View Full Version : my PSOW signature

Aug 20, 2007, 08:05 PM
ok here goes i see these people with this thing in their signature from "mygamercard.com" along with a picture of their online psu character. i want to show my dude's picture not so much my gamer card thing so just someone out there help me out with this one!

Aug 20, 2007, 08:27 PM
You can use BBCode image tags to link to a picture in your signature. The format goes like this:


You can read more about BBCode on this page:

Remember to keep your signature image under 35000 bytes and less than 600 x 180 in pixel size.

Aug 20, 2007, 08:51 PM
oh well thats hard to understand i guess ill give up and get a generic picture but thanks for the help i apercciate it

Aug 21, 2007, 01:24 AM
No, no no, it's not that hard at all. Just break it down, and take the time to consider it. It's not rocket science.

The first step is to get yourself a picture. You can make it yourself, or you can someone else to make it for you (I understand that Mayu (http://www.pso-world.com/user.php?op=userinfo&uname=Mayu) is rather prone to taking such requests).

The principle rules for signature images, is that the physical size must be 600 pixels or less in width and 180 pixels or less in height. They must also be less than 35,000 bytes (which is not to be confused with 35 kilobytes, which is, in fact, 35,840 bytes). Aside from that, the other forum rules apply, which basically just means, keep it PG-13.

Once you have your image that you want to use, you'll want to upload it to some sort of webspace. I recommend opening an account at Photobucket (http://www.photobucket.com/). Photobucket exists specifically as a service for people to host images to post on forums, blogs, and other similarly casual purposes. The site is easy, and rather straight-forward to use.

Once your image is uploaded to Photobucket, Photobucket will provide the BBcode for you.


It is a simple matter to click in the box I've circled in the above picture. This will copy the picture to your clipboard.

The next step is to edit your signature. You've clearly done this before, as you have information there, already. I'll go ahead and describe how to get there, just as a reminder. There is a link near the top of this very page, that says, "Your Account". If you click on that, you'll come to your profile page, and near the top of that page, you'll see a button that says, "Edit Profile". Click on that one. You'll see a text box that contains your current signature. Click on that box, and press Ctrl+V on your keyboard. This will paste the BBcode for your signature image into that text box. Scroll down about a screen page or so, and you'll see a button labeled, "Save Changes". Click that.

Once you've done that, you'll have successfully updated your signature.

Yes, I know, that took way too long to explain for it to really be all that simple, but it only took so long because I included a lot of detail. The summary is more revealing of its simplicity:

1.) Make, find or request an image you'd like to use, that conforms to the forum rules.
2.) Upload the image to Photobucket.
3.) Insert the text from Photobucket's IMG Code field into your signature

That's it. That's all it is. 3 steps. You can do it. Thousands already have, and it's a great deal simpler now than has been in years passed, when usable webspace was harder to find, and HTML had to be used to insert images instead of BBcode. It really is quite easy.

Aug 21, 2007, 05:11 PM
You could also have a gif file as a sig if you want. Sort of like mine.

Aug 22, 2007, 12:02 PM
Gifs are tricky business, their filesizes can get really big, really fast.

Aug 23, 2007, 11:24 AM
Check in the properties, i have a very small GIF thats file size is 200kb and doesnt even look like it.