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View Full Version : Why do people keep thinking we will get bored of PSU if ever

Sep 9, 2007, 11:32 AM
Unless I've been living in a twilight zone for like the past 7 years, I specifically remember EVERYTHING being available from the start in PSO. All the way up to Blue burst...Everything was available to hunt for. And I'll be damned if I actually saw someone complain about their not being enough things to hunt o.o. Can someone explain to me how exactly PSU would get "boring" if everything was availabe to hunt all at once..ala PSO? Last time I checked, PSO lasted for well over 5 yrs with strong servers so.....yea...this discrepancy has me curious..someone care to elaborate..? Where is this mindset coming from =/.

Sep 9, 2007, 11:37 AM
would be TOO much to do; and we couldnt make up our minds on what to do; and go crazy and asplode

Sep 9, 2007, 11:39 AM
Because powergamers would get off their tits on coffee, and complete it all in a week, before going:


Then they'd moan there was nothing to do, and troll up internet forums, complaining there's nothing to do, and how much they hate the game, even moreso than some do already.

Sep 9, 2007, 11:43 AM
You can't satisfy everyone.

Sep 9, 2007, 12:07 PM
I'm bored of PSU now. I don't think "new" content which is basically just remakes of the stuff we already have is going to change that.

I doubt I'll be playing again until an event or the expansion comes out.

Sep 9, 2007, 12:07 PM
On 2007-09-09 09:43, Dhylec wrote:
You can't satisfy everyone.

Agreed. Personally, I think releasing everything at once would be kind of boring because it would get old soon, but the way SEGA does their updates now is no good either. It would be best to just release more at once, then to slowly give us one or two things...

Sep 9, 2007, 12:11 PM
Considering how useless much of the content is now, it almost makes sense for them to do it this way. I mean, how many missions are being used?

Then again, it could be like this just because of the few amount of places to go in the first place. At launch, pretty much the only area to go to was Parum, so everyone grinded Dragon. We still have this mind set, because it's the most energy efficient thing to do. Would we still do this if we got all the missions at once?

Sep 9, 2007, 12:13 PM
Clearly, you didn't play PSO.


I don't think Blue Burst (US) ever even got Respective Tomorrow. Did it?

Sep 9, 2007, 12:18 PM
well, people would've quit faster because they would've realized there was nothing to hold out for. Many stayed and stayed for the new content and such, before they realized it just wasn't worth it.

Personally, I don't care how much new crap they release. AoI is about the only thing that may bring me back to play a lot, and that's because of the new battle mechanics and nothing else.


Sep 9, 2007, 12:28 PM
If we got all the missions at once. People would be like "Yay new missions! Lets try them out!" Two weeks later, everyone will discover the next S2 Labs or Crimson. Queue bitching and moaning about lack of content.

What ST really needs to do is quadruple the amount of rares. Example? There are seven 9* rare Rifles in PSO. There are so few rares in PSU that even the lowest of the S-ranks take hundreds of runs to find. If they increased the density of rares and we actually had common rares like we used to, it might bring back some of the magic. Back in the day, I got so many Justys I couldn’t stand the sight of them (anyone else a Greenil?). But even though I would end up giving it away or stashing it with the others in my bank, seeing a red box was always nice.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: amtalx on 2007-09-09 10:29 ]</font>

Powder Keg
Sep 9, 2007, 01:03 PM
Well, people complained in PSO that there was "no new content."

Problem is, these PSU updates aren't really "New content" either. It's just LOCKED content that we get later to make it look like we're getting new content. This causes people to quit because they either already hit the level cap or can't find anyone because they're all crammed up in whatever the new mission is.

An example of new content would be a new online quest, or something like unlocking ultimate weapons (Like how Parasite Gene Flow never got released in PSO for some stupid ass reason.)

Sep 9, 2007, 01:08 PM
On 2007-09-09 11:03, Artea wrote:
An example of new content would be a new online quest, or something like unlocking ultimate weapons (Like how Parasite Gene Flow never got released in PSO for some stupid ass reason.)

