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View Full Version : I think I might need a little help...

Aug 21, 2007, 09:45 PM
I've already beat the game with Hunters (I also played a long time ago but data got erased) but now I am playing Arkz storyline, and I am at Leukon Knight. I don't know a good strategy for this battle. Anyone got any tips?

Aug 24, 2007, 02:21 AM
Ahh I've beaten it a thousand times. Havent beaten it recently though..hmm

1) well, I Pretty sure that Hes an Aerial Monster, which means Lura can pretty much destroy him in 3 Turns if she has +1 Ap and a few choice action cards. You're in the beggining of the game and may not have this action though. Also, I use an AR code that allows me to use any deck at any time and so I forget if Lura is even available for that mission. Hmm...Ima go to that mish tonight and see if he's even a flying enemy. I tend to imagine that all my enemies fly when I'm playing as Lura.

Hmm ya know, it would really help if I went back to see who you can actually use for that battle. I'll post all the details tomorrow.

Aug 24, 2007, 05:26 AM
Hmmm. Never got to him with Arkz. I really gotta beat the game....
He has that perfect defense thing right? Negates all physucal damage one turn, elemental the next.....
If he does, (and you can use lura like Rag said), Summon a chaos sorceror. Have him do the elemental damage, while you do the physical.
Now, this is what i would try. Like i said, i never even got to him in Arkz

Aug 31, 2007, 04:49 PM
Just use the same stradegy you did with the hunter side version (white=use techs / black=use physical attacks). Use creatures with high AP, TP and HP. It helps to box him in with a couple of creatures with high hp to occupy him. While he's attacking them move your SC one space away from him every turn (to conserve action points).