View Full Version : Deleted User/Unregistered User

Sep 13, 2007, 09:40 AM
I remember seeing this pop up a lot in the old PSO screenshot threads, once they got a lot of pages.

I've noticed lately that it's appearing a lot more often now, and even in threads with a small amount of pages, such as this one:

I'm not sure if we're meant to report these (I noticed all the threads which get it lately get locked), but it does seem to be affecting smaller threads now too, so just a heads-up really. Surely it would be a bit ridiculous to continually recreate the screenshot threads every few pages, rather than every month?

Sep 13, 2007, 05:00 PM
Due to recent several hiccups with the database server, several threads have gotten out of synch with the number of replies in the thread. When this happens, you'll see "Deleted User." We're working with Gamespy to try to identify the source of the Database hiccups. If you do spot any "Delete User" threads, PM a moderator and they'll take care of it.