View Full Version : PSO-GC: What would be good for me right now?

Aug 31, 2007, 12:49 AM
hi, my ranger is level 32 and i have 140ATA, what would be good for me? Thx

Aug 31, 2007, 06:06 AM
Good mechguns with a decent hit %, a good rifle (preferably a Frozen Shooter if you have acess to Ultimate, but you'll need a tad more ATA for that =]) a shot (Crush Bullet? You should be able to find them at your level =]), and the best armour and frame you can get your hands on.
Make sure your MAG's got good stats too (all of mine are bias toward POW, but have around 50 DEX and 5 DEF =])

Aug 31, 2007, 09:00 AM
Have a decent saber/partisan on hand to do more damage to stronger enemies.

Aug 31, 2007, 10:14 AM
#1 Get a Soul Eater if you haven't already, the special on it is good.
#2 Start working on a good mag, preferably a 5Def, 145Pow, 50Dex, 0Mind or something close. It's enough Dex to keep you going, and enough power to make you strong.
#3 A decent Handgun/Rifle would be nice.
#4 Try to get a Secret Gear

Also, try to get your hands on a 4 slot armor (sometimes you see them in the shops, check often). IMO an armor isn't good unless it has at least 3 or 4 slots. I never move up an armor unless it has 4 slots (maybe that's just me). Throw in some Arm, and Power slot units in.

Mechguns are completely optional... chances are if you don't have enough power you won't be dealing enough damage to even bother keeping it at your current level.

If you're willing to you can always try to hunt out some sort of Doublesaber for some Melee attacks.