce can really help out the team with techs. Is it okay for anyone else at level 90 to join the team? Unless you're wielding a FROZEN SHOOTER/SNOW QUEEN, no, get lost.

Soooo true... But now-a-days, most LV90 people who join games like this, usually have a BKB or double cannon equipped. So I take advantage of the new crappy S/D range, and only S/D myself. Then I usually just follow around, doing 0 damage with Rabarta or something, and wait for them to die. "PLZ REV ok i DONT wnt to lose my $$" Nah. Also, it gets annoying people discriminating my LV90-102 force. Like his LV30 techs are any different from a LV150 force. -_-;

Dec 27, 2002, 12:05 PM
Well, the people who helped me out a lot became my favorite friends to play with back in v1, and even now in GC PSO.

Back in v1, I was lvl 86 and not fining jack squat in any VH ruins run, but I was having fun, no less, playing with my Lunarnet buddies, until they stopped playing. I was still hopelessly hooked on PSO, so that's when I first came to PSOW. I was playing on the old Official block of Puck 9 one night and hooked up with War Child and Nakago, and Jello44. They helped me with an armor, weapon and such, then we got into VH ruins. Needless to say, we made one heck of a team and I got together wtih them every chance I got.

v2 was a blast, and I even got to do a little CHallenge mode with Shotie, but never got past c6. I sucked at battle mode..but didn't care. Still had a ball with the friends I made here at PSOW.

now, in GC PSO, I'm having a ball again. Thanks to everyone from PSOW who's helped me out, whether it be with levels, items or just in an adventure or 2. It's certainly the community that makes PSO such a great game.



Dec 27, 2002, 12:20 PM
Couple days ago I was with a 4 person team that completed the Temple and Spaceship. Ya see, I LOVE episode 2...but I found for the most part, most people just straight up QUIT beore Gal Dal Val. Which is exactly what happend. So I decided to play by myself in hopes that someone show up. After playing the mountain stage for a few minutes, A FOmar named Lutz joined the game. If i remember right he was lv.112, and was one of the BEST forces I have ever played with. We played until we beat Gal Griffon (Haterade showed up just before the boss fight =)) It was a great experience, and the levels and Gal himself could not have been beaten without him. Thanks Lutz!

Dec 27, 2002, 12:38 PM
On 2002-12-26 16:18, Cloak wrote:

Soooo true... But now-a-days, most LV90 people who join games like this, usually have a BKB or double cannon equipped. So I take advantage of the new crappy S/D range, and only S/D myself. Then I usually just follow around, doing 0 damage with Rabarta or something, and wait for them to die.

Ahh. I think I played with you on an Ult ep2 team called "I Hate Ep2" yesterday. Just curious, did you leave abruptly because of the guy with the BKB or did you just not like the rest of us in general? I was the purple/white HUne with the Red Sword and Cudgel.

Oops heheh! Sorry to get off topic. Yeah, I've joined a couple of low level games to unload my inventory. At first they accuse me of being a duper, but after about 10 minutes of 'typing' back and forth they accept that I'm legit and just trying to free up my inventory. ^_^ They're usually more than happy to take some extra 9* or 10* stuff off my hands. Tanking for low levels is also pretty fun sometimes. Low level chars are grateful for you just standing there and taking the hits while they level up. Level 20 Shifta, Deband and Resta are also great boons to people in Normal and Hard modes. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Jae on 2002-12-27 09:48 ]</font>

Dec 31, 2002, 02:35 AM
Ahh. I think I played with you on an Ult ep2 team called "I Hate Ep2" yesterday. Just curious, did you leave abruptly because of the guy with the BKB or did you just not like the rest of us in general? I was the purple/white HUne with the Red Sword and Cudgel.

No idea. But since you mention "abruptly leaving", yeah it was probably me. I do that a lot when I'm in a dupeh-team. It's easier for me to just leave without saying anything. n_n;

Dec 31, 2002, 02:56 AM
On 2002-12-25 20:11, ReikenFeralsbane wrote:
i usualy am the one helping out. I dont remember the last american that gave me something decent.
In Ep 1 and 2 i have been helping out and playing with japanese players for the most part. i find them more appreciative and grateful for even the littlest things. I've made alot of JP player friends and its so fun learning japanese from them.

As for dupes, i own a double cannon in ip 1 and 2. I've met a few people who have cried a river and bitched and moaned. But do they know i traded my legit stuff for it? no. I usualy only use it when i'm alone or am tired of looking at my Demo comet. (looks gay)
In vers 2 i only hacked up a few things at the end of it's lifeline. and even then i never used them, online. It got out of hand and if sega can't find a way to stop morons from duping then i might as well get the things that are stronger to get me through.
After 3 versions of PSO, as a veteran, and after much thought theres only 1 thing i have to say to people who are uptight about accepting dupes all i have to say is SHUT THE HELL UP. It's just a piece of coding in a game. Maybe sega will get things right in PSO2 and use player to server. I dont see ANY duping or cheating in Anarchy Online.
If people are IDIOTS, then dont play with them for THAT fact, not because they own a dupe. I consider myself a helpful player and a good friend if your not an uptight prick. if you die i'll heal you usualy immediatley while i've found about 90% of players dont even have rev's on a HOT key but i've had a few players join a game awhen i'm alone and catch me with my cannon and start ranting about how its wrong to use dupes Even after i tell them i use it when im alone and that ill grab my legit Demo comet but then they cry and leave the game. SHUT THE HELL UP!
Wow....i'm drunk..and rambling....very drunk..but i'm serious >__<
Merry x mas...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ReikenFeralsbane on 2002-12-25 20:20 ]</font>

Thank you man im also tired of these people crying on the boards about duping god its annoying im glad you said this i hope those people read these posts

Dec 31, 2002, 03:17 AM
Tanks fer the dupe, my hero~~~ <3

Dec 31, 2002, 03:19 AM
Even though I haven't been online yet, I do have a mini-story about someone helping me offline...My wife.

She's as into this game as myself, which I still can hardly believe! She loves finding rares and jumps with joy and smothers me when she sees a new red box...

Anyway I was having a bad day, and I didn't want to put her in a bad mood so I locked myself in my room and lay in bed for a few hours, trying to sleep but too lost in thought...Until finally she knocked on the door and asked to come in. I was feeling a little better so I let her in. She just took my hand and led me downstairs. She pointed at the TV and I saw what I spent days trying to get...The Orotiagito!

I never even told her how to identify it, she looked it up herself. I know it's not an amazing super duper rare, but I wanted it so badly...She always turns bad days into good ones, and good ones into great ones.

I hope I didn't kill too many trees by having so much kleenex used! =P

Screw God, praise women! .....What? ...He can hear everything? Ohhhh...You must have heard me wrong, God. I said 'screw women, praise God', you know, because men like to scr...Well you get the idea.

Alright that's enough from me, I think I'm going to be sick!