View Full Version : Two Worlds in one week, who's coming with me?

Aug 15, 2007, 02:14 PM
The ad banner's up on this site now...it's coming!

I'm not talking about quitting PSU but it might be a nice diversion for those waiting on AoI to roll out.

I expect the PSU 360 servers to take a slight dip if this game is any good. We'll see. I've got it paid off already, but I'll wait until next weekend to pick it up depending on player feedback. I don't trust reviews on game sites anymore. Remember the scores PSU recieved? Yet we still have at least 1500 people logged on at all times.

Aug 15, 2007, 03:06 PM
I'm wanting to pick it up, but I have enough upcoming expenses as it is; BioShock, Metroid Prime, a new laptop...

If I magically find the spare cash for it, I'll be picking it up, as it looks like it may be pretty good.

Of course, I can always just wait for the false reviews to come out for it, too.

Aug 15, 2007, 03:53 PM
Well, Two worlds looks fun, but also a let down at the same time, in single player you are bound to playing a human male in search for his sister.

Online you can play either a Human or Elf, Male or Female, and then are bound to a class. Still picking it up, should be some fun at least eh?

Aug 15, 2007, 04:41 PM
If the online is free I'll probably check it out. Right now I have no knowledge on it and haven't even bothered checking it either.

Aug 15, 2007, 04:46 PM
i'll also probably check out the reviews, though i tend to not take notice of a games score anymore, it's just im not so keen on the old medieval theme like so many other orpgs out there, which to me means that unless it has vastly better gameplay than psu i wont be getting it.

Aug 15, 2007, 05:12 PM
The game sounds interesting, but I REALLY need to try a demo for this game before I even think of buying it. I've followed it for a very long time, and I want to give it a try, but I really need to know how it plays. I don't feel like taking the plunge on a game that seems to be abit of a gamble.

Aswell, I don't mind the medival setting, nor being 'restricted' to a class. Hell I'm from an era of gaming where you picked a class and you stuck it out, and if you did'nt like it tough shit, start anew or learn to like it. =]

Aug 15, 2007, 05:42 PM
From what I've read:

You initially pick a class with set skills but are free to level up any skill available. If you change your mind, you can take away skill points for reallocation for a fee from one of the trainers.

It will also have a PvP mode but you will have separate PvP characters to avoid imbalances.

Aug 15, 2007, 08:44 PM
Just read some recent information. Yeah it seems even in multiplayer you can 'multispec'. Thats good, I was thinking they toned the multiplayer down to class-based combat. Quite nice then, after reading more into the new stuff and hearing that they intend to release alot of new content(and playable races even), I might just pick it up. Seems like my kind of game anyway; though I wonder how combat plays out. Is it realtime, action-oriented, or turn-based and context?

Aug 15, 2007, 10:11 PM
I'll wait for a few days after it's launched, and if i hear good things, then i will get it and play online with you http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

My gamertag is Serii

Aug 15, 2007, 10:48 PM
It looks pretty cool, I might check it out, but I'm kind of broke at the moment. =(

Aug 16, 2007, 08:06 AM
i'v heard it was a huge dissapointment and a real let down. I'v been hearing / reading bad reviews all around. I just don't have the money to waste on this game.

Aug 16, 2007, 08:35 AM

Aug 16, 2007, 09:09 AM
If the mediocre and dull title of the game is anything to go by, this game will suck. It could always surprise me and be amazing.

Personally after completing Oblivion nearly 100% (excluding expansions), I don't feel like playing another "go anywhere, do anything" type of RPG. At least not for now.

Aug 16, 2007, 01:15 PM
Sorry, Bioshock is too important. I have been waiting for that game for too long.

Aug 16, 2007, 01:22 PM
I'll GameFly it. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif I watched my friend play the BioShock demo last night and it looks really really amazing (gameplay, graphics, etc etc), but those first-person adventure types just aren't for me, so I'll pass.

Offtopic: I expect to see a drop in the number of people on the 360 servers anyway, there a slew of awesome games being released in the near future. One of them on Friday. Eternal Sonata anyone?!

Aug 16, 2007, 04:37 PM
what is eternal sonata?