That data was in the game, but was never released. Thats not new content, that's "locked content" by your own definition

Besides, the new missions are new, they aren't on the game disc, the area and enemies are, sure, but not the missions themselves.

Powder Keg
Sep 9, 2007, 01:14 PM

But do you think it actually makes sense to do it this way? People should see for themselves everything when they play the game, then decide whether or not they want to still play. I think locking it up actually causes more people to quit, not to mention the game dying with certain things not even being released.

Sep 9, 2007, 01:42 PM
Releasing everything at once would not get bored, because there are things called level caps. Sonic Team releasing the S2 variations of missions too late would cause the people running them to already be maybe 5-10 levels above the cap already, making it much easier and therefore boring. However, try running an S2 mission as soon as you hit the cap for it, and it will be more difficult. My opinion is, Sonic Team is releasing new missions or S2s way too late and should release them BEFORE a lot of people reach the level cap, because then people will want to level up as a goal to be able to reach this new missions and plunder the rares even at the level cap.

Sep 9, 2007, 02:53 PM
Im not too pissed off now about the whole ST milking this game and it's player base like cattle for months on end with content thats already available on the disc it's just locked.

I was REALLY pissed when I got the game on day 2 and had to wait just to go too moatoob.

That kinda signaled to me the way ST was going to handle this and man did it piss me off now with the content thats around im actually satisfied a bit I quit for awhile from about feb to about 2 weeks before the firebreak event.

Came back cause my buddies told me the game got an overhaaul and it's now possible to actually level characters and play without slaving like an animal to gain levels, money, Mission points, and A rank gear.

Seriously I want the content when I came back even with a high level there were lots of things to do new bosses too see and weapons to find it made the game worth it to me.

Sep 9, 2007, 03:11 PM
On 2007-09-09 10:13, PJ wrote:
Clearly, you didn't play PSO.


I don't think Blue Burst (US) ever even got Respective Tomorrow. Did it?

Um who exactly are you talking about with this comment? Becuz someone telling me I didn't play pso is the most assine assumption you can make about a person who posts on these boards and specifically brought up what pso used to be like. And when I mean content, I mean Items, rares etc etc. NOT missions and quests, which are typically just attempts to sugar coat dull and boring missions...even though it did work quite well. But I digress, we received pretty much all of our rares based on difficulty..so yea..everything was available...from the start, given you were on the right difficulty.

I'm not asking or saying it should be in PSU or anything, I was just curious as to how the hell this mindset even developed. Even from the first few replies, I already seen people saying boredom would inevitably set in with everything unlocked, if it hasn't already.... As many rares as there are potentially available in psu...not including expansion. You guys are trying to tell me that boredom would set in a lot faster? I dunno bout that...so right now I'd have to call bs.

Sep 9, 2007, 03:53 PM
On 2007-09-09 13:11, Ludamec wrote:

I'm not asking or saying it should be in PSU or anything, I was just curious as to how the hell this mindset even developed. Even from the first few replies, I already seen people saying boredom would inevitably set in with everything unlocked, if it hasn't already.... As many rares as there are potentially available in psu...not including expansion. You guys are trying to tell me that boredom would set in a lot faster? I dunno bout that...so right now I'd have to call bs.

Basically everyone that was sick of the way Sega did their "updates" pretty much left to play another game already. So the only people left are the people with that mindset.

Sep 9, 2007, 04:58 PM
Releasing all of the content on day 1 might have at least kept the several thousand or so people that seemed to quit and never come back in the first month from quitting, as well as helped review scores, getting more people to not overlook the game. Events like firebreak and time of year specific stuff, as well as the online story seems like it would have been enough on it's own to have kept the game interesting during that year, rather than locking away stuff you can do in the offline story for half a year. I really hope they handle PSU:AoI better than that first half a year of PSU.

Sep 9, 2007, 05:19 PM
it seems though that our updates are becoming more frequent than a few months ago, when we got them like, every other frickin month. >_>

it is better, but i can think of 3 really good things that would help this game a lot.

first: more rares to hunt, including rares for lower lvs, and having drop rates that dont suck ass.
second: pvp. i hear a lot of people complaining about not having it.
third: offline multiplayer!!!!!!!

