View Full Version : Online: Will clans work together?

Sep 10, 2007, 12:43 PM
Some of the longest term users are seperating into clans. Sounds fun, right? Hmmm.

My best PSU buddy asked me to join a clan he's starting for the "older crowd", not just for older peeps but for the people we know are easy going and don't complain, blah blah.

Here's my concern. The clans appear to be VERY competive, such as "if your in another clan than mine you can bite my nutsack".

I'm worried that, just by joining a clan, I will be making enemies of these types of people. I'd really hate to be kicked from a party because I'm in clan X and the leader is in clan Y.

I'd rather stay independant than make automatic enemies of some people. Do you understand where I'm coming from? I have no wish to be competitive, only to enjoy playing with all types of people.

Will the clans work together?

Sep 10, 2007, 02:17 PM
People are always going to be idiots when it comes to clans. If anything, joining a clan makes their E-peen get harder. I never joined clans since there's always this clan hate. I came her to try and enjoy/play the game, not to hear you whine about how X clan hates Y clan. It's pointless IMO since there's no real goal. It might be useful if we get an ingame clan option (a la PSO:BB).

Anyways, you don't have to join the clan to enjoy the game. As long as you know the person I'm sure loads of people will find you a decent person to join up with.

Sep 10, 2007, 09:56 PM
PC games, yes. XBOX Live, no way.

Clans are always going to make enemies, but bigger clans (with their own servers) tend to band together. Nice to hear "Oh, you're in that clan? I was over there a few days ago, cool server."