Aug 16, 2007, 06:20 PM
On 2007-08-16 14:37, jayster wrote:
what is eternal sonata?

An RPG coming out next month that, if it's anything like the demo, will be freaking great.

Aug 17, 2007, 12:24 PM
On 2007-08-16 06:06, jayster wrote:
i'v heard it was a huge dissapointment and a real let down. I'v been hearing / reading bad reviews all around. I just don't have the money to waste on this game.


Sixty-seven reviews listed on the main site, all give it a 'top percentile' rating. Aswell, it's been patched and updated(and the 360 release will already ahve the updates). The patch was a 1.3gyg update to the game, much was supposedly addressed

But again, it needs to be played. I really want to give it a try, as it seems like a game I could get into.

Here's a nice site that lists quite alot of things that were added in the 1.5 update to the game.

Here's a rather decent gameplay video aswell;

Sort of reminds me of third-person Diablo, except you can alter your character's disciplines rather than re-rolling.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ABDUR101 on 2007-08-17 12:15 ]</font>

Aug 17, 2007, 07:38 PM
xD Diablo 2 ruled all.....xD Im currently playing lineage 2 atm =p so thats keeping me too occupied

Aug 19, 2007, 08:11 PM
OK, I've played the import PC release. Unfortunately the 1.5 patch isn't released yet, so I did'nt get to play the 'improved' game. However, here's a rundown of what I've played so far(up to lvl 17 or so). This will contain some small spoilers, so skip if you don't want to read the make of the game.

The 'grind' factor in this game so far doesn't really feel like a 'grind'. You find quest givers in towns and at world locations, so far the quests have been "check in on this town, we haven't heard from them" and "Go talk to the commander at this fort", however the quests have little twists of their own. So you might get sent to talk to a person, but when you get there maybe something already happened to them. Aswell, there are little ulterior things you can do. You as a mercenary can get sent to kill someone, but maybe they offer a better price to go kill the original person, you can take the offer, or just say Hell no, DIE and kill them.

Though I'm REALLY early in the game, I've noticed one VERY awesome thing. Equipment can be upgraded on your own. So you have a shield, and you find an exact duplicate? You merely combine them, and voila, you now have a slightly better shield with better defense(and if you find the same kind of shield, but with added stat bonuses, if you combine; you get the stat bonuses ontop of the regular combination effect of increased defense). This is amazingly awesome for weapons, armor and shields. I started with a heavy shield I found off a common "Grom" warrior, after killing about 20 of the little doods I had upped my Heavy Grom Shield to Rank 20 or so, it had about 560+ parry, which so far is the best parry I've seen of any shield in-game(granted there are other shields that offer 100+ on their own, but this shield was FREE, I merely kept combining them from mobs). This also has the double benefit of upping the sale price of the item, should you ever decide to part ways with it.

Mobs; animals, undead, and even finding plants in the world, there are plenty of things to make into alchemical concoctions. Some items can be used as-is without cooking(and yes, you can make items from the get-go), such as some meats and plants will heal as is, and some items have negative effects. Some will poison for so much damage, or just outright hurt you for a certain amount. The twist? If you toss in an appropriate amount of healing herbs/meats/potions, you can NEGATE the harmful effects. Cool thing; you can combine five DIFFERENT things at once, however you can STACK the same objects. So if you have six peices of rabbit meat, three peices of wolf meat, a stack of boar tusks, and afew potions to top it off, you can make em and see what you get. If it was something cool, you can actually save the recipe, call the new concoction whatever you want, and voila, you've got yourself something. There are even things that give permanent stat bonuses/resistances and effects. Combine them and if they are made properly(good enough alchemy skill), you get a kick-ass potion that will instanty and forever improve your character.