Sep 9, 2007, 05:38 PM
On 2007-09-09 15:19, Ryan113 wrote:
it seems though that our updates are becoming more frequent than a few months ago, when we got them like, every other frickin month. >_>

Actually, looking at the official site, they've mostly kept up with an "every update three weeks" schedule, except for December/January where an S mission was added every week. There has been some variation on the actual amount of stuff added, though, of course. I do believe there have been one or two updates where the only item added was an new Episode 2 chapter.

Three weeks can seem like a rather long gulf between updates, though, I suppose, for those of us wanting more, more, more.

Personally, I don't think adding missions or unlocking areas is necessarily a bad idea, in and of itself: the execution leaves a little to be desired, though. As an example, I would have tried to have something on Moatoob available right from the start

The way they added S missions weekly in January was nice, and arguably the same should have been done with S2 missions,

Sep 9, 2007, 05:46 PM
silve i completely agree with you, just increasing the level cap and realising events etc. would have made a lot of players happy, also bringing in party missions etc. but then taking them away and replacing them upon each updates would have changed around the hotspots thus making it less mundane.

your point about increasing reviews scores is also true, a lot of the reviews i read simply put i cannot score this game highly because half of the game was unplayable.

Sep 10, 2007, 01:11 AM
Something similar to this came up in a magazine editorial.

Unfortunatly it seems the editorial is coming true. The question posed in it was something like
"With the ability to add content online or thru updates, will companies make slaker lame games with the excuse of 'we're updatin' it!' later on, but still charge full price?"
Then, since they already bagged your cash, they can hem and haw and do very little to improve their shoddy game because really, who cares? They got what they wanted already.

In this case, they want the illusion of 'active release content' which means stuff like firebreak/fam cup/holidays/ etc that is event-specific and you didn't already do it offline somewhere/it's not a re-hash. They didn't/couldn't do it though, so they rely on trickling out pre-done content to maintain their illusion.

Where it went wrong:
A good game has a GOOD FOUNDATION so that bonuses are bonuses and not completion of something that shoulda/woulda/coulda already been there. That's why it got bombed in reviews. No solid FUN foundation. As said in the post before 'grinding like animals' and sitting around at boring level caps that make sure every mission is murder, combined with the anti-soloing set up and you've got a recipe for quittersville.

The OP is the point here: everything on pso was out, so how come it was entertaining when everything flies in the face of that stance now? PSU could've had the same thing...if they'd of let out the base areas/rares from the start to give people something to push for. No one would complain if bonuses were bonuses and the extra content wasn't solely working on making "A complete game".

You start with a complete game. Then you give bonuses.

Sep 10, 2007, 01:45 AM
Um who exactly are you talking about with this comment? Becuz someone telling me I didn't play pso is the most assine assumption you can make about a person who posts on these boards and specifically brought up what pso used to be like. And when I mean content, I mean Items, rares etc etc. NOT missions and quests, which are typically just attempts to sugar coat dull and boring missions...even though it did work quite well. But I digress, we received pretty much all of our rares based on difficulty..so yea..everything was available...from the start, given you were on the right difficulty.

Not on Blue Burst. Blue Burst started at only Episode 1 with all difficulties but normal locked. As such, you couldn't get about 90% of the game's weapons, armor and items. All of which were fully accessible from the outset in previous releases of PSO.

And then, when Episode 2 came out, we didn't even get Challenge and Battle mode with it. All that stuff was released towards the end of Blue Burst's life.

Sep 10, 2007, 02:28 AM
something worth mentioning about pso is that it had 2 alternate activities. challange mode and battle mode and later card battles. also i think pso was a more open enviroment. psu tries to mimic a persistant world wich is a bad idea if your not gonna go all the way.

