View Full Version : MAGS, PLEASE HELP

Dec 27, 2002, 01:24 PM
How do i use the photon beam function ot whatever its called?

Dec 27, 2002, 01:46 PM
While you are raising your mag it will learn different photon blasts. During gameplay, there is a little bar next to your stats that has a number in it, ranging from 0 to 100. Once it reaches 100 you can use one of your Photon Blasts. Do this by holding the right trigger, then the corresponding button for the PB. (On GC)

Dec 27, 2002, 02:43 PM
Makaze is right.

What level is your mag? It will learn its first Photon Blast at level 10, the next at level 35, and the third at level 50. Your photon meter fills up in two ways:
1) From doing damage to enemies (spells don't count, boooooo!)
2) From taking damage from enemies.

Your mag may do something special when your photon meter reaches 100. It may even make you invincible, depending on the mag. However, the mag is more likely to do something "smart" like that if its IQ stat is high. Max IQ = 200.

Another important stat is Synchro (did I spell it right?). Your synchro effects the strength of your Photon Blast. The higher the synchro, the stronger the Blast will be. For example, with 120 (max) synchro, my own mag's photon blast does about 1200 damage. With 0 synchro, it does around 300. Note that your synchro goes down when you die, and up when you feed your mag certain items.

Dec 27, 2002, 04:58 PM
I'll move this to Mag/Quest/Section ID/Item related. =)

Make sure you check out our Guides (http://www.pso-world.com/sections.php) section for more help. =D

*moved to appropriate forum*