Elemental attributes are also in effect. Fire, lightning, cold, spirit, poison, etc are present. However, weapons can only have one element on them at a time. Right now I have a giant bone maul, which is basically a thigh bone from a dragon that I got off an orc warrior(and trust me, he was beating my ass with it before I killed him; more on that later). With this, I turned it into a fire weapon. Basically, there is no limit to the amount of elemental crystals you can put in a weapon. Add that to being able to continually upgrade your equipment by merely finding the same 'type/make' and combining them, and you can get some pretty serious gear. This maul does 100-160dmg, WITH 190 fire dmg(because I've found and embued so many fire crystals into it, 10% small ones, 20% here, 50% on occassion, etc)

There are so many different models and textures for the weapons aswell, it's a very nice touch. But I like that you can continually upgrade even the smaller, 'less worthwhile' weapons and make them last for a very long time. This works for armor, bows, quivers(quivers add dmg, while the bow adds alittle dmg but mostly dictates how far your show will go, how fast you can 'aim', etc). I had a chest made of chainmail that had been upgraded so much, it gave double protection than full-plate.(Also, in full-plate you ARE limited. You can't wield two weapons, use a bow, or swim; as would be expected. A good dynamic though, no longer are you the end-all be all as in Oblivion).

Combat is interesting, at first it had me frustrated; it felt as though my swings and the animation weren't corresponding properly. Small packs of wolves and boar would beat me around, but then I realised that clicking the mouse properly with the swings was the key, so you can actually get some damn nifty combos going. Add that with the active combat abilities, such as kicking dust into an non-shield carrying opponents eyes and doing tremendous more amounts of damage, or if you like to use 'sword-breaker' type daggers, there's a combat ability that actually lets you break their sword, so they can only do 5% damage. And there are numerous active abilities, from circular swings to hit everyone around you with a two-handed weapon, to smashing your opponents shield, kicking dust in their eye; or the bow skills of shooting multiple arrows, crippling shots, etc. The more skillpoints you put into them, the more frequent they can happen and the better their effects.

As for magic, I haven't really used it much. I like being a melee class, heavy armor, with minor spell usage for healing. I'm effectively a paladin right now, as I've put my skillpoints into combat(and as of late almost maxed lockpicking, because I loves me the treasure boxes). However, a magic wielding player will be effective, as there are some pretty powerful spells. Add to it that the staffs and robes you can buy will add skillpoints into certain schools of magic.(and even add mana for you aswell)

Enemies are interesting; their AI isn't the greatest, for the most part they are on 'KOS'-mode. They do however fight smart based on their equipment. Close-range sword and shield users will cut the distance and surround you, while halbard/spear users will keep back and prod you, and archers, oh how I fucking hate enemy archers. You can thankfully see their arrows whizzing by you to get their direction, but fighting four close-range orcs, two spear wielders and three archers was rather interesting. And I ran into some bandits who's archers were basically one-shotting me if I did'nt keep moving. And that brings us too..

DEATH! It will happen, and thankfully it's not a big deal. There is no "You fucked up, hope you saved!" feeling, you die, you respawn at the nearest shrine. The landscape is dotted with shrines, and aswell they will heal you while you are close. There are also mana shrines, though your mana regens readily enough.

Getting around; the world and you: At first, running around seemed slow and 'ugh'. But ha-ha, turns out you run abit faster if your weapons are harnessed. You do get a free horse early on from a quest; and my only problem with it was steering at first. It seems you press forward and it gets moving at a pace, then you don't have to hold forward to move, but you press back to slow and finally stop. Once you get the hang of it, easy. Also, attacking from your horse does extra damage(alot extra if you pump points into horse-back combat skill). Aswell, if you get a good gallop going, and attack something, it does near fatal damage to your opponent because of the force behind the blow.

Mounts; as seen in the video I linked to in my previous post above; there are numerous horses in the world, not just 'hanging around', but tied up at bandit and orc camps you find. I haven't found any yet, but there ARE dead-necromancer horses that are basically muscle and bone, no skin, and even draconic horses of sorts. I myself am not so sure I like to be mounted, maybe further into the game when you aren't too worried about killing everything, but for right now I have my horse standing outside a starting town. Speaking of which, the horses STAY where you left them, and it seems they don't get bothered or attacked by wildlife either, which is good in my eyes.