Sep 10, 2007, 03:05 AM
What is wrong with locked content? or do you think it is better for them to sell you a empty disk in the first place so that they can release your new content that aren't in the disk?

they can do this in 2 way :

1. give you a cheap empty disk , that contain very very few content, and let you download everything later after u online and keep update! (this is like many other MMORPG that give a free CD/or very cheap)
2. give you a big file disk that contain everything and lock content, keep unlocked it later with some new content together (same as psu now)

either 1. or 2., you will receive the same content, just different in which way they give you content

For me, I prefer 2, because I don't have to download much data every update, and I just log in suddently after every update.

Sep 10, 2007, 03:08 AM
I agree, it's better to have the data, though it's nice to DL it to, that way you can't know what your getting, surprises are fun. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Sep 10, 2007, 03:42 AM
the problem with locked content is mostly for people that have played a proper a mmo. psu at 100% is still much less content than a typical mmo at launch. another problem is being exposed to future content long before its released wich is definately the case with offline mode. you know all those cool new clothes we've seen AoI? i wouldnt be suprised if less than 30% of those are available at launch.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Alisha on 2007-09-10 01:45 ]</font>

Sep 10, 2007, 01:58 PM
On 2007-09-09 09:39, Esufer wrote:
powergamers would get off their tits on coffee


Sep 10, 2007, 02:02 PM
Here's what happens if they release everything at once:

1. Everyone finds the one mission with the best rewards.
2. Every other mission is ignored.
3. People complain that they need new content because they're tired of doing that one mission all the time.

Sep 10, 2007, 02:11 PM
On 2007-09-10 12:02, Ffuzzy-Logik wrote:
Here's what happens if they release everything at once:

1. Everyone finds the one mission with the best rewards.
2. Every other mission is ignored.
3. People complain that they need new content because they're tired of doing that one mission all the time.

This is correct. Sega will never please everyone by doing this. At least the current update system gives us the opportunity to suck one mission dry and then move onto the next.

Not to mention that not all of the updates are just 'unlocking stuff on the disk zomg.' Perhaps the best analogy would be to say that the disk holds the building blocks of the game and the server updates put them together.

Sega can't release everything at once if that everything has not been developed, localized, and tested. I get impatient for content, but it's not just a case of Sega snapping their fingers and stuff magically being released.

Sep 10, 2007, 02:17 PM
The thing about the content being on the disc and them unlocking it as opposed to making 'new' content is ps2 owners wouldn't have anywhere to store it after downloading it.
So they kind of have to do it that way.

Sep 10, 2007, 11:44 PM
The problem is they handled it in something of a retarded manner. Is one thing to have locked content that you unlock, but you don't necessarily have the locked stuff be stuff that is fully available in every mode but online.

Sep 11, 2007, 11:28 PM
On 2007-09-10 12:02, Ffuzzy-Logik wrote:
Here's what happens if they release everything at once:

1. Everyone finds the one mission with the best rewards.
2. Every other mission is ignored.
3. People complain that they need new content because they're tired of doing that one mission all the time.

But people already do that...

Sep 11, 2007, 11:42 PM
On 2007-09-11 21:28, Schubalts wrote:

But people already do that...

Right, but they do it incrementally.

If everything currently available had been released at the outset, everyone would have flocked to Duel in the Relics (or whatever the current hotspot is). As a result, De Ragan, Labs, Bruce, Crimson, and all the other prior hotspots would never have been played.

Sep 11, 2007, 11:50 PM
the big hitches in this thing are the fact that everything is released bit by tiny bit.

Their going at a pace like 1 mission a update, and the clothes[a big factor too] are being updated like one outfit per race set/gender.

Their in an "Inch worm like" update pattern.

to be more satisfiying to more people, go at a "leap and stop" pace, big segments like 4 missions, Level Cap, and like 3 sets of clothes for all race/Gender sets, then wait a long bit, then BOOM another update.

o.o it's at a snail's pace... it's just too slow right now.

also, some of the content doesn't exactly fit some styles and preferences... like the current clothing sets avaliable... expecially on females, both cast and fleshie.[in my opinion]

Sep 12, 2007, 12:07 AM
I'm actually very happy with the current speed of updates. In fact, I do not even have enough time to fully enjoy them before a new one arrives.