There's also a teleport system in-place, which you start to unlock as you progress. Basically as you walk up to teleports, they activate and become usable after some side-quest is done. God-send! No more "oh gawd I did'nt get any town portal scrolls"). You'll also have a small quest to be given a self-teleporter, which means you'll be able to access the teleport gates you've visited, without having to goto one. This makes loot-selling runs easy, however, I dunno if it was fixed in 1.5, but if you kill a group of mobs, partially loot them and then go to sell what you could carry, then go back, the corpses and loot are all gone. Bummer the first time I did it, because I did'nt really look over the bodies, and I'm sure I missed out on some good stuff.

So in closing; the game has good progression. The combat, while seemingly wiggy at first, after playing abit it feels right for the game. Character progression works fine, the only time I felt I misplaced two skillpoints was into swimming, merely because there aren't all that many places to swim at the moment since I'm in the wilderness. However, thats no biggie because you can pay abit of a fee and redistribute your points however you want(not stat points, but skill points).

I did have to tweak the graphics, as while they are beautiful, they were kicking my machines ass every so often. But, not a big deal, because I think I'll just end up getting the 360 version and handing this import PC version to a nephew. I think this game will have alot to offer for online multiplayer, with eight players in one game. With the equipment, magic and skillpoint system, you're going to have players geared for all kinds of things. I look forward to a nice team of self-healing warriors, with a spellcaster or two to rain fire, lightning or summon elemental(or demonic) helpers; all while an archer or two pegs stragglers and downs incoming mobs.

This game gets my thumbs up; if you like the hack and slash of Diablo, with dungeon(and world) crawling combat, with-out character class limitations, hell yeah. This is a step-above Oblivion, moreso I think this is what would happen if Oblivion and Diablo were combined. I'm really looking forward to the 360 release more than before after finally trying it.

Added afew things.

Aswell, here (http://board.zuxxez.com/showthread.php?t=28104) is a nice intro-guide to the game(backstory, combat, in-game things, etc).

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ABDUR101 on 2007-08-19 20:45 ]</font>

Aug 19, 2007, 10:26 PM
for those who are skeptical of the game I believe a demo of the game will be available a few days after the Launch of the game

Aug 20, 2007, 09:26 AM
Wow, good input, ABDUR101. I hear that 2W was pushed back to the 24th. Probably a street date since they were going against the Bioshock behemoth on the 21st. That game looks incredible.

We'll see. I'm only getting 2w for the multiplayer so if the player feedback isn't good, I won't get it and just get Bioshock or wait for Halo 3.

Aug 21, 2007, 03:49 PM
For those interested, the demo is out and it contains the 1.5 update; so it's entirely up to date and will be exactly what you get on the 360 and PC release in the US. The Dev's have taken a constant stance on updating the game(from 1.0 to 1.5 already) to tweak and make additions to the game and it's coding to make it play and be more intuitive.

I do suggest that people try the demo before you buy. The PC demo is released, and the 360 demo will be released afew days before the 29th. Do NOT jump into a purchase without playing the game yourself.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ABDUR101 on 2007-08-22 10:38 ]</font>

Aug 21, 2007, 04:11 PM
http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif sounds pretty sweet already based on what you wrote ABDUR101

Aug 24, 2007, 08:59 PM
I picked up the game today, enjoying it thus far, its a little jumpy at times, and when you first start out the map can be a smidge confusing.

Combat is semi-fast paced, easy to manuver out of harms way with the Jump Back button, but getting into the fray with 3+ enemies, can be tough, luckily if there are some wolves close by you can have them chase you into the crowd of Bandits and watch the chaos insue, sure you lose a few exp points, but in the end you are still alive!

If anyone else picked it up for the 360 feel free to add me to your friend list and game on with me

Aug 24, 2007, 09:52 PM
I'm hearing that since the multiplayer is hosted by a certain player, depending on that person's connection the game can be laggy; expecially when you have eight players. However, the Dev's have been very much on-top of patching the game so far and keeping up on issues so I don't think they'll let shoddy online play go without a patch as they're very much behind the products ongoing success.

I'll prolly pick the 360 version up this weekend, I could'nt get out today to get it.

However; some questions for the 360 version. How does it look and play? Graphics, do they feel ok on the 360, and does the game play at a decent clip? The inventory system, how is it managed? On the PC it's easy enough to drag and drop things, but on the 360, how are things picked up and moved about?(the game uses a Diablo 2 style of inventory, each item takes up a number of squares, depending on it's shape, so you have to fit things in, aswell you have a weight limit based on your strength I beleive. So how easy is it to manage inventory on the 360?)

Aug 24, 2007, 09:56 PM
Hmmm....it seems the other forums (gamefaqs and xbox.com) are ripping this game a new one...I might just hold out for a used copy so I can take it back for a refund if I don't like it...

Aug 24, 2007, 10:43 PM
Gamefaqs? Please, Gamefaqs is the /b/ of the gaming world. The 360 demo is supposed to be out on the 29th or so, and you can always just rent the game if you're not sure. However, I do suggest atleast trying it before you buy it or turn it down.

Aug 24, 2007, 10:45 PM
ill wait for a demo i hear mixed opinions

Aug 25, 2007, 01:36 AM
My friend got this game and said the multiplayer is laggy as shit. Why would I wanna buy a game when the selling point is unplayable? I'll pick this game up after they fix those issues since a friend has it and another is thinking of getting it...until then I got CoD4 beta.

Here's a review of the multiplayer...

I can't move for any more than 5 steps without getting some kind of lag, but that's not the part that bothers me. The part that bothers me is: when I exit my inventory, we get a permanent "Waiting" message. Can't move, can't play, can't do anything. Aside from that, we can't play this game online for more than 75 seconds without getting the everlasting "Waiting" message. The most fighting my brother and I have been able to do is, I summon a skeleton, and we beat it to death.

I'll cut to the chase, this game has thus far earned a 0/10 for its multiplayer. Unless something is done and this problem is fixed, it remains so. Maybe it's just a problem that I'm experiencing, but I'm still upset. They delayed this game for a long time, and it doesn't even work. What exactly WERE they doing during that time? I would have gladly waited another six months if that's what it took for them to create a functional multiplayer environment. It seemed like that's what one of their main goals was for this game, since that's one of the only things that was promoted on their website.

I'm disappointed and kind of sad that I am limited to only single player on a game that I was really looking forward to sharing the experience of with my out-of-state brothers.

*I'd like to note to anyone who instantly hates me after reading this message that it is a review of ONLY my multiplayer experiences today, not the single player, which is actually good.

So just a lesson, do NOT get this game until they fix the damn game. Developers this incompetent need to do gamers a favour and just die off.

Aug 25, 2007, 04:03 AM
I had a nice detailed review, but then I click preview to check it all out in a whole, and I get a "Cannot connect to server" and lost it all... so I'll just give the short version.

Voice Acting: Subpar, could use a little more emotion
Combat: Tends to be a little stale, less your a melee person and you see an archer
Quests: Cryptic much?
Skill Progressive: Quick to learn new skills if you are a melee person

Aug 25, 2007, 01:37 PM
Thats why you ALWAYS copy everything before you hit submit/preview. I've learned that over the years here.

However; I wasn't bothered by the voice acting or quests. Combat, well, it's a hack and slash game, with spells and bows as secondary from what I've played. I think we've all played worse in all of the above categories(PSU, anyone?)

My only real concern, is the online. This game uses peer to peer, it has no dedicated server other than for match-making(as do alot of games for Xbox LIVE); however the network code doesn't seem to be up to snuff. I'm sure they will address this in a patch, as it's a major selling point for the game. I'm really looking forward to questing with afew other players, but even then I'm still enjoying the mindless killing and exploring for now(which I tend to in most rpg's, exploring and character progression take first seat to the story; side-quests are where my meat and potatoes are).

However, gamefaqs and the official xbox forums for the game are just full of disgruntled people, most of which most likely haven't even played the game and just want to trash something; because those communities are elitist by nature. I myself like to find games that might go 'under the radar' of most people, but tend to be gems in their own right.

Aug 25, 2007, 01:48 PM
On 2007-08-25 11:37, ABDUR101 wrote:

However, gamefaqs and the official xbox forums for the game are just full of disgruntled people, most of which most likely haven't even played the game and just want to trash something; because those communities are elitist by nature. I myself like to find games that might go 'under the radar' of most people, but tend to be gems in their own right.

I find the game fun, I think they are all disgruntled people who were expecting the next Elder Scrolls game with some online play, which it of course Falls flat on its face when it comes with the online play. Truthfully, I'm enjoying it, I've looked past my two major issues with the game and I am thoroughly enjoying the game.

My Two issues is the Tool Tips in the inventory/menus, and the Dead Rising Syndrome(Tiny Text)

Aug 25, 2007, 01:54 PM
Thanks for the input...I know some managers at my local gamespots that are holding a used copy for me so I can return it if I don't like it. Just to be safe...

I'm not too concerned about graphics (I play PSU for god's sake... lol) but I seriously hope they patch the MP VERY SOON because that's a selling point to me. If I wanted a great SP experience I can just fire up Oblivion.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DreamLocke on 2007-08-25 11:55 ]</font>

Aug 26, 2007, 12:03 PM
Hm...by the posts, i think it's cool, but, it's room system(PSU) or you are in the world with the other(WOW)?

See ya!


Aug 26, 2007, 01:19 PM
From what I've seen on LIVE, it's standard Optimatch, Quickmatch, Host a match, you can invite friends and so on to your pre-game lobby, then you decide which town you want to start in. The list of towns are quite many, and they vary in difficulty(you start in an easy town when you first start, that way you can gain experience and equipment. Each town has multiple quest givers).

You then go with your party, up to eight at once, and do various quests around the various towns. You don't have access to the ENTIRE gameworld, but from what I've seen the gameworld is quite decent sized for an eight player group to romp around in, and there are multiple areas(quite afew from the list I saw) so as you progress you'll have plenty of places to go and explore.

Quests range from killing packs of animals in the easy areas, up to taking down dragons later on. But this is NOT a MMO, don't be confused. Aswell, once you complete the quests and all that, you can keep re-doing the areas and quests by starting a new 'match'.

However, the 360 version is needing abit of work, some people can handle only one other person in-game with them, others can handle up to three, it just comes down to who hosts the match and how good the overall connection is. However, it is addicting and fun, much moreso than PSU was. Merely because there are no penalties; you can upgrade your equipment, trade, find some really cool stuff and all that. It's like Diablo 2 meets Oblivion; except your armor/weapons don't degrade or need repaired.

Overall, rent the game and give it a try. Don't take my word for it because what I like might be very different than what you're looking for.

But; I was playing for three hours last night in singleplayer, got to lvl 10 and had just found two awesome weapons. Kiss of Death, a two handed maul, and Aziraal's Eye, a two handed sword named after a dead God in the game, amazing damage on them, like 250-300 base, and about five minutes later my 360 froze and I was having so much fun I forgot to save. My nephew and I started to chuckle, but it did'nt matter, we restarted the 360 and started all over again. He was having fun just watching me play. =]

Aug 27, 2007, 07:46 AM
One question: Does this game have a subscription fee? I might look into it if I can play it on and off without having to pay for it.

Aug 27, 2007, 09:37 AM
Game's free since it isn't really an MMO and doesn't have dedicated servers for that matter.

I still might pick it up because the hate has died down on the boards and quite a few people who stuck it out are starting to enjoy the game despite it's faults.

It needs serious patching but there are news that a major one is coming within a couple of weeks to adress address the lag in multiplayer and a few other quirks.

We'll see...I'll keep my eyes open for more news.

Aug 27, 2007, 10:32 AM
Abdur, I appreciate your incite on this game. Some of the things that you mentioned I had no idea about. One of them was really beneficial to me and made the game a bit easier for me. It was the combining of the weapons ability. If I'd known about that earlier in the game, I'm sure my character would be much better than he is now. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif I feel that I judged this game a bit too early at first sight and I'll play it a bit more before really passing my own personal review off to my friends.

Aug 28, 2007, 10:25 AM
Picked up a used copy last night. It was late so I didn't get a chance to play too much last night.

It's backwards because the first few minutes of the game...cutscenes and early gameplay are unimpressive. Usually developers put all their effort into making a good first impression. But once you get outside things look a lot better though. I like how you can adjust the HDR settings.

I didn't notice the framerate issues that seem to be coming up on the forums, but it does load from time to time which is understandable.

Like I said, I didn't play much, just enough to look around the first town, talk to a few people, and get killed by a pack of wolves. I also was able to stack a couple of swords together to make a better one. Nice feature.

I solo'ed the MP a bit with a new character, an elven warrior. No lag, but then again I was in a private room by myself. I stuck around long enough to get mauled by a wild boar. There could be potential here. Looking forward to playing w/ actual people tonight.

My only gripes right now is the menu screens are a bit counterintuitive and it's obvious they were optimized for the PC with a mouse. I'm sure you get used to it, but at first it is difficult to navigate the menu interface.

I'll get to play a bit more tonight to get a better impression of the game. I'm not floored by my first impression of it, but I can see potential.

Aug 30, 2007, 03:39 AM
Here is what I want to know. I am getting a 360 soon, should I get Universe 1st or 2Worlds? I hear PSU is a dissapointment, and considering how much I STILL play PSO-X, I can hold off on PSU a while longer if something better is out there.

Aug 30, 2007, 07:11 AM
Most of people's complaints stem from PSU not having any content and not being "PSO 2". The content problem used to be an issue, but considering you are showing up fashionably late, there will be far more content than you will be able to get to before the expansion. However, if you are expecting PSU to be PSO 2, you will be sorely disappointed. Personally, I would wait on Two Worlds. It seems like they have a lot of technical issues to work out.

Aug 30, 2007, 11:02 AM
The multiplayer for two worlds is free, but it does have some lag issues that need addressed. There's also an issue with aspect ratio's for the game, some people are just fine; others aren't.

Though a major gripe I have, and quite afew others is that even in online rpg mode; you can hurt the other people you're playing with. There's a really big demand for the ability to turn Team Damage on or off at the start of a game, because some people are actually using it to grief other players. There's an attack technique you can learn that will disarm your opponent, causing them to drop their weapon. Some people have been joining/hosting games and doing this to people, one person will disarm the other while his friend will swoop in and steal the weapon. Needless to say, since weapons can be 'stacked' and enhanced if you have duplicates and by use of elemental crystals, losing a weapon you put alot of effort and money into upgrading eight or nine times is a bit of a pisser.

I haven't played with anyone else yet, but I've got a list of decent players off the official forums who I've added to my friends list just to play TW's with to cut down on the possibility to getting griefed.

It's my understanding that the dev's are working on a patch already for alot of the issues.

An example of what I have happening:
When I'm in 720p or 1080i(which the game does support), a small portion of the left and ride side of the screen are cut-off. An example is that there's a little menu at the bottom in your inventory that says "BACK - for more information". All I see is "ACK - for more information". It's not game-breaking, but it means when you press BACK to get more information, the first letter of every word is cut off, and when it tells you context buttons to press, you only get a portion of them. So when it says " (A) - to sell object", all I see is " ) - to sell object". You can make out the side of the button, which of course is color coded on-screen, so not a real big issue; just annoying.

I yet again recommend you rent it, your experience might not even have this problem.

The singleplayer of the game is awesome if you can get past the voice acting(I prefer it over the PSU voice acting actually). It reminds me alot of Diablo 2 and Gothic 2. I've got a lvl 17 or 18 character in singleplayer, and in multiplayer I've got a lvl 16 barbarian decked out in full gold platemail. There are, very literally, hundreds upon hundreds of armors/weapons/equipment/shields in this game. Randomly generated, and some have stat/protection/skill bonuses on them; so even if in the highly improbable chance you come across someone who has the same stuff as you, due to the character development and skills you can buy as you see fit, you could play quite differently.

(My character started out as a 'barbarian', but through skill training, divying out his stat points when I level up, I've turned him into a very powerful paladin who can brew strong alchemical brews and pick most locks).

Give it a rent I say, the first hour of the game is rough offline and on because you're getting used to the user interface and your character basically has no stats or decent equipment, but after that first hour you'll be busting heads and geared up enough to have a good thrashing.

Aug 30, 2007, 06:49 PM
I haven't really been playing the game a lot lately, its sitting in my tray longing for play, but due to time constraints I've been playing Puzzle fighter. I'd love to give the multiplayer a whirl with a few of you guys